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The late morning sun is billowing down on Sage's face, giving her no option, but to slowly come to her senses.

Her face is slowly rising and falling along with Draco's drawings of breath, light puffs of air cooling her forehead.

His aroma is a constant cloud surrounding her, like oxygyn, life-threatening when absent for long enough.

His arm is securely holding her against him, his fingertips lightly brushing the skin of her stomach.

His own stomach is revealed, the blanket having slid down to his navel overnight.

She runs her fingers along his toned torso, in every gap and up every raise, forming goosepumps on his smooth skin.

He doesnt say anything, but the minimal pick up of his heartbeat is a sign of his own awakening.

Why not tease him?

The tips of her fingers slowly work their way to his side, gently running them up and down. He shivers, but nothing more.

Not enough.

Sage adds more pressure, moving her fingers in faster motion. Thats when he is jerking slightly sideways, away from her hand and more into her body.

"Dont even try it." His groggy voice warns her, taking hold of her wrist.

Like she will give up.

She looks up at him, a mischievous smile making his eyes widen. Her free hand moves to his other side, doing a devilish work of tickling before he can even register and the sound of his musical laughter fills the room.

"Stop... stop.... stop..."

His body wrenches and twists, while Sage is on her knees by now, tickling him with both hands, thanks to him letting her wrist go. His head is going all ways, spilling the most useless warning at her through their laughs, his hands trying to swat away her hands.

At some point he gains control over her waist and switches position, him straddeling her as he does a relentless job at tickling the shit out of her.

"Stop- you know- I'm sen-sitive."

She is squirming between his strong legs as laughs escape them resistlessly. She is kicking her legs and trying to get back at him, but he pins her down by her wrists, the whole thing coming to a stop.

Their laughter dies down, chests rising and falling sharply, but the grins seem to be glued to their faces. His grows more lustful as he becomes aware of her position, his tongue gliding over his lips.

He stoops down, blond strands of hair tangling down and tickling her forehead. "How about I make you squirm a different way?"

Her hips reply faster than her words can as they buck up into his groin and an involuntary wicked grin spreads across his face.

He reaches for his wand on the nightstand and sends two spells at the door in one swift motion.

His lips slant onto hers, nipping the bottom one to gain access and slip his tongue in.

Both groan into the kissing, tongues playing and exploring sensually and he is relishing in the feeling of her.

Her sweet taste.
Her soft skin.
Her magnolia scent.

He could drown in her.

He already did.

His growing errection is pressing against her stomach through the fabric of his boxers, causing her to groan as she feels her underwear become wet.

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