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"I cant believe that he doesnt want to see me." Sage could rip her hair out with all the irritability simmering under her skin.

Theo was sent to St. Mungo's from Hogwarts and everyone of the group joined in on the trip. He has been going in and out of consciousness, but he is being monitored closely and in the process of healing his wounds.

So far so good. Only...

He was persisting on seeing no one besides Maeve. Draco took the opportunity and forced Sage to get checked out, since she had three seperate torture curses cast upon her. She is fine, got some aftercare medication.

So, after being rejected by their best friend, Blaise invited everyone to stay at his and his mothers residence in central london. A multiple story townhouse, which shows off their wealth in a tasteful modern way. It will be practical, since the ministry is a five minute walk away and that is a place they will surely have to visit in the next time.

Malfoy Manor is a place Draco doesn't want to return to and the same goes for Narcissa.

Now, in the middle of the day, after a much needed shower where they scrubbed each other of blood and dirt, Sage and Draco are getting ready for bed.

She can feel how her muscels yearn to be under the covers for maybe the next five days. She is snuggled up in bed, wearing one of Nalani's nightgowns, since she doesnt even have any underwear or anything on her.

Draco is doing who knows what in the attached bathroom while Sage is complaining to him.

"It is not because of you, Blossom. He feels guilty. I would too in his place. Sure, it is not his fault- like at all. He didnt know." He takes languid steps into the room. "But it is still his father who took your sisters life."

"I know that, and I want to tell him just that, but it's not possible if he keeps refusing to see me. All he'll do now is make himself feel more and more guilty."

She giggles when Draco's face pops up form under the covers. He is positioned right between her legs and lays his head on her chest with his arms around her.

"Is that okay?"

"Its good. Love the pressure of your weight ontop of me." She yawns despite her effort to keep it in.

"I know." He mumbles, his heartbeat in sync with hers. "But hit me on the head or something when it gets too heavy."

The curtains are drawn and add to their sleepiness. She wraps her legs around his middle and they fall asleep to her hands massaging his head.

They are lucky and Sage is more than grateful that most of her loved ones came out of this unscathed.

It's just Theo that worries her.


Little light shines through slits of the dark curtains, which helps Sage to check the clock. A little past nine in the morning. Draco is still fast asleep on her in the exact position they fell asleep in, his ear right above her slow beating heart.

In their sleep they would sometimes flinch or shortly wake up, only to find that they are safe and sound in each others arms. Once Draco apparently went to the bathroom and when he opened the door to come back out, the sudden loud noise startled her so much that she shot awake. He crawled back into place and assured her that nothing will happen again.

Despite the tragic and honestly traumatic events of the battle, Sage, for the first time in years, feels at ease. Sure, there are still some things to take care of, but at least there is no dark wizard anymore that holds their life by a thread.

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