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Draco appears behind Sage by the table where everyone in the house currently present stands, a couple minutes later after waiting for his hard-on to go down. Her staying would have done no good, so she went ahead to where an immediate meeting was being called by Clark and Arthur.

Nothing important has been mentioned yet, still waiting for others to arrive from around the house and Sage expects, hopes, for news from the trio's mission.

"I'm sorry." She whispers to her slightly pouting boyfriend.

"Its fine." He grumbles, taking her hand in his and planting a kiss to her knuckles.

"I will make it up to you." She gives him a meak smile. She got all excited and now he will have to walk around with that dissatisfied feeling. She cant have that.

He pecks the side of her head but before he can respond to that, the men at the head of the table speak.

"Now that everyones here- Dumbledore's Army informed, Harry, Hermoine and Ron are now in Hogwarts. We will follow suit and offer as much help as possible. Expect a battle of large scale." Clark says loud and clear. "Let's go!"

And with that, tumult takes place, people snatching their wands from god knows where, talking over each other while also following the head men outside out the barrier.

It is really happening.

They are going to fight.

"Are you nervous?" Draco asks her while clutching her hand tightly, steps away from apparating.

"Yes." She replies. "A good nervous. I wanna break some necks."

"WE ARE GOING TO HOGWARTS." Theo skips to the couple with pure excitement.

Draco furrows his brows. "You love that school so much?"

"No, dimbo, our girlfriends are there." Blaise catches up to them in a half-sprint.

Sage gasps, leading all three boys to look at her worrisome until her face construes in a very happy smile. "Pansy."

"Apparate to Hogsmeade, then hurry to HogsHead Inn." Arthur gives a brief order and uurges everyone to apparate immediatly.

In that hurry, everything goes by quickly. A massive line of people bulge into the doors of said pub and is more or not greeted by someone who introduced himself as Aberforth. Through a tunnel behind a painting they all scurry their way, Theo still bouncing up and down like there's no tomorrow.

Another wave of tumult explodes, when the other side to the tunnel opens, beckoning the so many Order members into Hogwarts. People run off to friends and family, the trio just finished talking to everyone in the what seems to be the room of requierement. It is filled with hammocks strung from the ceiling, definitely a headquarter for Dumbledore's Army.

Sage is surprised to spot a raven-haired bob that is in conversation with the other two members of their own little eight-member group. She follows Theo and Blaise, who nearly fall of the steep staircase down and stumble over their own feet in order to reach that specific group.

The two boys engulf Daphme and Maeve in a tight embrace seemingly out of nowhere in their eyes. Pansy shrieks by the sudden appearance of two of her friends and shrieks even louder when she is pulled into the same kind of embrace by Sage, who believes her eardrums might have burst. They jump up and down while not wanting to let go yet.

Sage takes in the scent of Pansy's peach scent after being deprived of it for so long. She is safe and sound in her arms, breathing and okay. Huge relief floods over Sage and what seems like Pansy too, who squeezes her too death.

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