Part 1

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Surely she was wrong. "You want to go out with me?" Jena's eyes couldn't help but convey the fact that she simply did not believe him. Time stopped. At least that is what it felt like to her. Why would he want to go out with her? They only met, she flicked a look at her watch, ten minutes ago.

The shock in her voice reflected her confusion and concerns. What is going on here? There are times when your thoughts do not match the reality of the situation. She blinked. And in her head, she went over the last few moments. Caught her lower lip between her teeth as she reviewed the circumstances and his statements.

Caleb watched her. Interesting, he thought, when he noted she narrowed her eyes. She would not be a good poker player, her thoughts were reflected in her eyes.

Jena treaded water as she considered her options in this predicament. Perhaps she misunderstood his question or perhaps he phrased his question to give the impression he wanted to go out with her. That was unlikely, she smiled. But everything was spinning in her mind. She must have missed a crucial bit of information, or living in a parallel universe, she thought and banked her smile.

Caleb watched emotions flit through her eyes: he could see the confusion, apprehension, the utter bafflement and the unexpected humour. And for some reason, he did not call security, given he was facing a mad woman!

The woman was an enigma. She arrived, without an appointment, demanded, no, actually ordered him, to follow her instructions! It suggested she was confident. She believed he asked her out and her astonishment, seen in her eyes, revealed insecurity.

Caleb wiped the flat of his hand down the front of his face, his fingers and thumb stroked his jaw. Clearly this woman did not know him. So either a con-woman or she was suffering from delusions.

He nearly smiled.

Jena settled for a frown. But her concern intensified when she registered his smile. His satisfaction escalated when she huffed when she saw his reaction. The man was a conundrum. He had maintained his composure, no sign of fury, or fears, or nervousness in his face or in his tone, despite the fact she had practically insisted that he does not date Melanie!

Her request was met with calmness, as if you had just asked for a tea with sugar and found the sugar was missing. The fact he had just watched her, had registered her request, but the tone in his voice did not change. Clearly unflappable! But his replies, albeit delivered with no animosity, suggested he was a man with no ethics or kindness, her heart whispered: Like a tyrant. Her head disagreed, no sign of a tyrant's traits, just calmness in the face of calamity. Jena narrowed her eyes, and did her best to hide her reaction as the struggle between her head and heart continued.

She came here, to his office, to sort out a matter that was significant to her cousin, Tony. Family was important to her. Simple things matter. Sorting out family problems was not common, because she had a small family, actually most were extended family or family that were actually friends, but still, they were family. No siblings. No parents. No grandparents. So cousins were important. And Tony was her cousin. She was here to protect Tony, because he was important to her. 

Just a shame she never thought this could spiral out of control. The man was beyond her league. Too late to note that. The question is how do you extricate yourself from chaos? Her thoughts swirled in her mind, as she reached the conclusion that the best option is to leave, as soon as possible. But her feet were stuck to the floor and her brain did not order, move. Probably because she assumed she would meet a man with principles and morals.

That assumption was clearly wrong. 

And the fact that he was enjoying this skirmish with relish, while she was fed up with the situation suggested that she was dealing with man with no ethics. Or had a warp sense of humour.

He allowed her to talk, did not interrupt her, heard her statements, and then demolished them with facts that he announced peacefully. The fact his eyes reflected his wit, while her eyes reflected her concerns, dealing with this situation, suggests she clearly did not know this man.

And he did not know her. But her head torpedoed that thought, because everything about him suggested a man not prone to letting his emotions get the better of him and was managing her with ease. Like a cat toying with a rat. Actually more like a lion toying with a soft toy mouse. His eyes conveyed the fact that he was enjoying this skirmish. It was in the very way he spoke. Calm. Paced. Measured. The way he carried himself. Confident. Assured. Certain. The fact his composure had never wavered, while her confidence vanished.

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