Part 116

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Jena opened the door, caught the corner of lips between her teeth, before she said, "Sorry, I am a bit late." She was nervous. She had spend hours, literally, preparing for this and she forgot to close doors to the deck before she opened the front door to Caleb. "Do come inside, I just need to close the doors to the deck. Just give me a few minutes. It wouldn't take a lot of time, I just need to check. Come in." And berated herself for rambling. And she did not realise that Caleb simply remained at the door.

Caleb's breath caught rend him mute. It was probably the first time in his life that he had been reduced a statue. He could not believe what he was seeing. Wrapped in liquid mercury, metallic silk, is what she looked like, and utter stunning. He was tempted to ask her if she was wearing anything under that? Pure silk. Every sinew below that dress was coated in metal silk. Like burnished mercury.

Her hair was styled to suit the dress, mirroring the shine, and was moving like her dress.

He could not believe that he had to tell him to breathe. But apart from that, he could not move. So he remained at the front door.

Jena was wringing her hands. She just hoped her decision was the right one. She had never been to a red-carpet event, and had seen the dresses worn by those attending. So today, she had bought something that might be ok. And risqué!

"Sorry. Come in. I just need to collect my wrap and close the deck doors from the rooms." She said again when she noted that Caleb had not moved from the door. "Do come in, Caleb."

"You might want to change." He muttered. He said more loudly and added, "Fuck! You might want to change." He knew he had built this date in his mind, since that kiss that was stopped in the street days ago. But he was not expecting her to rob him of his breath, without any contact. Let alone, to become hard without any real effort from her.

"What?" She narrowed her eyes. Obviously he was teasing her. But she was worried by his expression. "You ok?" Jena asked when she noted Caleb was still at the door and was frowning. Again, this time she said softly, "Do come inside, Caleb!"

"Thanks." He rubbed the back of his head. "Er, can I use your bathroom?"

"Yes. Of course." She nodded at the door. "Just on your left." She looked at him, she hoped he was teasing her when he told her to change her dress. "Excuse me. I will not be long. Just need to shut the doors to the deck. I forgot to close them earlier." She reminded herself, "And pick up my wrap." As she moved away.

He watched her as she went into the kitchen and disappeared. He exhaled, closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. "Fuck!" He muttered.

Caleb opened the bathroom door and went inside. He took off his jacket, untied his bow, unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. He hung his jacket and shirt on the back of the door and then open the cold water tap at full pelt and put his head below it! He prayed that the cold water would help.

He could not believe this. Hard without any touch.

Jena was thinking about his statement. Was he teasing? She frowned, she knew she did not have anything suitable for a red-carpet event. She had closed the door from the kitchen-lounge to the deck and was about to do the same with her bedroom when she noted the bathroom was still closed and she heard splashing! No point wondering, she could ask him and in any case she also had to close the door between the other bedroom and the deck, and she was running late. She just wished she had started to dress earlier, to allow her time. But because she did not know what to do with her hair, so she had fussed for an hour, changing the style and eventually decided to leave her hair down. And now, he wanted her to change her dress? Was he teasing, again the thought raced through her head. Maybe the shawl would elevate the dress, she sighed.

She was adjusting her shawl's drape, when Caleb emerged from the bathroom, his hair was towelled dry but still damp, and he noted Jena draped a shawl over her shoulders and covering the top of her torso.

"Are you ok?" She noted his bow tie was untied and his hair was damp!

"No." He muttered.

Jena blinked and stopped in her tracks. Obviously her attire was not ok. "I see." Her eyes went wide, "What happened to your hair and your tie?" And she added, "Look, Caleb, I don't have anything else suitable for this event. It is this or I don't go." She shrugged. Obviously she was not going to go, if he was embarrassed by her attire, which was a shame because she was looking forward to this and she thought the dress was perfect. She told him, "I bought this today. Especially for you."

This mercury-silver satin evening gown that shimmered when she moved, and the bias cut, with embroidery on her back, with bling lace on her neckline and the sides, was like watching mercury move, at least that is what the sale assistant said. And she thought it would be perfect for this event. But clearly that was not ok.

"Fuck!" He murmured again. For someone who was seen with beautiful women on his arm, wearing racy dresses, in some cases, practically see-through or nothing, seeing Jena in a metal dress should not elicit this response. But he was right. He was pretty sure, if he moved, he would come, despite putting his head under the tap cold water.

"Honestly, Caleb, I only have this. Sorry. Nothing in my wardrobe would suit this event. The assistant at the shop this would be suitable for a red carpet event. I am sorry, it might be best if I don't ..."

He rubbed a hand behind his head. His eyes met hers when he interrupted her statement, "Jena, you look amazing. Beautiful, as normal, and you look perfect in that dress. Stunning." At least now she had draped her shawl over her dress, reducing the impact of the dress. She was wearing a burnished metal mercury colour slip masquerading as a dress, and he was not sure if she was wearing anything under that dress. Stop think about her naked! He thought he said in his mind, "Hard again!" He blinked, groan, "I said that aloud, didn't I!"

Her concerns vanished. "er, yes." He was aroused, is that what he said? She was not sure it would be politic to lower her eyes to check!

"Fuck." He rubbed his neck. "Fuck. Thank goodness you have a shawl." He rifled his hair which reminded Jena his hair was wet.

"Why is your hair wet?"

"No time for a cold shower, so I put my head under the cold tap!"

Surely that was a fabrication, she thought. "Are you kidding, you put your head under the cold tap? Why?"

"I thought splashing cold water on my face and head, might help!" He grinned when he noticed her bemusement, "And you will have to help me to retie my bow!"

She blinked. "er. Ok, but not sure I would be good at that. Limited experience in tying a bow." But she moved towards him and reached for the edges of his bow.

His eyes on her as she retied his bow. He took note of her makeup, and knew for a fact that lipstick was not going to last.

He kissed her. Fast. Hard. Short. He stepped away.

She blinked.

"Just to take the edge off!" He muttered. "I am hoping, that by the time we reach, you can remove that shawl. You look amazing, Jena."

"Thank you. I thought you did not approve of my dress. You told me to change."

"Because I was not expecting this. Getting hard. So fast!" He said bluntly.

She blinked. He was not teasing. He was hard.

Caleb said quietly, "You are stunning, Jena. Utterly stunning. But your dress is a lethal weapon!"

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