Part 11

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This was the trouble. He was treating her visit as a farce. Her patience was waning. She ignored his sarcasm and said, "I am sorry I interrupted your busy, difficult day, Mr Harland, and definitely did not turn up here as entertainment. I thought I would appeal to your conscience, I would tell you about my cousin, discuss the matter, like adults, and I thought, with due consideration, a decent gentleman might review his intentions and agree to my suggestion." She, much to his hidden amusement, gave him the same once over he had given her, and like him, made sure her eyes conveyed the fact he was falling far short of her expectations.

"Fine, Ms Silva. With due consideration, as a decent gentleman, I have reviewed my plans, considered your suggestion and my intentions have not changed! Goodbye, Ms Silva." 

She sighed, "What happened to your scruples?" He thought about curtailing her next speech, but he, for some reason, was finding her conduct and manners fascinating. Despite the difference between their physiques, she thought she could handle this meeting. That is what he found interesting. She was scared, really nervous, laced with obvious concerns, and barely veiled fury, which he saw in her eyes. But her body language, and the fact that she remained glued to the floor, revealed her spine was steel. Brave. Guts. Stubborn. Or foolish? She maintained her composure regardless of his criticism. He watched as her eyes revealed she was re-establishing her poise. Yes, definitely courageous, certainly gutsy and unquestionably determined. Jena shook her head to give her statement some gravitas, "Unfortunately, today, I learnt from your reaction, that you are not a gentleman! Your reputation is a farce!"

Caleb nearly laughed at her attempt to disparage him. Jena ignored the glimpse of a smile in his eyes.

"Actually you do not have even the skeleton of a gentleman, at all! Just a cockroach!" Jena huffed, and with a touch of frustration she added, "No sign of any scruples or morals at all. Like a weasel!" He quirked a brow, and rubbed his lips with his thumb to hide his grin as she resorted to animals comparison. Jena ignored his behaviour and reminded him, "Melanie is engaged to Tony. My cousin." She pointed out. It was not news to him. She had repeated that statement in their ten-minutes conversation. But had no impact on him, then or now. Entertainment was replaced by boredom. "A gentleman would not take another man's fiancée on a date when the other man is not in town!"

Caleb nearly snorted at her comment. Instead he maintained his equanimity and asked with silky disdain, "You believe that Melanie is engaged to your cousin."

"Yes. Of course. I told you that. Repeatedly!" She huffed and mumbled beneath her breath, "The only person with issues with communication is you!"

"Melanie is engaged to your cousin, Tony, right?"


"According to who?"

"What?" Her brow furrowed.

"According to who? And you have the gall to suggest my imagination is out of control!" His eyebrows rose. He thought back to his conversation with Melanie. Melanie had not mentioned anyone, let alone being engaged and she was not wearing a ring. But the woman standing in front of him wanted him to believe that Melanie was engaged. "So according to who? Your cousin? Melanie? Or just you? Since when?"  

Caleb knew he would never poached. He asked Melanieabout her life, her work, her reason for being in town and attending that event.And there was no mention of a boyfriend, let alone a fiancé.

His question presented a bit of a stumbling block. 

Jena didn't want to lie. But surely embellishing a little was not a lie? 

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