Part 86

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His arms snaked around her waist holding her tightly as he lowered his head. He felt her pulse kick up as his thumb caressed her throat, and again as they started on another rollercoaster ride. With one arm cushioning her head he kissed her lips. He moved his head, angled to take in her lower lip with his lips. He gently sucked and then released her lower lip, before echoing the action with her top lip. His tongue bathed her lips seam. She opened her lips, and the tip of his tongue entered her mouth.

Adrenaline surged. Taking his time, striving for control, his tongue caressed hers. Her hands roved. The pads of her fingers grazed each skinned vertebrae, then dug into the tense muscles coiled on either side of his spine. Boosting her and his adrenaline. Control eluded Caleb acknowledging her uninhibited reaction. Her tongue fenced with his.

Needing oxygen, he broke off the kiss. He breathed into her neck, but breathing hard, he nuzzled her cheek, her jaw, rubbing the area beneath her ear, grazing to leave a mark, leaving an impression of his lips. Brand done, his lip returned to her lip. His hand cradling her head, holding her in place while his lips and tongue roamed over her face. Again, broke away to refill his lung with oxygen. Jena nipped the mound at the base of his thumb, her unfettered reaction invited him to pick up where he left off. Fighting for control, breathing hard, he resumed the kiss. His mouth descended on hers, his tongue surging forward, the impact registered when her shoulders and hips flattened against the outer wall She registered he was hard and his tongue mirrored that. She was pinned, with his tongue, his hands and his hard-on. Desire spiraled through her.

Movements sparked a pleasure riot in Caleb's cells. Jena's nerve endings erupting in orchestrated jazz. Her yearning, his craving, and their collective wanting, merged. Jena and Caleb could feel the rolling waves of desire in every cell. Both realized that they were no longer in control of feelings or actions. Autonomous, unfettered, unreserved, wild and honest response.

Caleb with previous experience to count on, was not expecting this. Not this kaleidoscope of sincere desire.

Her response to his caress was electric. He could hear her heart, telex at every pulse points, and his heart replied to her morse code. Straightforward honesty was echoed in their heart. The pace and jumps matched his heart and his pulse to hers. Despite his experience, Caleb was just as rattled as Jena. Instantaneous, with no preamble, passion flared and blossomed. He groaned and pulled her closer, crushing her to him. Her response, like him, was unrestrained. Uninhibited. No reservation.

Again he slanted his mouth over hers. His tongue explored her mouth: Intimately tormenting and gently invasive. Her tongue reciprocated his every move. Jena's fingers on one hand held his head in hostage and her fingers on her other hand dug into his butt, as while he teased her with his lips and hips.

Their hearts hammered loudly. He pressed firmly against her, leaving her in no doubt.

But a few minutes later they came up for air. Foreheads together, eyes closed, both breathing hard.

He murmured, "I was going to say, sorry. That kiss was unexpected..."

She interrupted hastily as a frisson of alarm uncoiled within. She pushed away, and escaped his hands. How could he say it was unexpected. Had he forgotten their earlier kisses? Albeit it was days ago. Perhaps he had forgotten the kisses. But she had not forgotten it. It surfaced in her daydreams, and kept her awake during the night, reviewing their kiss, and she clearly had enhanced the impact. "You are sorry." She pushed away, and continued, "What...

"Damn it." He growled and interrupted, as he realized that Jena was misreading his apology. Trying to placate her, he said, "Jena, you know that kiss was out of control."

Is that the point of a kiss? That it is out of control, she thought. Governed by feelings, not by logic. She pursed her lips, counted to ten and then said with deliberate coolness "And whose fault is that?" She folded her arms across her chest, as she knew her nipples would confirm she was still aroused.

The placatory tone was lost on her, "Mine." He knew Jena's folded arms was to cover the evidence of her arousal, unfortunately for him he could not do the same for his hard-on.

She had made many of the moves in their kiss. And her honesty gene would not allow him to shoulder the blame. She closed her eyes. "Ours. I think."

He smiled. "Yes. I guess." He watched her eyes, "So, what do you want to do about that? And don't forget our lunch date."

She took a couple steps away, and focused on his last statement because it was easy to address, unlike his question, referring to their kiss. She shrugged and glanced at him, "When you find time, let me know." 

Exasperation was beginning to seep into his voice, "I get the impression that you are stalling." He was starting to worry. He was sure that she did not registered the kiss-impact on him. His heart was thumping with adrenalin. His pulse would need medication to alleviate his high blood pressure. And he knew, this kiss was not ordinary. And definitely not average.

"Are you kidding?" She smiled cheekily. "If you think that kiss was evidence of stalling, we have different views of stalling!" She was struggling to re-gather her equilibrium. Even now, with space between them, she still felt him, in every single cell in her body.

Caleb hooted with laughter. When he stopped laughing he asked, "So, we are on, for date?" He did not wait for her to reply. He just hauled her to him and hugged her

She extricated herself from the cuddle, if they re-engaged and resumed the kiss, she knew she would have sex at her front door. She said, "Yes. I as said, you let me know when you are available. You are away for a week, I can't do this week, so when you return, let me know, we can arrange a time." She flashed him a withering smile. Because she was pretty sure that she would fall off his radar soon. Their earlier kiss, and today's kiss, would have appeased his interest in her. But if they kissed now, she would not recover from heartbreak.

She put distance between them, she stepped into the hallway, and reached for the door handle, and moved the door signaling she was going to close the door. "Good night."

He remained at the door. "I will be in touch. Do not assume this is over. You do not have the monopolize on obstinacy." He ran his fingers through his hair, "Good night, Jena." He turned around and walked to his car.

She watched him drive away. And slumped against the door before closing the door. She did not move. Just breathing hard, as if she had completing a marathon. She closed her eyes, and her unfettered response to his kiss reappeared. Her palms and fingers cupped her face, "Fuck! What am I going to do about my feelings?" She whispered. She lowered her hands, opened her eyes, and stared at her image in her mirror in the hallway, saw the brand on her throat, the state of her lips, the flush on her cheek, and the sparkle in her eyes, "Fuck!" And she smiled.

Caleb drove along the shingle private road, thoughts racing, emotions vying for consideration, and when he reached the junction to the public road, he stopped. "Fuck! What is going on here?" He murmured. He exhaled. He thought his reaction to their first kiss, days ago, was just a novelty. But the kiss today shows when lust and love is merge it elicits unbound tastes, wanton behaviour and it feels different. And definitely better. "Fuck!" And he grinned.

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