Part 34

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Much to Caleb's amazement, the conversation did not return to his celebrity status, instead her friends returned to the story the group was sharing earlier on. Once again, within seconds they were laughing as Ali recounted a recent exploit. Ali's exploits were hilarious. So the laughter was endless. It also gave Caleb a chance to review his unexpected reaction to Jena. 

Coffee was topped up regularly, as the evening headed for the wee small hours. This is the difference, Caleb thought, as he remembered his dinner date with Melanie and this supper event with Jena and her friends: Relaxed. Contented. Unexpected. And wonderful.

Interestingly, Caleb found himself listening avidly, occasionally sharing the odd anecdote. But he was not the centre of the conversation, and that was a blessing. They appeared to have placed him on the same level as each other. So rather than bask in his limelight, they were happy to share stories, tease each other openly and pass the time as if he was simply one of their friends. That he realized came from the cues given by their host. Jena had not made a big deal about him, had treated him with the same cavalier attitude she used with the others, even serving him coffee in one of her random mugs and simply giving him a slice of banana cake served on a paper serviette. Nothing about her engagement with him suggested deference. He was a guest. But not a celebrity.

Even more interesting, was the fact that Melanie had, for the most part of the evening, been feeling sorry for herself, he thought. He also acknowledged first impressions were not necessarily correct. Especially Melanie: Sweet, she might be, but she was also the kind of woman to take umbrage at the smallest slight and the kind of woman who would attempt to use that to guilt a man. That would not do. He did not want a wife who would take umbrage easily, for he was not an easy man to live with and he would prefer not to live in constant fear of walking on egg shells. And his impression of Melanie was revised earlier this evening. When she had tried, with no success, to badger him, for compensation. She tried to push him around, to bend to her demands. When he did not concede, she wore a pout throughout dinner, with crocodile tears in her eyes. Her blatant emotional blackmail backfired. What he needed to balance all his hard edges was someone who was thoughtful, kind-hearted and caring, not a schemer. He needed a partner who would not take advantage of his faults, vulnerabilities or unanticipated errors and his partner would not use them as weapons.

That was the difference between Melanie and Jena. 

Melanie tried to take advantage of his flaws while Jena tried to take advantage of his strength! Jena assumed he was a gentleman and he would adhere to the gentlemen conduct code while Melanie assumed his conduct would present opportunities for her to harvest and plunders. 

The early part of the evening, with Melanie had been nothing short of a disaster. She'd tried unsuccessfully to guilt him about his late arrival. He did not take kindly to her subtle attempts at emotional blackmail. No chance of that with Jena, he thought, as his gaze flicked to her face. No manipulation required. Jena was straight with him about her request. She did not want him to date her cousin's 'girlfriend'. The only fly in the ointment, was that he and Jena did not have the same view about Melanie's position and relationship status. He had asked Melanie, again, when he asked her out for the second date, if she had a boyfriend, even asked about Tony. She told him, Tony was a friend from her town. Nothing more.

Caleb turned his attention to Jena. She was currently laughing at something Kevin said, and her face wreathed in smiles had gone from beautiful to stunning. He recognised the pang of jealousy. Jena and Kevin obviously were good friends. And Caleb wanted that. That thought was derailed when his mind reminded him, while he and Melanie knew they were not on a date, he knew that Jena thought he was on a date with Melanie. 

Caleb rubbed his jawline with his palm and he acknowledged he ruined his integrity. What happened to his strong moral principles. He knew he had made a mistake:  he ignored the fact he did not fancy Melanie, and the fact this missing element was stymied by his impression of her character because he wanted to see in a potential wife. The first time he took her out to show her around his city,  and to buy him some time to see if that missing element surfaces. But that first time was a washout. The second time he took Melanie out, was because of Jena: pride, conceit and arrogance, he knew. Because she told him not to take Melanie out.     

Ali recounted another escapade. And Caleb forced his mind to focus on Ali's account. With in seconds, Jena rubbed at her face, to massage the muscle at her cheeks, and to remove happy tears leaking from her eyes, because she was laughing so much. There was no guile in her face. A beautiful face, he thought. No embellishment. Beautiful eyes, with nature allure, no enhancement from makeup. No sign of any makeup. Her beauty was an understatement. In an attempt to pull out of this unexpected attraction, he moved his gaze to her friends.

Her friends seemed to be equally frank. Funny. Sincere. Open. Unaffected. Outspoken. His gaze returned to Jena. Within a second, his heart recognized her inner beauty enhanced her appeal. His brain registered the fact that the 'missing element 'and his impression of Jena's character ticked all the boxes for his wife. She was the genuine article. 

He was shocked by the fact his heart's beat escalated, despite he barely knew her. Something in his world changed.  And even more surprising, without a kiss, or a hug or a caress, he was smitten.  That was a shock for someone who could control his emotions.

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