Part 74

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He grinned reached over for his glass and took another sip. "You might remember I was at Bruce's wedding, and saw the cake. Although, at that time, you did not tell me it was yours."

"It is wasn't mine. Sally made it." She corrected automatically,

Caleb talked with Bruce before he approached her company on behalf of Sophie, so Caleb knew she designed it, while Sally made it. "I spoke to Bruce. So I know you designed it. And your cake won plaudits. Even now, talking about Bruce's wedding, everyone remembers the 'defiant-gravity-cake'! It was named at the wedding! And the cake was the topic for weeks. "

She tipped her head to the side as she mulled his statements,  "Designing the cake is easy, but bringing it to the table, is crucial." She glanced at her laptop, which had the teams' schedule and was trying to ensure her customers get the best service. 

He watched her face. "Given the accolades for this cake, most would bask in the glory given it was their concept. The cake was amazing, well actually, the appearance was jaw-dropping good and the combination flavour was astounding."

She said nothing. She was proud of the cake, but she also remembered his statements at his office. 

He chuckled. "But you, apparently, are not good at accepting compliments. Why is that?" His smile wasn't reciprocated.

She ran her finger tips over the rim of the glass, and stared at the contents as she said, "If I remember correctly, you thought you would 'refresh' and alert me to my, er" She pretended to seek for the relevant word, "let me see if I can remember your actual words, I think you called it an 'unattractive traits'..."

Caleb knew his statements at his office were about to hoist him! "Accepting compliments is not an unattractive trait..."

 She mimicked his tone pointedly. "But conceit, is." She tried but couldn't keep the sarcasm from her voice. "One of my many unattractive traits that you kindly brought to my attention." She flashed him one of her scathing looks, daring him to contradict her.

He said with more than a hit of irony as he tried not to take offence at her acerbic tone.  "I apologise. I was wrong. Sorry."

Caleb was sure his apology would fall on deaf ears.  Sophie was sure his apology would be issued with false sincerity.

She decided it wasn't worth the hassle to question is sincerity. So she said, "Apology accepted." But she did not look at him.

 Silence stretched out. 

"I really am very grateful for what you did yesterday. Sophie was in bits." He mulled aloud to break the silence. "When Isaac phoned, and said he and Sophie had argued and called a halt to their engagement, I was rather poleaxed. He was concerned about Sophie and he told me I should give you a call as Sophie was with you, and check if Sophie was ok."

Jena exhaled and said softly, "Which suggests he loves her."

"I know he loves my sister. I think he was not expecting it to blown up in his face when he did not agree with her order about, er, not sure what the order was! But Sophie told him she was here, and had cancelled the cake order."

"I do not think it is about the order, per se. Their quibble escalated and their minor squabble, probably over a trivial matter, became a runaway-train which gained speed when she told Isaac she had cancelled the cake order." He was surprised to find that Jena was talking to him about Isaac and Sophie's relationship: She met them twice, hardly enough time to form an opinion about their relationship. "I think Isaac just wanted to know if the wedding was about the process rather than him and her. He apparently asked Sophie about that. Unfortunately her retort was poor!"

He raised a questioning brow at that comment.

"She didn't explain her response to him, instead, she left him with a misconception: That the wedding plan was important to her but not the groom! I am sure she did not mean it that way, but I guess with the stress, they dug in their heels. Obstinate lovesick fools! She ignored his wish-list and he ignored her order!"

His brows drew together, "I can see where he's coming from."

"Really?" The frown deepened as she peered up at him.

"Yes. Our fault. We've been slow to realise that we pander to Sophie's wishes. We had over two decades, but Isaac called her out within three months. I guess, better late than never. Isaac was right. Sophie needs to stand on her own feet, before they get married."

"So they have rescheduled the wedding?"

"Not exactly."


"Their relationship is back on the track, but their train is not hurtling around. Like yesterday."

Jena glanced at Caleb and was surprised to see genuine sensitivity in his eyes. Oh dear, she thought, this man was demolishing her safety barrier.

She adopt a nonchalant expression "So what's she going to do?"

He shrugged. "Not sure. She said she was going to think about it. Whether to go do some courses or see if she could get employed."  For years, she relied on him and their parents, not taking any responsibility for anything. A big difference between wrapping someone in cotton and mothballing their skills. He remembered his conversations with Isaac. Isaac said Sophie has skills, but chose not to use them because she did not have to use them.

Jena watched Caleb's eyes and she could see he was not happy with his thoughts. The frown on his forehead was matched by the scowl in her eyes. "Good for her. Bet Isaac is proud of her."

"She hated school. Well, the academia side of school."

Jena, as per normal did not hold back. "I guess your parents and you could not do her work at school!" Caleb's expression turned positively glacial and his scowl did not put her off, when she shrugged and said, "You could offer her a job in your company." 

Caleb took a breath and he hoped he could rein his irritation. He banked down his ire and glanced over at Jena, "That would be doing the same as now, or doing her work like school, carrying her rather than leaving her to find her way." Jena nodded in acceptance of his point. He took another breath and tipped his head back and admitted, "I think I have made her dependent on us. Me, in particular."

Another brick removed from her safety barrier because Jena was not expecting him to shoulder the blame. "That's a bit extreme. You looked out for her. That is why we need family."

Caleb could not remember having this type of conversation with anyone other than his family.  And for some reason, he just knew he could count on her, for unvarnished truths and unlimited support.  His eyes remained riveted on her face, watching her every expression, and stored them in his brain for introspection later on.

Jena snorted, "Now she is an adult. Her position, her attitudes, her values are a mixture of nurture and nature." Jena smiled, "Perhaps you and your parents nurtured too well!" Her smile widened into a grin, "And nature took a sidestep!" 

"This is why I like you, Ms Silva!" Caleb chuckled, but he schooled his features to hide his interest in her because 'like' was tame. He knew it was crazy. But he liked being with her. He was mulling over a gut feeling and he was starting to acknowledge this woman, with little effort, ticked his boxes.

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