Part 120

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Minutes later, Caleb moved his hands, and framed her face, and grinned before he placed a quick kiss on her lips. He moved his hands, and moved Jena and him back. Her eyes met his eyes, and she grinned in delight.

"Are you wearing anything under my shirt?" 

She shook her head, her eyes laughing while she caught her lip between her lip.

He teased. "I did not give you permission to wear it." He came closer again, and he flicked two buttons. She chuckled.

He flicked another two buttons open. His fingers reached for the edge of his shirt, "So, if you don't mind, Jena, I need my shirt back, right now." His fingers spread his shirt, leaving her naked. His shirt pooled at her feet. He unzipped his trouser, it, like his shirt pooled at their feet. He kicked the trouser away. Both hands reached for Jena's thigh, stroked the outside of her thighs, fingers inched towards her bottom helping her to find her balance. Again adjusted until she felt safe and comfortable in his hands.

"You ok?"

She nodded.

His nose rubbed her nose, "I love you, Jena."

"I love you, Caleb." She replied.

He smiled. And his smile widened, he asked his eyes twinkling, "Recovered, Jena?"

"Recovered." She nodded and teased, "You?"

"Good." With experience, he lifted her legs, and her, and all but fitted her to him. Fused at their hips. He arched, his hips forcing entrance. She grabbed his shoulder, and exhaled. Her back was flattened against the wall beside the door, he moved his hands. "You'd better link your ankles behind my back." He advised as his lips found hers. His tongue mirrored the gentle penetration. His tongue pressing against the seam of her lips, while his penis pressed against the seam at legs junction. Gentle. Seeking entrance. 

He spoke through their kiss, "We should take this inside."

She broke contact with his lips. She mumbled, "You are, kind of." Her lips pressed kisses against his jaw. "See." She clenched around him. 

"Fuck!" He closed his eyes, took a second, and she released him. "I meant your bed, Jena."

"Ah." Again, she pressed against him and took him further in. And whispered against his ear, "Just in case," exhaled and released him, in minute fractions.

"Fuck!" The muscle at his jaw ticked as he tried to recover his control. "Not fair." He breathed.

Jena seeing and sensing his reaction to her actions,  she again clenched around him, and mumbled against his jaw, "for your information," and then took him further in, "I don't want to stop." She whispered into his ear,  "And, Caleb" She nipped his earlobe, "not sure you can walk to my bed with you embedded in me." Her tongue traced his ear whorl. He nearly rammed in.

He turned his head,  "You are playing with fire." He whispered against her lips, nuzzling her lips. "Couch." He murmured against her throat. "I have plans for us."

"Plans." Again, she arched, and knew he was now fully embedded. "I already have plans."

"Good. But taking you, with you pinned to the wall, is just the preliminary in my plans! And trust me, you will enjoy my plans." And he grinned against her lips. And kissed her. A few seconds later, he chuckled, "And I think this is the first time I have made love, while having a conversation."

She wriggled. "I see. You can talk?" Tightened around him. "So assume you can walk the talk!" Wriggled, clenched again and chuckled when she felt his reaction.

"Fuck!" Caleb tipped his head, and announced, "I am going to come! Jena, fuck!"

"Good." She smiled, and launched herself at him. Caleb all but staggered back, but kept her pinned to him.

Caleb grunted, "We are taking this inside Jena,"  he clasped her bottom, hauling her closer, and with his hands cupping her bottom, he moved them, stepped into the lounge, and headed for the sofa "because in my plans, I need you on your back!"

They tipped onto the huge sofa. Her beneath him. She laughed. And he placed a kiss on her smile. Then he lifted away, "You ok?" He braced on his forearms, his eyes roaming over her face.

 "Yes." She wriggled, clenched again making sure he was fully embedded.

"Fuck. You are not playing fair!" But he adjusted their position, shifting them, until both were on the couch, ensuring that she was comfortable. He placed his hands on the side arm of the sofa, and using that as leverage, he pushed in and then withdrawn.

"And you accuse me of playing unfair" She squealed, finding nerves in her body that were new to her and they were registering bursts of shock and delight. His chuckle was muffled when he placed his lips on hers. And again, more nerves rioting.

His tongue slicked over the seam of her lips, and absorbed her sigh of surrender. That surrender signalled her intentions: Her hands clasped his shoulder and she untangled her ankles and found the energy to tip him off the couch.

He took her with him, because they were linked at the hip, and he landed on the rug, with a thud!

"Fuck! Jena, what are you doing?" Stars swimming his head, from the landing.

"I told you, I have plans!" 

"What, knocking me out!"

"Sort!" She grinned. Still fused at the hip, she asked, "You ok?"

"Depends." He muttered.


"Whether that lump on my head is a figment of my mind!" 

Still fused at the hip, she sat.

Caleb groaned. "Fuck! Jena!" Fully embedded in her, her actions brought pain and joy in equal measurement. "Jena, what are you doing..."

"Sit" She ordered.

Confused he asked, "What?" He thought they were about to make love, when she tipped them off the couch, a perfectly place for love, only for her to sit on him on the floor.

"Sit!" She ordered again.

He narrowed his eyes but he followed her order.  He pushed up, then linked his arms behind her back to maintain balance. For a second he wondered if she had read the kama sutra, and she had plans that involved positions for it.

Jena's fingers gently probed his head. Her fingers pads massaging, and finding no lumps at all! She rolled her eyes, when she could find any lump at all. "Caleb you are a conman!" She pushed at his shoulder and he grinned as he lowered himself back to the rug. 

"So?" His hands grabbed her bottom's cheek, and repositioned her so that he was fully embedded. His eyes sparkled with anticipation.

She clenched. "So, ladies first, and I have plans, remember! And my plans need you to be fit! And well, not harbouring injuries. Albeit imaginary injuries!" Her lips barely grazing his lips as she moved above him, his eyes tracking her expressions.

"Fuck!" He murmured when her tongue flicked his nipple, then caught it between her teeth and tugged. "Fuck."

She lifted her head, "Like my plans?" She moved to his other nipple and paid the same adulation. His hands at her bottom, squeezed when she took his nipple into her mouth,  clenched around his erection. She moved. Lifted herself only to be rooted in minuscule progression.  His slick erection was enveloped by her, but advancement was made in small increments.

"Fuck!" He murmured. When she repeated that pattern, Caleb yelled, "Jena. Now!"

She smiled with satisfaction. Moved from paying homage to his nipple, she moved to his lips before moving to his ears. He could not remember his ear being so sensitive. Let alone a erogenous zone. But his heart all but exploded from his chest.  "Fuck, Jena, I am going to come."

"Good." Jena murmured before returning to his lips, then pouted and teased, "But you told me that ages ago!" She peppered his face with her kisses. Her lips moved toward his ear. Her teeth caught his earlobe and tugged. Then her tongue circled the whorls of his ear and murmured. "Caleb, come!"

His hands clenched her bottom, dragged her hips closer, then turned her onto her back and pumped hard. 

It was only after they surfaced, that Caleb remembered he did not wear a condom. 

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