Part 110

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Caleb ignored the red herring and scowled. "Is that why you have not been at the office? You are chasing this..."

"No, I have not been at the office, or anywhere, to avoid bumping into you! I assumed you did not provide or encourage this article in the newspaper. But your sister works at my company and your stupid girlfriend is spinning lies about us!" She glared "Not sure how she would spin this, given you arrived at my home, scaled my fence, and has told Mike you here with me at this moment." She jabbed his shoulder with her finger, "You have a problem!" She retook her seat, now that the matter was out, "And for your information, your paranoia about me appearing at receptions where my company caters, is causing problems for my company!"

"I see."

"We, as a group agreed I would work from home. I would not attend any events. I would not meet people or do anything with the public for my company to avoid any further poor press and I could avoid meeting you, which would squash the rumours."
Caleb pinched the bridge of his nose and asked, "You think hiding will squash the rumours?"

"Yes. We cannot afford damage to our reputations because we are a small outfit. We rely on our reputation. Currently, your jealous girlfriend is tarnishing our reputation! That is why, poor Matt did the presentation on his own. I was at home. We could not afford to pull out from the presentation, and Matt was keen, and we could not spare anyone to go with him. So I would appreciated it, if you tell your girlfriend, that..."

"My girlfriend? Which girlfriend? And Sophie didn't say anything about this newspaper..."

"We did not tell her. She is your sister."

Caleb put the newspaper on the table beside Jena, he rubbed the back of his neck. Time to change his plans. And perhaps this current problem would work for him. He tipped his head, scratched his cheek with a finger, and declared, "Given Mike knows I am here, the best scenario is we resurrect the date!"

Jena's eyes went wide. "What date?"

"Our date. A proper date."

"A normal date. Are you mad? As I told you, I am not stupid!"

"Come on, Jena, the best way to squash the rumour is if you are seen with me." He knew he would have a battle on his hands, but he also knew, his goal was to date her, and that involves seeing together in the public. His goal was to rebadge their relationship and move it from platonic acquaintances, to personal partners.

Jena was tempted to shout in frustration. "How will that squash rumours, it will be fuel!" What is the problem with this man! And why was he grinning like a Cheshire cat. And why was his eyes glinting with anticipation, and something else? Not just amusement, not just satisfaction, but exhilaration and delight.

Logic surfaced in Caleb's mind and he said quietly. "According to the article you are appearing at events hoping to bump into me. Waiting for an opportunity. In essence, you relying on chance."

She rolled her eyes, "Exactly. Good to see you can read!"

He ignored her sarcasm, "And, if people see us, together, not at an event, just a date, with just us present in public, not a chance-encounter, not an accidental or a coincidental meeting, a deliberately, arranged meeting, and that would squash the rumour that you are stalking me! With arrogance he said, "In any case, dating me, would help your company's reputation!" He chuckled and dodge when she threw a tea-towel at his head.

Caleb caught the tea-towel, and continued, "Come on, Jena, if we are seen together, on a date, even a simple coffee, that would show it was planned. Not just a fluke. Two people having coffee, like good friends. No one would expect a victim to have coffee with their stalker! In fact we should do that right now."

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