Part 102

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Caleb re thought his strategy. Why was it that the woman who could run circles around him was the one he wanted? And why did she have to be so stubborn! Time to change the strategy. "Since the party, Sophie thinks you are disappointed with her."

"Why would she think that?"

Caleb said quietly, "Probably because she told people she had something to do with the cake. She was just proud of the fact she was working for you. She just phrased it badly. Now she thinks you are upset with her."

"You are making that up." Jena rolled her eyes.

 "She even asked your colleagues." His lips quirked. "And, Jena, I get the impression that you are upset with me given you are refusing to accept my olive branch!"
"What olive branch?" Jena frowned.

He nodded at the crate. "Are you upset with Sophie or me? Is that why you are working at home? Are you upset with Sophie?" At least they were talking, and at least she was taking notes.

"No. I am sure Mary explained it to Sophie." Jena said with another roll of her eyes.

"Yes. She did. Actually, they all told her, you are the boss and can decide where you want to work and when!" He smiled.


His smile remained but he asked with a trace of a scoff, "Just a coincidence that you take time off this week?"


"So, a holiday? But stay at home."

"With all due respect," She huffed with scorn she added, "I do not have to explain my life to you. Mr Harland. Or my working practices." Then she noticed that Matt was walking along the drive. Her frown was replaced with a smile.

Caleb followed her gaze and was not at all pleased to see the man walking towards to them. Her boyfriend. Caleb did not realise he was glaring at the man.

Jena's smile grew. "Your friend, obviously?" He nodded at Matt as he got closer and noted her smile grew.

"Yes, of course." Jena could not stop the smile, she raised her hands and gestured with her fingers crossed. As soon as Matt turned around the corner, Jena changed that gesture to a tentative thumbs up.

Matt was grinning and he like Jena gave a thumbs up, but with more confidence.

Jena's smile like a Cheshire cat. "Excuse me."

Caleb's frown grew when Jena all but rushed towards Matt. And his frown got even worse when he saw Jena give Matt a hug only for Matt to spin her around in his arms. A pity that Caleb did not know the man was Matt. Sophie said Jena did not have a boyfriend but the man approaching is the man he saw at the engagement party and he had just spun Jena around!

Jena screamed with joy, "Put me down!" But she knew Matt would not hear it, and she could not signal will she was twirled around. In the end, she just tapped his shoulder.

Caleb mood got worse. "I guess that is a signal for me to leave." He muttered. He said loudly, "Sorry to interrupt." Jena looked over her shoulder. "I have left the box on your step, Jena. Hope that is ok."

"Thank you. But as I said, it is unnecessary." Jena grinned at Matt and with her back to Caleb, she signed to Matt that Caleb had left wine and that the office could celebrate Matt's success.

Matt looked over Jena's shoulder,  grinned at Caleb and said, "Thanks."

"No problem." Caleb was fed up. "Right. If you will excuse me, running late for a meeting."

Matt held up two thumbs. Caleb did his best not to scowl, surely Jena had better taste, an adult man who gestures with thumbs. Adolescent!

"Looks like your wine arrived at the right time!" Jena said with a genuine smile.

"As I said, I owe you."

"And I told you, no." Jena said with a pasted smile. "But I appreciate the wine. As I said, it came at the right time." Jena thought that Caleb knew Matt, as no doubt he has probably met him at the office. So Jena did not bother to introduce them.

"Time?" Caleb frowned. He waited for Jena to introduce her boyfriend. But she did not. And Caleb was not happy with the fact that Jena was smiling at the blonde man, and had laced her arm behind his back.

"Yes." Jena patted Matt's chest, to acknowledge the fact that they were talking about him.


"To celebrate." Jena said with delight.


Jena left her arm threaded through Matt's elbow and his body, "Big success. Because of him!"

Matt pitched today and he was successful, which was the first time he had pitched on his own. 

"Success?" And he was not going to be pulled into this discussion, talking about this blonde man's success, when Caleb's day was anything but a success.

Jena grinned. "And, unfortunately, I can't tell you what!" Jena's habit, is they would not share or release any information until they had everything signed. Usually in triplicate!

"Well." If she was going to tease him, she can rethink that, Caleb narrowed his eyes.

"But we will toast it today." She grinned at Matt. And she used her thumbs. Matt used the same gesture. He had pitched to a big company and persuaded this huge company to engage By Design for a special event. It was something that was different to their usual. It was Matt's project. 

Caleb glanced at his watch. Clearly she was just baiting him and he was not going to waste his time here. "In that case, I should leave you both to enjoy the celebration. Bye, Jena."

 Sophie had pointed out her family when she was talking to Matt at the party, but Matt declined an introduction to her family at that time. But today, it allowed him to recognised Caleb so he said, using Caleb's surname, "Bye Mr Harland." Matt considered tell Caleb his name, and the fact he works with Sophie at By Design, but, as per normal, with Matt it would take confidence: He would have to engage in a  conversation and while he can read lips, he prefers it if they knew deaf language.

Caleb glanced Matt. "Bye." Clearly Jena has told her blonde boyfriend about him. And Caleb was tempted to ask who the man was. 

Matt watched the interaction and watched while Caleb open his car door, then glanced at Jena.

Jena waved as Caleb drove off. As she watched the car disappeared from view, she sighed. She bit her lip, and ordered herself not to store this visit in her mind, because she knew she would review and castigate her. In the back of her mind, she thought Caleb coming here to deliver wine, was not the real reason for his visit. The problem was she could not work out why he came. Caleb gave the impression he has a girlfriend. Sophie is managing at By Design. Jena sighed again, flirting with Caleb at the party, was apparently only registered by her, and it was just a shame that she could not remove him from her thoughts.

"What is going on here?" Matt spoke and signalled using his hands.

"Nothing." She said and signalled. The conversation was carried out with a mixture of speech and gestures. "You know Sophie's brother and he brought wine."


Jena shook her head, searching for a suitable reason and eventually said "I guess because we engaged Sophie."

 Matt's eyebrows rose. "Sophie has worked for us for days, why now?"

Jena shrugged. "Any way, I want to hear about your pitch! I am so proud of you." It was the first time that Matt was going to pitch on his own. Normally he pitched as a duo with either Jena or Mary, but this time, this was his project, something different, and he was keen to get this event. So Jena told him she would help him to prepare but also told him to prepare to present solo!

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