Part 67

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It was several minutes later when the two women reached Jena's house.

As they approached it, Jena sensed Sophie's surprise.

"You live here?" Sophie wondered why anyone would want to live in what was nothing more than a literally small square box. Nothing to reduced the negative view of the sturdy, basic, rigid, unadorned, no-frills, home. No garden to soften the building's impression. Just a cube.

Jena bobbed her head and smiled with a gentle laugh. "I know it looks ugly from the outside, but it grows on you! It's a bit like the Tardis, it's bigger on the inside. And, for me, inside it is magical! " Her smile grew. She reached for her keys in her hand bag, while Sophie scanned the area. Clearly Jena's home was out of place, given her neighbours were factories. And there was no attempt to soft the industry vibe. Eventually Jena found her keys and opened her door. She gestured for Sophie to enter, "Welcome to my home." Jena reached automatically for the switch by the front door. The hallway was bathed in light.

Sophie stepped into the box and looked around. This is not the home of someone who makes fantasy cakes, Sophie thought and glanced at the décor. She did not understand why Jena said it was magical. It was bare: The walls were magnolia, had a few pictures, and it really didn't look like the type of décor that she expected from someone who creates magical cakes. But then, Jena's clothes were also not what Sophie would expect from a creative person. Plain, ordinary, practical clothes. Her home was equally plain. Sophie did not see the magic that Jena said. Magical? Sophie looked around, no magic. Just ordinary and plain.

Jena ignored Sophie's glance and knew Sophie was not expecting this decor. But who cares, thought Jena as she kicked off her shoes, as per normal and then headed straight for the kitchen, which was one of the first doors they came across once in the hallway.

Sophie automatically followed Jena. Sophie thought that she might have made a mistake in coming here. Obviously she didn't really know Jena. In her mind, given the cakes, she expected Jena to have trendsetter-interior-decoration ideas. But it was only as she followed Jena that Jena actually did decorate her home, with clever style. Sophie walked past a Limoges bowl with a large flower, that Sophie didn't recognised, but the large flower was a fragrant flower. Further along the hallway was a Venetian mirror that bathe the hall with reflected light. Sophie looked around when she entered the kitchen. It was so different to the kitchen at Jena's 'office'. This was kind of rustic, and again like the hallway, somewhat rustic with the exposed walls and a weathered oak island. But it had a kind of laid-back feel. Jena called an almost casual. "Grab a seat. I'll put the kettle on." Jena flicked the switch on, and then retrieved some crockery.

The original architectural details stood out. The dropped, dark wood, floor made the kitchen even larger, and the exposed girders in the ceiling showed the history of this building. The exposed walls, the exposed girders, the streamlined stainless appliances, the starkness of this room should feel cold. But this room was warm, it felt like a place where you can unwind, and slow down. The magic was revealed. There were large plants and herbs hanging close to the fridge, and there was a gorgeous kitchen rug at the sink, which made it feel more comfortable. The ceiling light fixtures made the kitchen cosier and made it more welcoming, but Sophie thought that the sliding doors would provide natural light. It enhanced the ambience of this room. Jena was right, this was magic, thought Sophie. Sophie reviewed her opinion about Jena's home. Comfortable, cosy, warm, and downplayed the flair and elegance. The decor in the kitchen embraced you while delivering understated style. And this place really did suit Jena. What you see is what you get: Jena. Up-front-disposition, gentle-élan, understated-elegance.

Jena put her bag on the kitchen counter top and watched Sophie. Well, at least she was not crying, Jena thought.

Sophie sniffed and then rummaged in her bag for a tissue. "I feel so stupid. Blubbing all over you like that." She asked, "Could I use your bathroom?"

"Of course." Jena nodded at the door, "Third door on your left."


"Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee, please." Sophie reached the kitchen door, looked over her shoulder. "Thanks for this."

Jena nodded. She waited for the door to close, and breathed out. Her eyebrows came together. Sadness, confusion, worry. Isaac and Sophie were over? Not possible, Jena thought as she switched on the kettle and then reached for the phone in the kitchen and made a call.

A few minutes later, Sophie returned. She had repaired her makeup. But could not stopped her tears. Jean knew that Sophie was barely holding on her composure.

"So what do you make of my home?" Jena asked, hoping to distract Sophie.

"er, it is lovely." 

 "Guess you have not felt the magic!" Jena smiled. "For me, it is magic. Utopian and miraculous."

"What do you mean?" Sophie used the back of her fingers to wiped at her eyes.

"Given its industrious history, turning a cold building, it into a cosy home is quixotically." Jena give her kitchen a sweeping glance, "Every time I come home, open the door, remove my jacket, throw off my shoes, and it does not matter how bad the day is, my problems do not follow me into my home. That is magic!"

"Well, I followed you into your home. And I brought my problems to your home, leaving you to deal with it here." Sophie sighed.

"Problems? In plural? I thought just one." Jena gently teased. Sophie smiled. "See, magic, just one problem to sort out: your sudden, recently, cancellation."

Sophie perched on a breakfast counter stool and blew out a slow breath as she took blind stock of the room. "I don't know why I didn't just phone your office to let you know."

"Probably because the office was shut at five!" Jena said, hoping to draw Sophie from her doldrums.

"I should have stayed home."

"Perhaps you just needed air." But in her head Jena wondered why Sophie would go out when her mind was all over the show.

Sophie's head bobbed in agreement. "I went for a drive to clear my head. And normally I would go to Caleb. He sorts out everything. He is a fab brother." Sophie said quietly. 

Jena could understand that, as she had experience of that. "I know." Jena nodded.

Sophie continued, "Caleb has a knack, he just knows what to do. And he is warm-hearted and thoughtful and fixes everything. I take advantage of him." Sophie sighed. 

Jena could not imagine anyone taking advantage of Caleb, apart from his family. He was loyal, Jena formed that option after reviewing their interactions. His behaviour was governed by his loyalty to his family. He wore his badges of allegiance, commitment and love for his family on his arm, and made no attempt to hide that.   

"So I am not sure why I did not go to him." Sophie shrugged. "But perhaps because you exhibit the same qualities as Caleb. Steadfast, kind, empathy, honest, compassion but frank and blunt! Unfaltering support laced with practical wisdom and tempered justice!" Sophie's eyes smarted with tears. "The next thing I know I'm stopping to let you know!  Your office and my home are in opposite directions." Sophie blinked. "Actually, I am not sure how I got here!"

"That is why we left your car at my office." Jena spooned some loose leaf tea into a tea pot that she'd warmed and then poured the hot water that had boiled into the tea pot for her own tea. Leaving the tea to stew, Jena reached for a mug for Sophie's coffee and reached for a cup and saucer for her tea. Jena placed them on the breakfast counter and silently she reviewed Sophie's comparison of her brother's character and Jena's nature. At the back of her mind, Jena accepted Sophie's view of Caleb's and Jena's character. Because it was pretty accurate.

"It's over." Sophie mumbled.

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