Part 115

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Half an hour later, Jena and Caleb walked back to her home.

"Bill, was right." Caleb voiced his thoughts.

Jena glanced over, and asked "About?"

"We need to seen together, otherwise they will think this was random hook-up." He reached for her hand, "And we need to be seen walking back to your place, with you holding my hand!" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You are just milking the situation." Her chin rose a fraction and her eyes narrowed with contained laughter and she looked around. Happiness swamped every single cell in her body. It felt right. "Do you really believe someone is following us?" She again looked around. But she could not see anyone paying attention to them.  

"Yes. Probably" Like Jena, Caleb glanced around.

"Probably?" She frowned. 

"I imagine that man is following us." He said, but he refrained from pointing out the man.

"Really? Which man? " She was genuinely curious. 

Caleb chuckled at her expression, and ran his thumb over her cheek, and smiled. "You really are beautiful." Jena blinked in surprise. Caleb stopped beside a large window for a jewellery shop. "Yes. Look at this."

She was surprised by the change in the topic. "What?" She looked at the selection in the window. 

"Look at the reflection. And while you are there, of course, see if the rings are to your taste!"

"What?" She squeaked.

He had to stifle his laugh. "I like that one." He pointed at a huge fake diamond ring. Jewellery shops would not leave real diamonds in the window after closing for the day. "See that reflection of a man in the mirror face toward the back of us?"

She pushed more hair off her face, tucking errant locks behind her ear and peeked at the reflection in the window, "Yes." She blinked. "Oh my goodness. He is following us!"

Caleb put an arm around her. "We should do something about that."  

"Like what. Are you suggesting we approach him?" Two deep lines furrowed her forehead as she frowned at Caleb.

He released a long pent up sigh, "No, Jena."

"Then what?"

He looked at her more closely trying to gauge her mood, "A kiss." Time to test the water and see if he had made real progress. He knew she allowed him to hold her hand, the question is, would she kiss him in public.

His request scattered her thoughts. "What?" She tipped her head and moved away. A kiss in public? Her heart thumped. Her palms became sweaty. And her pulse was racing as if she had just completed a marathon.

"A kiss." He said quietly, and again watched the reaction in her eyes. She huffed. He chuckled. "Only you, would consider a kiss from me, the equivalent of contracting a disease." He waiting a few seconds before he asked,"So a kiss?"

A pause. Her heart was thumping. She chewed on her lower lip as she quickly reran the scenario in her mind, before she said breathless, "Fine. Ok. A kiss. Just one!"

His first thought, was he wished he could chew on her lower lip, instead, he pecked at her lip. Short. Just a stamp.

She frowned. That cannot be it. It was just a peck, not a kiss. The corner of her lips turned down. He beamed in return. "What?" His eyes twinkling, his tone barely covered the fact he was laughing. 

Seeing that, Jena unfazed she discarded his question with utter derision, "You were just teasing me! Idiot." Not sure if she meant him or her.

"What, you don't appreciate my kiss?" He put a hand to his chest. "Gutted!" He feigned affronted.

Jena complained. "For someone with your credentials would know how to kiss!" She grinned, as if teasing him was perfectly normal.

"Ah. You want more." He grinned smugly.

She flicked him a look that told him not to argue with her! "I did not say that."  Knowing he was teasing her.  "You have missed your chance!"

He quirked a brow. 

She rolled her eyes and then thought she should surprise him. So she found courage, and put her hand on his chest, and used her other hand to drag his head closer. He lowered his head and she initiated the kiss. 

A gentle kiss, as their lips met gently before they both opened their mouth. His arms banded around her back, one palm cradled her head, the other palm at her waist. Her hand was trapped between her and Caleb the other was at the back of his head. The gentle kiss, exploded when their tongues touched. Everything around disappeared. All she felt was him. Registered he was aroused and his tongue was promising paradise. The kiss celebrated how she felt, ecstatic. Pouring her wishes into that kiss, her actions confirmed she vested in this relationship, took a simple kiss to sign a contract. Nothing said, just felt.

It took a child to bump into them, who was hurtling around the pavement, with his mum screaming at him to stop!

Caleb and Jena pulled away. Breathing hard. Their pupils were dilated. She licked her lips and noted her lips were swollen.

"Clearly you know how to kiss!" She murmured. Her eyes smiled at him.

He reached for her hand, "It takes two." She heard the smile of relief in his voice when he said, "And I am pretty sure when we have sex, it will be exceptional and utterly memorable!" His mind instantly conjured up a naked vision of her body. Jena blinked in shock. He teased more loudly, "Jena, you will have control your lust for me!" He leaned closer and whispered, "But we can't do this here."

She squeaked, looked around to see if anyone heard that. She smacked his shoulder,  "You can't make statements like that in public!" For a second she could only stare at him as her brain tried to make a few logical connections. 

Softly he asked, "Are you saying we can do that here?" 

 "I meant your statement about lust, and us having sex!"

"Ah. Sex." He chuckled. "Well, Jena, we will have sex. You can count on that. But we should stop our PDA here."

"What? You said we needed to kiss...." She trailed off wanly.

"Yes. But I am sure, when that reporter tells his editor he saw us practically having sex in public, his editor would tell him, that he was played."

She mulled a question for a moment before she voiced it, "What do you mean?"

"If this kiss is reported in the newspaper, it will be the first time the media has a photo of my PDA! Because I do not do public demonstrate affection!"

"Then why did you suggest the kiss?" She huffed and folded her arms.

He wiggled his eyebrows, and he took her chin and tipped her face up, "Because I wanted to kiss you!" He moved back an inch and looked at her, his eyes blazing with suppressed lust. She licked her lips, but  smacked his chest. He held her hands to his chest, "Jena, you know." He hauled her back, "I will have to ran that gauntlet and kiss you again!" And his other arm banded around her shoulders, the hand holding her hand against his chest, moved to cradle her head. And his lips found her lips with accuracy and at the right time. Her lips parted, and fused to his. Gentle strokes, heads changing position, until her lower lip was sucked by his lips before his tongue bathed her lip. Then surged beyond. Met her tongue. Caressing, duelling. Her legs gave way, thankfully he was holding her. But he backed her toward the shop's wall, her back framed by the wall, her front framed by him. And the kiss exploding.

It took the sound of a frantic pregnant-mum shouting at her toddler who had escaped and a toddler's escapade. "Lucy! Lucy. Stop Lucy, right now!" Lucy giggling, looked back at her mother but the toddler careered into Jena and Caleb, lost her balance and plopped onto the pavement where she promptly started to bawl!

By the time they dealt with the frantic mother and the bawling-toddler, all thoughts of sex was firmly stashed.

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