Part 81

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"I am going to kiss you!" The warning should be enough. But she did not move. 

He gently took her face in his hands. Caleb could see that Jena was startled. But he could also see the anticipation in her eyes. His thumb caressed her cheeks. Their eyes flashed unvoiced messages. Slowly he moved his hand, cupped her head. Her heart was hammering in nervous anticipation. His thumbs gently stroking the high cheekbones, his head getting closer and closer to her own until finally their lips touched. 

A slow, gentle, teasing kiss began, stroked the fire that both felt, albeit neither admitted. His lips nuzzled her lower lip, his tongue christened her lips. Caution fled, Jena's hands crept around his neck. Sensing capitulation, his hands moved to her waist. 

Jena threaded her fingers through his hair. Her fingers tips caressing his scalp sent hot tingles down his spine. His palms and fingers cupped the swell of her rear as he prepared to intensify the kiss. Their kiss deepened. Lips parted, breath mingled and tongues gently touched. Seeking and finding, reciprocating favours and requests.

When he lifted his head, her eyes were shut. He smiled. Then resumed the kiss. He nibbled at her lower lip. Her head was cradled by the crook of his elbow, with one hand splayed across her back. That support was needed when her lips parted again, his tongue gently swiped her lips, then danced with her tongue, detonated desire.

A gentle kiss exploded. Unexpected sensations surpassed expectations. For a person with experience, a kiss would elicit the normal and common reaction. He knew what to expect: thrill, pleasure, gratification. But his reaction to the kiss was unusual. And it should not registered as special. It was just a kiss. But, a simple, gentle, kiss left him quivering. He could not control the vibrations in his system. His nerves ends registered the flood of contentment and swamped his mind. Rapture. How could a simple, gentle kiss pack the power of a tsunami.  .

Jena grasped his shoulders as the kiss detonated. 

Understated kaleidoscope impact left her stranding on a precipice.

Caleb backed her up against the wall and he pressed against her softness. 

Caleb's moved his hands higher, to cup her breast. Jena's hands moved lower, to moulded his bottom. His fingers found her clothed nipple, scissoring it between his fingers. And the kiss registered her reaction to that simple gesture. She bucked. Riots registered in her head, and they made the Catherine wheel fireworks discreet, frivolous and weak. Her nails bit into his taut gluteus maximus and together with the fact that a simple, gentle kiss, obliterated his nerve, it rendered him giddy. Spinning out of control. 

Actions that were old, but the sensations were new. He moved, released her from the pinning to the wall, to give her and him better access. One hand still cupping her breast, the other lifting her shirt. One hand still on his butt, the other tugging at his shirt.

Both lightheaded at the same time. Moments that were precarious and precious. How do you describe it when there are no words that convey the sensations that short-circuited your head and heart? Magnificent, wonderful, extraordinary, erotic and utterly unimagined. What made this kiss different to their previous experience.

It was the sound of the phone that caused them to both resurface.

In shock, when their actions and state of their clothes registered, they separated.

Jena breathing hard, she could not explain her conduct.  What happened? Her eyes took note of the fact she had tugged his shirt, and his shirt hem was now tented. He could see she was confused and mystified. He was in shock too. And hard.

Breathing hard, he said, "As I said, we aren't done." He tucked in his shirt. Noting his hard-on, she unconsciously licked her lips. He groaned. "Jena!" He warned. "We can discuss our kiss at our next date. And our options!" He knew he had to leave, otherwise they would have to make a decision, and he was pretty sure she was not ready for that discussion and conclusion. He could see that her heart and head were having difficulty in processing that kiss. Her lips were swollen, her pupils were dilated, and he could see she was reliving the kiss. Like him. He was tempted to renew the kiss. But he was playing for the long term, and taking her to bed, tonight would not help his campaign.

Then he glanced over at her mobile phone. Then looked at her and said quietly, "You'd best get that, Jena." 

She blinked. And she heard the sound of the phone as if it was a new invention. 

 "Goodnight, Jena." He smiled, hoped she would see the kiss matter to him. And he, like her, was in surprise. That their first kiss was spectacular. "I'll see myself out. Good night Jena."

She heard the door shut. She steadied herself, holding onto the counter tops and made her way to a chair. Jena all but sunk into the chair she had recently vacated. She did nothing to answer the phone, just brushed somewhat trembling fingers against her lips. That kiss was wholly unexpected. She tried to steady her heartbeat, tried to regroup. Ok, she had seriously underestimated that man and her reaction to him. She wiped a hand down the front of her face and stared, through the open door to the deck, unseeingly out toward the water. What had just happened?

She closed her eyes, her tongue licked her lips and wished she had not done that, because she tasted him, and felt him, despite the fact he was not here. She opened her eyes and exhaled. Her heart was still thumping. And her brain obviously has not found the on-switch, because she could not form any thoughts, just feelings. Unexpected passion. Kiss. Just kissing.

Some five minutes later she pulled herself together. It was just a kiss. 

Obviously the man was an expert. To be expected. And she'd been caught unaware, her head said, but her heart said, well, at least he had issued a warning. What had just happened? Her thought raced through her brain. Her heart thumped. Kissing him was the wrong thing! Because he was skilled, more experienced and more than proficient!

So not surprisingly the kiss had taken on a life of it's own. Billowing into something more than she'd expected. Obviously he had caught her unaware.

With warning, she could handle this. Rubbish, her brain warned her: You have no experience with men with his calibre.  She groaned, wondering whether he'd been serious with his threat about it not being over. She couldn't deal with this kind of emotional battering on a daily basis. She had her life mapped out. Things were under control. The last thing she needed was to fall for him. "I have standards", she reminded herself, "I just present a challenge to him!" She said loudly and exhaled. She got to her feet, and was pleased to see that she was steady on her feet. "See," she mumbled to herself, "just a kiss. Just temporary blindsided by an expert!" She rubbed her forehead,  "Now that we have kissed, when he gets back to his place, he will no doubt realise he can tick me off his list! Now not a challenge to him now." She bit her lip, and sighed.

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