Part 20

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Jena was far from pleased as she took the lift from his office to the ground level. Frowning she reviewed the conversation. The meeting hadn't gone to plan. What plan? Just a stupid whim. No thought at all. She thought she was someone who thinks before acting. Someone who would review options, would review conclusions, before launching the plans. But, a, she did not have a plan, and b, had not reviewed options or conclusions, instead, on her way back to her office, she stopped here. She noted Caleb's office plaque on her way past it, earlier. She was in this area, her client had office in this building. 

So, after the meeting, her client came with her to the entrance foyer, as he was also leaving for another meeting. But at the foyer, she asked her client if he knew Caleb Harland. He said only in passing and asked if Jena knew him. He chuckled when Jena shook and nodded her head at the same time, and she explained her guest knew him. 

This bulb moment started this ridiculous mess. Jena said she was going to ask the receptionist if she could see Caleb, or her guest might wonder why she did not visit Caleb when she was in the vicinity. And because her client was beside her, the receptionist phoned Caleb's PA because the receptionist knew her client well, because the receptionist was his relative!

On her way up to Caleb's PA, Jena's thoughts were in a whirl. Tony was due back in a week, and Jena was hoping that Melanie would remember her whirlwind relationship and her boyfriend. Perhaps, if she mentions it, casually, in her impromptu conversation with Caleb, he might change his plans! The problem was Jena did not know Caleb. Well, she knew him from the media coverage. And he seemed like a decent man! Based on that whimsy, she thought she could simply mention that Melanie was in a relationship, and this decent man would change his plans!

Jena started to worry, when Melanie went out with Caleb Harland last week and flounced back ecstatic. Everyone in the community knew him, or knew about him. That was part of the problem. Everyone would know that Melanie and Caleb went out on a date. That was Jena's fault. She brought Melanie to his attention by taking her to an event last week.

Her cousin had suggested that Melanie could stay with Jena for the two weeks while he was working away. He hoped it would give his only relative a chance to get to know his girlfriend better and he told Jena, Melanie, was the 'one'. He was building toward a proposal. But it was daunting.

The first weekend, Tony left to join his science team on the Friday. On Saturday Jena invited Melanie to a May Ball hosted by her community. Unfortunately Melanie had caught the eye of Caleb Harland who was there as the guest of honour. Caleb made short work of finding out more about Melanie, and even shorter work getting her phone number from her. The following day he phoned her and asked her out.

The first Jena knew about the date was when he arrived at Jena's house on Sunday just before lunch time, and without even setting foot inside the house, he had departed with Melanie for the Sunday afternoon. It had happened so quickly. One minute Jena was opening the door to him, looked up in shock, shared a quick greeting, and the next minute Melanie was flouncing down the two steps to the front path, giddy with laughter as she complimented him on his punctuality. Melanie and Caleb left, leaving Jena in utter bemusement. She was pretty sure, she did not register on Caleb's radar.

Melanie returned later that evening. She was practically delirious. She'd announced that Caleb said he would call her soon to arrange something during the week. The conversation between Melanie and Jena was tense to say the least. Jena's attempt to remind Melanie about her currently absent boyfriend, and an eminent engagement, was batted away by Melanie. According to Melanie, Caleb was just showing her the city's sights because this was his home city. Jena doubted a man of his ilk was simply motivated to show the city sights because this was his city! Just part of his seduction technique. His seduction was working. And his seduction would hurt Tony. Which is why, on Monday Jena went to Caleb's office, to let him know that he was poaching her cousin's future fiancée!

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