Part 117

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Jena blinked and then giggled as nerves took over for a second. "Do you want to dry your hair before we leave here?" She asked as delight washed through her, "And do you want to check your bow. I have tied it, but, you might want to check. It looks ok, I think." She straightened his bow as if this was normal for them. A couple who were comfortable in each company. "There you go." She glanced at him and her eyes showed she was really happy. "Do you want to dry your hair? I have a hairdryer in my bedroom."

"Jena, if I go to your bedroom, we will not be leaving for this occasion."

"Oh. Er. Right." Happiness washed through her system. And her eyes flashed with delight.

He reached forward, and dragged her towards him. He muttered, "We definitely need to take the edge of this!" Because he knew he was really thinking of staying here and miss the event. Of course someone will note it, because he is presenting a prize.

Jena chuckled with joy. Confidence returned in spades and teased, "You think a kiss with take the edge of this." She glanced at his hips. "Not sure that is a good idea given your situation..."

He laughed, so when he kissed her, she could taste the smile and felt the vibrate of his chuckle. Lips fused. And laughter was replaced with desire.  One arm banded around her back, and knew she was not wearing a bra. The kiss erupted. 

It was only when his palms reached for her hips, and dragged her closer that Jena could not missed his erection, and her reaction was noted by him. He tasted her surprise followed by encouragement, when he ground against her hip, but at the same time he knew if they do this, their relationship will have to change and they will not attend this event.

He also knew, he need to make that decision without the haze of lust and she needed time to process. 

He murmured against her lips, "Jena..."

She could only manage a sigh. She opened her eyes.

"Jena. We need to stop." He placed his shaky hands on her hips and moved her away.

"Why?" She blinked, putting her hands on his shoulder, to steady her.

"Otherwise we are both going commando to this event! Or not going at all." He muttered against her forehead. Pressing a kiss on her temple, before moving away, just a fraction.

She giggled.

He pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead. Looking at her and smiling, he said, "And you will have to reapply your lipstick!" Her lips were swollen but devoid of her lipstick.

"Because you are wearing my lipstick!" She automatically reached forward and ran her thumb pad over his lips. Removing her lipstick from his lips.

"Jena, you are playing with fire." His breath against her thumb as she rubbed off the lipstick from his lip.

"I am sure you have the experience to control your er, feelings." But she stopped rubbing his lip and she took a step away. 

They both took a breath.

"Right, shall we leave?" Jena asked when he did not move at all.

He was thinking of staying here. He was sure the event organiser would find someone to replace him, if he did not turn up. He could let them know. He glanced at Jena, to see if he could see what she wanted. "Are you giving me options?"

"No, only one!" She laughed. "Caleb, we are going to that event! I doubt I will have any events in my future that would warrant this dress! And given the price for this dress, I intend to enjoy this evening." But her eyes promised him that they would pick up the reins to this. Just not right now. With a quick kiss on his lips again transferring her lipstick to his, she disengaged and moved away. "Something to remind you!" She teased.

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