Part 77

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"You could sue."

"Why? It was a typo. And for defamation, I would have to show I lost customers, but I didn't. It did not affect my business. People who know me would know that is not true and my name on our website has my full name ..."

"Jenaqueta Silva." He murmured.


"So why is the article still on your fridge?"

Jena huffed. "I have a lot on my plate! And I have not seen an apology or a retraction. This is to remind me to chase the editor!"

Caleb hesitated for a second, before he said, "Do you want me to help you?"

She blinked. "How can you help me?" She snorted. "Are you going to run an advert for me? Telling the public the newspaper made a typo? Showing my innocence in this matter! I don't think so!" 

He reached for his mobile, pressed a button. A few seconds later, "Good evening, Rob, convenient to talk?"

Jena knew the editor's name was not Rob. Caleb held up a hand to stop her interruption.

"Great. Thanks, appreciate it, Rob. Gist, Dunedin Echo published an article, with a typo, said Jena Silva had an affair and are living in Wellington. In reality, someone called Jean Silva! Jena has contacted the paper, owners and editor, they have corrected the online version, but have not published an apology or correction. Can I leave it with you?" Pause. "Great. Thanks, Rob. Much appreciated. Yes. Let me know as soon as possible." Pause. "Thanks. Bye." He clicked off.

Jena blinked. "Who is Rob?"

"My company's lawyer." Caleb grinned. "And he is good! Real good!"

"And you expect him to deal with my situation."


"Why?" She frowned.

"What do you mean, why?"

"Why would he do something about it, it has nothing to do with you, your company or..."

"He would do something about it, because I asked him."

"And why would you do something about it, when it has nothing to do with you?"

"Does anything fluster you?" Again the article, her visit to his office, her visit to his home, surfaced in his mind. A remarkably self-contained woman.

She nearly said you do, but caught herself just in time. Instead of answering his question, she said with no inflection in her voice, "I have texted Sophie, that you will have a chat with her about this job." She quirked a brow, and hoped her mask would remain in place. "Mr Harland, another glass? Wine?"

He banked his laugh. This woman was perfect for him. His brain asked him why did it take him so long to reach that conclusion? And his heart, asked him if he was ready for the consequences? Caleb took a moment, then said, "No, thanks. I'm driving. A soft drink if you have one." He again pinned her with a glance, "Please call me Caleb."

Again she ignored his glance and request. "Any preference?"

"Anything available." Obviously he had a long way to go to fix this relationship with her, he thought. "Jena Silva, you intrigue me." Time to make progress with his new plan.

Jena returned with a bottle of diet coke and a long tall glass with ice. "I seriously doubt that." Jena replied which had him looking at her in bemusement, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

His lips twitched before he said, "You're questioning my ability to form personal opinions?"

Jena shook her head, "But I have questions about your ability to form relationships with suitable people!"

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