Part 9

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"You have the gall to expect me to pander to your instructions because you think you can control me? You are labouring under the misapprehension that you have some influence, or impact, in my life." He stopped a few feet away from her, close enough for her to see that his eyes were considering his next action. And there was amusement in his eyes. It was as if she was nothing more than an amusing, albeit time consuming, interval in his hectic schedule. "Who I date." He took a step closer. She licked her lips and took a step back. Well, at least her brain had re-established its link to her legs. He was pleased to see she registered his movement. "When I date." Another step forward for him, matched by another step backward for her. "Why I date. With who," He took another step. But her brain issued a different message. She resurrected her courage, squared her shoulders and forced her feet to stay planted. "my sex life," He was one-foot away when he declared, "is none of your bloody business, Ms Silva!" The composed, steady, voice continued to keep her pinned to the spot, even if the body language suggested she should be running. Again his eyes tracked from her head to her feet and back, before he said, "You're naïve if you believe you can dictate the terms of a stranger. And I am a stranger to you! You do know, you do not know me!" He stated with irony. "Let alone my sex life." She licked her lips and then pinched her lips between her teeth. Guts, he thought. Brave and foolish, not a good combination. Caleb said brusquely, "And believe me, you, Ms Silva, while your assets render you beautiful, unfortunately for you, you do not meet my standards!" That was not true, but this lie was needed for this situation.

He thought she was beautiful, and was impressed by the fact that she had first retreated, her backward steps matching his steps forward, a bit like an orchestrated dance move, but she only did that for a handful of steps, before planting her feet and did not retreat any further. He was even more impressed by the fact that she did not rant, breakdown in a flood of tears, or resort to violence when challenged. He could see the fury in her eyes, but was not reflected in her actions or speech.

Jena knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to embarrass her. And was succeeding, given the colour in her cheeks. She blushed. Again, he looked her up and down, as if he was seriously wondering why she'd even thought she could pull something like this off.

"Of course you are very pretty. But my girlfriends were all pretty. The difference is that they bring more than their appearance to any relationship!" His eyes tracked from the top of her head to her feet and back, "They have characteristics that I value."

"Delighted to hear that." She snorted. There are times when you just have to give up! And this was the perfect moment. The man was laboured under an illusion. And she was fed with him denigrating her. Enough!

"Characteristics not seen in you! My girlfriends, are beautiful, bright, witty and modest. " He declared with acerbity, "My girlfriends were beautiful women who can discuss various topics."

"Fabulous. I am happy for you! The question can you discuss various topics with them, or just smirk with arrogance when you can't?" She asked with no trace of benevolence.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, "And they are not bullies."

"Perfect." Jena swallowed and corrected, "And for your information, I am not a bully." This meeting was testing her patience and composure. Well, actually she had lost her patience with him, ages ago, just it had just registered in her heart, or accepted in her head. Why she was still here, discuss anything with him, was a puzzle.

He snorted. "Really? You tried to bully me into dropping Melanie."

"No I didn't! You really think I could bully you? You? Are you kidding?"

"No, exactly. But you thought I would succumb to your demands. For future references, from my position, you do not bring anything to the table beyond your appearance."

His look rebooted Jena's brain. She didn't have to stand here and take this, her brain reminded her. She could leave. She just needed her legs to move. And when her legs did not move, she snapped, "Perfect, because I had no intention of bringing anything to your table. No interest in you at all!" 

"I will not tolerate people who badger or hassle my staff, in any form." He was surprised to see that she was still arguing, and despite confronting her with statements that derided her nature , she was defiant. There was something about this woman, just a shame that he could not work it out. "As I said, you do not meet my standards." He remained polite when he questioned, "But you came here, to derail my relationship with Melanie, right?" And quirked a brow to prompt her response. Caleb couldn't believe that this woman thought he would jump at her request. "Well?"

She nodded, that was true, no point ignore it. So she said, frankly derailing her argument, "Sort of." 

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