Part 108

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Caleb put this mobile in his pocket. "I assume you are going to collect a glass for me? Going to offer me wine?" He teased. He just hoped he had not stuffed this chance. And he knew he was falling in love. He was not a monk, but his previous experience did not prepare him for this. How can one woman rattle him to the extent that he can't hold on to his equanimity. He is known for his level-headedness, self-control, and utter calmness. Nothing faze him. Apart from this woman.

She inhaled and moved away before she could loose her composure. She said firmly, "Your assumption is wrong. Similar with your friend!"

"You heard our conversation, and you know, I know Mike was in charge of events at the reception and he had a word with you...."

She took a sip and said nothing and moved towards the sliding door. "As I said, Mr Harland, if you want, or if the Jakings' family wants to make a complaint, ask Andrew, he has a form which you or the Jakings' family can complete. Or you can write. We will address it when we receive the complaint. In the meantime, go away!" She feigned a smile.

"Bloody stubborn! I told you, Jena. No one is making a complaint!" He growled. He is known for his level-headedness, self-control, and utter calmness. Nothing faze him. Apart from this woman. He rubbed his jawline. "I saw the cake. Mike and the family are ecstatic about the cake! And they are expecting an invoice. But if they do not get it, they will use the quote and pay! They want to close the wedding account."

Calmly she inched closer to the sliding door and said with a feign smile, "Please let them know, they can close it."

He grunted. "Pig-headed!" Jena narrowed her eyes. While Caleb said, "And as I said, Mike said he expects an invoice and even if you do not invoice them, he will look up the quote! And he also said to convey his apology." Caleb folded his arms, when Jena said nothing. "Your customers are happy. Your cake won plaudits. My question is, why? I do not understand why you are not going to invoice them? Why?" For a businessman, the fact she was willing to write off a huge sum, suggested a problem.

Jena grouched, "As I said, not your concern, Mr Harland. And I said to your friend, my decision." She slide the door open, "Good night, Mr Harland. And if you don't mind, I have things to do and I am pretty sure you have things to do." Yes, like finding some distraction to shift your memory from my mind, she thought.

Caleb put his hand on the door to stop her from closing the door. Time to take control of this and find that now, elusive level-headness that he was famous for, he thought. "Yes, I do. But first let me tell you what I know." He left his palm on the door and all but caged her between him and the door.

She folded her arms, straightened her spine, and tipped her head to the side. Best to let him get on with this. "Fine. Go ahead." And she tried to inch away. Because her heart was thumping and she was pretty sure he would hear it.

"You called me Caleb. Today, now I am Mr Harland." Start with the small details, he thought and watched her reaction.


"So, obviously this has something to do with me! Not with Mike." He inched closer.

She inched backwards and found her back was plastered against the door. She glared at him,  "I would say you and Mr Jakings are arrogant! Move, Mr Harland!"

He ignored the order and he watched her eyes, "Something happened last week," Yes, that was true he thought watching the anxiety flitting through her eyes, and having re-established his calmness he said, "and I know, based on what Mike said it has something to do with Julie." Again, right, but this time the emotion flying through her eyes was exasperation. Again, his restraint vanished, he snapped. "My difficulty is that you are bloody stubborn, and just as you said, if I asked Julie I might not get the truth."  Caleb threw Jena a look that might have scalded.

Shifting uncomfortably she said, "True." She plastered her palms on his chest and pushed. Her push was like a gnat trying to move an elephant. And in any case, she was startled, because her palm registered the fact his heart matched hers. 

"And getting the truth from you is even worse. I do not know what exactly went on, but I value your friendship!" He said, and she blinked, utterly confounded! And seen that emotion, Caleb gave her space. Just a few inches. But continued, "The fact that you took my sister under your wing, that you have supported Sophie despite the fact that she acted like a bridezilla, and shows you are fair and kind. All I am asking you to do, is to tell me exactly, just be honest, just the truth, just tell me what happened!"

She tipped her head pugnaciously to one side but remained where she was.

Silence for seconds.

Eventually she said, "It doesn't matter." No point raising her hopes.

"Bullshit. It matters to me. And it matters to you, otherwise you would not treat me like a leper since that wedding reception." He took a moment. The both remained at their spot. Again, something flashed between them. Eyes flashing with unsaid words. Hearts thumping with drum signals. He rubbed the back of his neck and said quietly, "Mike said he had words with you based on Julie's statement, that you were rude to her, and apparently confirmed by you, but that would not explain why you are pushing me away. Why?" Caleb ran his fingers through his hair. His mind was racing through their conversation, he knew there was something going on here. "Which, as I told Mike, you would never be rude to a guest, and while you might have said something to Julie, but you did not reveal the context to him." He watched her eyes, and asked softly, "What did Julie say to you? And I think that is crucial here!" He reached forward and placed a palm on her shoulder, "You told Julie she was in your way, why? What did she say to you?"

Jena said nothing. His palm stroked her shoulder and her arm. And they both felt the spark. Nerves triggering gratification. And again it robbed Caleb of composure while Jena's bones became jelly.

Neither moved or said anything for seconds. While their eyes flashed messages that triggering unexpected responses.

"Why did you ask me about you engaging Sophie?" Caleb said softly, moving closer, his hand moved from her shoulder to cup her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

His fingers touching her chin scrabbled her thoughts! She murmured, "What?" The fact she squirmed he was sure he was close to the truth.

"You said, why do I think you gave my sister a job?" She squirmed as she found her brain which was trying to start up. Caleb asked gently, "Why would you ask me that? Why now?"

She shrugged.

A light bulb moment. "I should have asked you, why I allowed you to employ her?"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"No." He was pretty sure he was on the right path.

"You allowed me to employ her? Really?" She spluttered. "If I remember correctly, you said you did not want to employ her, when I told you to employ her!" And she remembered her chin was between his thumb and finger, and his thumb was stroking her lips! No wonder she could not think! She flicked her head and moved away.

"I know. The best decision I made for her! And me!" Caleb smiled.

"Her and you?" She spluttered again. "Really?"

"Yes. Sophie is thriving with your company. She is so happy. She loves her job." He smiled, "I could have arranged a job for Sophie with any of my friends. Instead, I pressured you!"

"You did not pressure me. Andrew had to deal with his mother's health situation. We had a gap to fill..."

"Yes, and as Sophie said, in normal practice you would chat with your team and get a temporary, using the funds for this type of situation, but you did not do that." He ran a hand round the back of his neck. 

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