Part 32

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Kevin then picked up on his original statement "Jena's community is tiny in New Zealand. There are just a few of them in Wellington and he's famous. So you know, as a small community people are bound to know each other." Kevin stated the obvious, "Jena's bound to..."

"Keep digging." Ali told him, which had Kevin shaking his head. Then much to Melanie's annoyance, Ali dimpled at Caleb, "You'll have to excuse us Mr Harland, meeting a celebrity and talking to them, is a shock to our systems! In some cases, like my friend's behaviour," she nodded at Kevin, and smiled, "makes me cringe!"

Kevin grinned.

Caleb smiled. "I haven't raced in years." Well over six years now. He studied the young woman who had made that statement. She, like her friend Jena, was attractive. Probably about the same age as Jena, he figured. A bit more open about her reaction, he conceded as the young woman continued to smile at him with open curiosity. And he realised while Ali's appearance registered as good-looking, Jena's appearance registered as entrancing. He was not sure why? Her attitude? Her approach? But something about her, was now firmly lodged in his head and heart.

"That doesn't mean you are any less of a celebrity." Ali teased easily.

Jena returned with a tray loaded with a six people coffee plunge plot, milk in a jug, sugar in a bowl and an assortment of mugs. She put the tray down on the low table that sat beside one of the chairs next to Ali. "Ali would you do the honours, I'll just go get your tea." Again, keen to leave, as she noted that Caleb was watching her. Not sure why it mattered to her, given at least three of her friends were watching her, and she did not mind. She would have to ensure that she remains alert and relaxed, assuming that is not an oxymoron.

Caleb watched her with open interest as she placed the tray on the table, and she seemed to be utterly relaxed. It was as if she simply did not have any concerns about what he or anyone thought about her. Bare footed, dressed in simple but stylish clothes, her attitude was one of quiet confidence. This woman was comfortable with who she was. And his interest in her ratcheted up another notch.

"I'll get it." Ali replied and headed for the counter. "You pour out their coffee, I tend to splash things!"

Jena smiled at her friend. "Ali, can you grab the banana cake and serviettes? They are on the plate on the counter. Thanks." Jena settled more comfortably by the tray, she knelt beside the table and began to pour out the coffee, checking on people's preferences as she went. They passed round the unmatched mugs as each coffee was made to order. She did her best not to look at Caleb. But his interest was registered by her invisible nerves and her heart was thumping.

Ali returned with her tea and the cake. "Who made the cake? You or ..."


Ali put the cake and serviettes on the coffee table and then took her seat. "Can we open the doors to the deck?" Ali asked, "I'm dying to see what it's like now. I should have remembered earlier and asked earlier when we had some dusk light!"

She suggested without any preamble, "Switch on the outside light. Come and see. It is magical, at any time!" Jena opened the sliding doors and gestured for Ali. Ali and Kev got to their feet and went to the door, and peered at the deck. Jena headed for the remaining armchair and sat. Much to Caleb's amusement, he now understood why she'd purchased oversized furniture, for no sooner had she sat down, she'd brought her legs up, and curled her legs beneath her, tucking them within the space of the large arm chair.

Ali was still standing by the open door. "This is great, Jena." She told Jena. "I keep forgetting that you are practically on the water!"

Jena nodded in agreement. "I know. I love it. They've done a really good job. The deck runs the width of my home, including the two bedrooms. I'm pleased I went ahead with it. It's a bit decadent but somehow it works for me. I love it."

Ali returned to her seat. "What have you got left to do?"

"With the deck?"


"It needs another coat of that stain, that's what the guys said last week. Unfortunately, it rained, so they haven't managed to finish that. But after that, well, then it's basically done. Might get some outdoor furniture for the deck, will see. Anyway, we'll do a Sunday brunch when it's ready."

"Great!" Kels nodded enthusiastically. "Your views must be amazing from here."

"Yes, actually amazing. And I love the mornings." She sighed with delight.

Strangely Caleb felt himself relax. Whatever she had was contagious.

"Settling here, living on the water edge. Perfect." She threw Steve a pointed look, "I know the cube isn't to everyone's taste, and given its location, with factories as neighbours...."

Steve smiled happily and interrupted her, "You like factories as neighbours and I don't!"

Jena chuckled, "Snob!" Steve grinned.

"Hey! If you invite me for a stay-over, who knows, I may change my view!" Steve wiggled his eyebrows. Kels threw a cushion at Steve, who ducked the missile.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, was Jena flirting with Steve? What happened to Kevin? Obviously she has a male-harem. Caleb's smile vanished. He could not remember any time when he was jealous. The feeling washed through him. Jealous. He was definitely was jealous. What happened today? He rehashed his evening, he went on date with someone who he identified as a possible wife, the date was a washout, returns her to her temporary accommodation, and invited himself to coffee just to see her landlady! He rubbed his forehead and then ran his fingers through his hair. What is going on here?

He was noticing things about Jena that he hadn't noticed at his office. Things that disconcerted him. She seemed utterly in control of her life, while in his life within seconds she could arouse jealousy with little effort. He was not prone to jealousy. Obviously a complex emotion. But at the moment, rivalry and insecurity in his personal life were new! Him, insecurity? He was tempted to laugh. That was not possible. Caleb found himself studying the woman currently curled up on the large arm chair. Because the impossible was possible with her. 

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