Part 2

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Caleb watched her eyes, and knew she was still bemused because she did not have the experience or skills to deal with him. His smile widened. Well, if you wander into the lion's den, you will have to come prepared for the inevitable result: A maul. In this case, perhaps small bites. And he was enjoying taking small bites, toying with his food.

Jena banked her concern, knowing she was in his domain, knowing there was nothing to stop him from finishing his food at his own leisure! Jena acknowledged the satisfaction in his eyes. There are times when you just wished you could have a reset button. Today was obviously the perfect time to press that button.

She huffed silently. Evidently he knew what he wanted and knew how to get it. That much was obvious. Of course she had expected him to argue or challenge her appeal, perhaps even ask for a reason, when she delivered her request. But he didn't. He was calm. Cool. Utterly unruffled. At least he gave the impression that her request was a trifle and of no concern to him. But this was important to her.

Just a shame it took her time to realise that he was not happy, and she was pretty sure he was relishing this occasion, as he backed her into a corner. She wondered if he was the type who would tell his family and friends about her and her unusual request. She gulped, idiot, idiot, idiot, the words rattled around her brain. What made her think, she could just come here, to his office, and ask him not to date her cousin's girlfriend!

Not sure how her request metamorphosed and emerged suggesting he wanted to date her!

She was pretty sure that he did not want to go out with her. There are times in your life when you needed a re-set button or a review button, anything that allows you address the past with hindsight!

She repeated her question, "You want to go out with me?" Her brow furrowed as she reviewed this meeting. And again, repeated, "You want to go out with me?"

And why was he still smiling at her? Her thoughts raced through her mind, and the principal thought resurfaced: she was hardly the type to register on his radar! Of course he'd never be interested in her. She knew that. He was definitely teasing her.

This was a mistake. Coming here. Big mistake. What ever made her think she could take this man on? Order him around? Persuade him to change his mind? After the last few minutes with him she knew what an insect would feel like if the insect ever attempted to shove an elephant. She came to the conclusion that he was deliberately teasing her. Or trying to deflect her approach?

She shook her head to give her opinion gravitas. "That is ridiculous!" She mumbled before saying more loudly, "You don't want to go out with me, Mr Harland!"

His fast response, "You are right, Ms Silva." He chuckled. His chuckle sounded hollow, revealing sarcasm. "I don't."

Jena's shock was dispersed, given his blunt response that followed her bemused statement.

He continued, using a tone as if he was explaining the matter to petulant child. "Let me clarify!" He reined in his laugh. "Not in this universe or in my imagination or in this reality." His brusque response coated in honey maintained the impression of a man totally in control. He leaned back in his chair and his smile was laced with arrogance. Not surprising given he clearly was in control and currently held the upper hand. 

Jena did her best not to fidget. He was definitely toying with her, she thought. Typical. If you pull a tiger's tail, you can expect a reaction. This particular tiger, currently disguised as a man had a reputation. She nearly laughed when she realized she was using animal metaphors: From a lion, to an elephant to a tiger. She should have rehearsed this meeting, rehashedoptions, prepare for the status quo. And at least taken notice of a well-earnedreputation. Funny, how a photo of a man does not convey the unleashedpower. And what she learnt today was aman wearing business clothes provides more than adequate camouflage for a beast!

Time to get out. Fast. Her thoughts were unravelling.

She gave herself a mental shake, looked him square in the eye and said, "Right then, Mr Harland, well, er, right," She brushed at her sleeve as if there was speck of dirt, took a small breath, "guess that's sorted." Back away, fast. Press restart in her heart and head, and issue a warning, to her. She gave him a terse smile, added with feigned confidence, "Thank you for your time, Mr Harland. Thanks for taking the time to meet me. Sorry if I caused any inconvenience. Have a wonderful day. Good bye." 

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