Part 109

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Caleb blew out a puzzled sigh and asked in a voice laced with confusion. "You kept Sophie on, even after Andrew returned to his job." 

"Because your sister is good!" Her eyebrows drew closer together as she frowned up at him.  "She has good social skills. She learns things fast. And our prospective customers love her. With her manning the desk, it leaves Andrew to deal with our company's files and tax and the jobs I hate! I am pretty sure your sister would be better off with a big company, they would encourage her to get qualifications, as it would open doors for her. But we cannot afford that. Your sister is clever, kind and she would be an asset to any PR teams."

More proof that Jena was exactly what he wanted in his life, he thought. "I think she is good at her job, because you instil confidence." Caleb said quietly. "You are an amazing woman, Jena!"

Jena blinked. And wondered if she was in an alternative universe. 

Caleb realised he was running out of ideas giving her stance and the look on her face, suggested his compliments had not Caleb realised he was running out of ideas giving her stance and the look on her face, suggested his compliments had not engendered what he wanted.  He thought Julie and Jena altercation was the problem, but the last few moments he thought the altercation did not explain Jena's behaviour. His reached the conclusion, it was him. Perhaps because he forced Jena to employ his sister. 

But again, her reply dashed that reason away. "That is silly. You did not force me to employ your sister. And Sophie is good at her job. We know she is wasting her skills here, with my company, but we are grateful for her help. And she is cheap!" Jena said frankly and Caleb grinned but did not say anything. For seconds she waited for Caleb to say something. Jena announced, "And for your information, this has nothing to do with Sophie."

He narrowed his eyes, and other reasons surfaced in his head. In his business circles he is know for his quick thinking and could sift through mires, and find the kernel of the situation.

 "And as I said," Jena glanced at her watch, muttered, "twenty minutes ago, go away!"

He stroked his jaw and said with a smile, "Are you tipsy?"

"What?" She blinked at the change in the topic. "Tipsy? Me?" Now what? She moved away.

"Are you tipsy, Jena?"

"Because you saw me sipping wine? Clearly, your girlfriends can't handle one glass of wine!" She grumbled with a huff. "Sipping wine, from one glass, for over an hour, rarely result in inebriation! So I am not drunk."

"Good." His smile widened.  

"Good?" She blinked again. What is going here? Switch universes? Having a dream? She narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

"Yes. Just wanted to be sure when I kiss you, that you will not use it to explain your reaction!" She blinked in shock. He took a step forward. Closing the gap between the two of them. And he was pleased to see that she had not moved backwards. More that pleased, because he read the emotions that flitted through her eyes. Shock. Delight. Anticipation. Bemused. Concern. Followed by alarm. He grinned.

"Kiss me? Are you mad?" She frowned and shook her head. "You want to kiss me? My reaction?" Then she laughed. "Would probably knee you in your balls!" She jabbed his shoulder, and pushed him away. "Because I am not stupid!"

"I know."

She declared, "Lucky for you, I know, that you have no intention of kissing me!"

"Are you sure?" His grin grew.

"Yes." She glared. "Because, apart from my intelligence, I also have a good memory!"

"And that means what exactly?" He folded his arms and watching the emotions flooding her eyes. She was still bemused but at the same time, was cross, and thrilled! Laced with expectancy and irritation. 

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