Part 35

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The party had eventually disbanded in the early hours of the morning, when they'd run out of banana cake, and they all claimed they needed a decent night's sleep. It took Kels to say she was going to make tracks and head home, for the others to look at the time, make positive comments about time flying and they got to their feet.

Melanie tried to stay close to Caleb, hoping for a good night kiss. She did not get one after their first 'date' and she hoped this 'date' would address that. But her plans were thwarted when Kevin asked Caleb about his car. The two men spent a few minutes using the light from Jena's front door, to study and talk about Caleb's Bentley. And because Melanie was determined to rescue this date and to secure another date, she left the front door and stood beside Caleb feign interest in the Caleb and Kevin's conversation. 

Jena remained at the front door. Kels, Ali and Steve shared hugs, kisses and exchanged good wishes, and they made their way to their cars. They call out their goodnight to Caleb, Kevin and Melanie when they walked past them. Caleb, Kevin and Melanie automatically replied.

Caleb glanced at the front door. And even with the poor light, Jena, at the front door, and Caleb at his car, exchanged a glance. Again, that jolt of electricity was unexpected.

"Excuse me, Melanie. Forgot to thank Jena." Caleb said quietly.

Melanie was tempted to stomp. What is wrong with the man? Caleb left Melanie with Kevin at the Bentley. Caleb jogged back to the front door. Melanie pouted and was going to follow Caleb. But Kevin asked a question. She looked at Kevin, and she was lucky that he could not read her eyes, because her eyes showed disdain. Why would he think she could answer about a Bentley?

Jena frowned. He smiled with open charm, walked forward a few more steps. She asked, "Everything ok?" Her eyes were on him while she waved at Kels, Ali and Steve as they got into their cars.

With his hands in his pockets he strolled forward. Caleb nodded. "Yes. I forgot to thank you."

"Me?" She blinked and folded her arms and caught her lip between her teeth. Why was she nervous? He was a just guest. Not her guest. Someone who she barely knew. But her heart thumped. "Why?"

"Why?" He grinned with easy charm. "I forgot to thank you for the coffee. And that wonderful banana cake." And for this extraordinary evening with a special woman, the thought raced through his mind.

"You are welcome." Jena could see that Melanie was not happy. Jena nodded her head, "I think Melanie is waiting for you."

Caleb ignored that red herring. "I hope I did not curtailed your evening."

"You didn't." She gulped as she read the message in his eyes. Her pulse was racing. This man was out of her league, and the fact he had already told her, at his office, that she did not meet his requirement. So why was he flirting with her?  This evening contradicted his view of her. 

"Despite the fact you did not want me here? And we were not expected?" He tipped his head to one side as if he was studying her. The question is how to arrange another meeting. 

Jena banked her gulp. Instead she reminded him, "You were not expected because you did not accept the original invitation!"

Caleb chuckled. "Probably because the invitation was not brought to my attention!" This woman simply did not react the way most women would, he thought. 

Jena smiled, "I brought it to your attention when you arrived earlier tonight." She shrugged, "You opted not to accept it."

"Yeah. My fault." He said quiet, and their eyes met.

Jena gulped, time to put distance between them, because she was not the type to jump from the frying pan to the fire. She folded her arms, and with a paste smile on her lips, she said,  "In any case, my friends loved your company. We rarely have celebrities in our midst."

He rifled a hand through his hair. This woman was running rings round him! "And you?" He looked at her, and another glance that charged their pulses.

"Me?" Jena whispered and then remembered his statements at his office.

His eyes caught and held her gaze. "Yes, you enjoyed my company?" He asked with a grin.

Jena murmured. "Not sure I would say that." Enjoy? There was so much to think about, like why she fancied him! Her heart came to standstill.

For several seconds they just stared.

"What would you say?" He asked quietly.


"What would you say?"

"To what?" Jena frowned trying to buy time to allow her to process this.  This evening was unexpected. Unanticipated flirting.  Unforeseen reactions.  Emotions that were difficult to classify.

But before he could answer, Melanie came to the door.

Her eyes flashing with open hostility at Jena, she asked, "Everything ok?" Melanie was tempted to take Caleb's hand instead she put her hand on his arm, to signal property.

"Yes," Jena kept her eyes on Caleb while she continued, "I guess you have told him you are leaving next week." Jena told him, her chin tipped in full temper. Why was he flirting when he was on a date with Melanie? The link between Caleb and Jena vanished in a blink.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, when he recognised the link was severed.  "Yes. Melanie told me."

Melanie giggled. "We have not made plans for next week." She hoped her ambiguous statement might force an invitation from him.

But unfortunately for her, Jena used the vague statement to introduce Tony's name, "Perhaps we can ask Tony if he has any plans before you both return home, and Mr Harland could take you and Tony to see the other sights in town."

Trying to recover the situation, Melanie squeezed Caleb's arm. "I forgot to thank you for this evening.." She leaned forward and kissed him on his cheek.

"You are welcome." But Caleb kept his eyes on Jena. Jena folded her arms and kept her eyes blank while her pulse raced.

Melanie peeked up and saw he was not looking at her, so she tried again, "Caleb, " She beamed. "I really enjoyed tonight." Melanie hoped that Jena would take the hint and leave her with Caleb at the front door.

Jena banked her snort.

His eyes were still on Jena. Caleb added, "Jena, thanks for coffee, cake and the banter tonight."

"No problem." Trust him to be the last to leave. "Good night, Mr Harland."

"Good night, Jena." Unfortunately, Caleb stepped away from Melanie, "Goodnight Melanie."

"er, I, er, yes, goodnight Caleb."

He took a couple of steps and then turned his head, looked over his shoulder and smiled at the women at the front door. A few seconds later, Caleb opened his car door and stepped into his car. Jena and Melanie waited at the door, while Caleb reversed the Bentley.

Melanie flounced away and left Jena at the front door. 

Jena tracked Caleb's car's rear lights and stayed at the front door until the lights disappeared. Jena slowly closed the door and leaned on the door. She closed her eyes and she exhaled. What was going on? Idiot, idiot, idiot, she repeated quietly.

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