Part 19

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Caleb folded his arms, and took his time as he watched the emotions that flitted through her eyes. There was something about her that was unexpected and the fact that he had not thrown her out fifteen minutes earlier, was equally unexpected. But for some reason, he liked her.

Caleb said, "Yes. I understand your request."

"And you will not go out with her?" Jena nearly whooped in delight and banked her jig. She would dance, skip and hop when she is out of this building, she thought. Or would go to a restaurant and order a large alcohol drink! No doubt, when she reviews this encounter, albeit the influence of alcohol, she will laugh. But at the moment, amusement was not on her mind.

Caleb declared bluntly with relish, knowing his one word will fluster her, "No."

"No?" Jena's celebrations in her head came to a sudden stop. She blinked. Narrowed her eyes. She rubbed her forehead. Sighed.  "No, you will not go out with her or no, you will go out with her and..." She petered out, her smiled vanished.

He pulled open the door, glanced over at his PA, "Annie, Ms Silva will need a taxi." He turned to Jena, gestured for her to exit his office. Caleb looked at his secretary, "Annie, I leave Ms Silva in your good hands."

Jena's brain whirred. She would have to reassess her strategies with strangers. She thought, her business had allowed her to develop strategies to handle difficult customers, but clearly none worked with Mr Harland. She accepted there was no point staying and continuing this discussion with him.

Annie smiled, but was not sure what exactly was going on, given Caleb was using his professional smile. And the woman, who had persuaded her to ask Caleb for an impromptu appointment, was now scowling.  

Annie said from her desk, "Of course, I will arrange a taxi for Ms Silva." She smiled. Annie was already on the phone, and Jena heard Annie asking for a taxi. 

Caleb said, bluntly and quietly, "Ms Silva, it's been an experience." Jena's eyebrows rose in quiet demand. He ignored the question in her eyes but instead, he whispered. "But not one I wish to repeat." Though in reality, he had quite enjoyed the last few minutes, and his heart was challenging his logic.  He banked his smile. "And yes, I understand your request, Ms Silva, but I will be going out with Melanie this week." Jena sighed quietly.  Caleb said firmly, "Probably more dates to follow. Good bye, Ms Silva."

Jena stalked past him, her chin tipped in haughty disdain. He followed her out of his office.

Annie watched the interaction between Caleb and Jena. Interesting, she thought. Caleb looked over his shoulder, "Annie? Taxi arranged?"

"Yes." Annie nodded.

Jena moved past Annie. Caleb escorted Jena towards the other door. Caleb held out a hand when they reached the door, and Jena thought it would be churlish if she did not take his hand. They shook hands.  "Again, good bye, Ms Silva. Annie, will accompany you to the building exit!" Caleb looked at Jena as if he was trying to imprint her image in his head.

Annie got to her feet. 

"No need!" Jena said, opened the door and she stalked out into the foyer, and pressed the button to summon the lift. Caleb nearly grinned openly at that gesture of pique. Jena missed the beginnings of the smile that appeared on his lips. Caleb watched the lift door close and smiled and waved at Jena! She rolled her eyes as the lift door closed.

Annie watched her boss' reaction. That was interesting, she thought! And she wondered what exactly had gone in the office, given Caleb was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She had worked for him for years. She knew from experience, that he would not reveal what happened in the last fifteen minutes. Instead, as a professional, Annie said, "Caleb, Lincoln's PA asked for a reschedule." Caleb closed the door and turned around to meet Annie's gaze. Annie continued to talk, "Their company lawyer is not well. Lincoln asked for an extension."

Caleb nodded. "Thanks, Annie. Ok. Reschedule the 3pm meeting, but not tomorrow." Looked like his guardian angel was on duty, given he had just wasted time on Ms Silva, and he would have to approach the meeting without reviewing the file for the meeting. But now, given the request for a postponement, Caleb could spend the afternoon reviewing the file.

He walked back to his office, closed the door, and chuckled. Well that was different, he thought as he retook his seat. And the smile vanished when he realized he could conjure up Jena's face but was having difficulties in summoning up Melanie's face! He ran his fingers through his hair, linked his fingers behind his head, tipped his head and looked at the ceiling. He could remember picking up Melanie from Jena's home but he could not remember his conversation with her! And while he tried to resurrect the conversation with her, two statements were in a loop in his mind. Both belong to his conversation with Jena.

According to Jena, Melanie was engaged to her cousin. Caleb shook his head. An engagement woman, who had no concerns about going out on a date with a stranger, made him uneasy. He would not date a woman who has no reservations in going out with a man while engaged to another. To him, loyalty was a crucial facet. And open relationships had no appeal for him.

He did not lie when he told Jena that he was going to take Melanie out this week. But he intended to ask Melanie about this phantom engagement or to confirm if she was in a relationship with Jena's cousin.

The other statement, that he did not fancy Jena, was a lie. The question is why?

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