Part 72

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When Caleb arrived to collect Sophie, he didn't stay long. He just thanked Jena and ushered Sophie into his car. 

Jena remembered that as soon as she opened the door to Caleb, her pulse raced. A pulse she thought had steady in anticipation, which was scuppered as soon as she opened the door to him. Jena wasn't sure if her high blood pressure was due to work commitments or the fact she had not accepted his apology or was just looking for a way to distract her from her feelings for him.

Her heart was thumping. But the sensation was different. She quickly put that feeling away. 

Caleb's first words to Jena was to ask about  his sister. Then he belatedly said good evening, just a courtesy, before he continued to ask about Sophie. It was enough to allow Jena to don her professional mantle. And she provided the answers to his questions. They stood at the doorway and rehashed what Jena knew about the situation, before Sophie emerged from the kitchen.

A few minutes later,  he told Jena he would arrange a pick up for Sophie's car and Sophie left with her brother.

The following evening, Caleb took a taxi to Jena's house, to collect Sophie's car from Jena's office carpark.

"I was going to call, but figured a face to face might be more appropriate, given I owe you. I hope this is a convenient time." He accepted he was having difficulty in trying to work out this woman. From what Sophie said to him, Caleb knew he would have to review his opinion of Jena and would need more information about her affair because it did not make any sense. He knew she was blunt.  But he also learnt that she was kind, thoughtful and considerate. Gentle and strong. Sympathy laced with reality.

Jena stood at the door, wondering whether to lie and say she was busy. "Sure, come in." She held the door open. No point stalling this meeting. Best they get this over. Obviously he was here to discuss and sort out the bill regarding the cake preparations.

Caleb stepped into the hallway, waited for her to close the door then said, "I wanted to say thank you."

"For cancelling the order for the cake?" She knew, Andrew had left a message with Caleb's secretary confirming the cancellation of the cake order.

"For yesterday, looking out for Sophie." Caleb corrected. She shrugged. Not really sure what to say in response. "She's meeting Isaac this evening." 

Jena's nodded. "Probably for the best."

"Yes," but Caleb's eyes revealed he was not sure. It was that uncertainty, that anxiety, was read by Jena. She thought they would have this brief conversation in her hallway, she would tell him there was no bill, and that would be the end of the discussion! But seeing the apprehension and alarm in his eyes, she was pretty sure the conversation would not be about the bill.

Jena gestured for him to follow her. She had been sitting out on the deck, trying to reschedule her and teams time, just as she had done when she fitted in Sophie and Isaac's cake into the schedule. And now, ten days later, she was looking at the team's timetable. As they reached the kitchen she asked, "Would you like a glass of wine? Nothing special. Just a wine that I like." 

Caleb was surprised by her offer. He wished he could read her mind. "Assuming, I am not interrupting anything, that would be nice. Thanks."

She collected a glass from a cabinet and kept walking. "I was out on the deck." She said, looking for a safe topic, wanted time for her heart to settle. Rambling she said, "I find the water therapeutic, and as you know, I'm fortunate to live at the water's edge. But having a deck is still a novelty to me and I was just doing some work sitting, on the deck, and sipping wine...."  This is silly, she mumbled in her head, he is just a man. A man she barely knew.

Caleb followed her out onto the deck. The water was flat. A mirror reflecting the late afternoon sky. He inhaled. She was right, there was something about being here, beside the water. "This is nice." He nearly rolled his eyes at his trite response. This is ridiculous, he warned in his head, she is just a woman. A woman he barely knew. "Sorry, that sounded banal."

"Not banal, but not original!" Jena looked out at the water, "And, yes, it is nice." She inhaled, lowered her shoulders, exhaled and said quietly, "But to me, it is more than nice. It is a free therapeutic agent! " She gestured towards one of the cushioned wicker chairs. "Grab a seat, Mr Harland." She poured him a glass of Cab Sav and handed him the wine glass.

"Thanks. Call me Caleb." He took another look at the water, and decided to avoid the predictable conversation route. He was pretty sure she would prefer the direct approach to the elephant in the room. "Isaac is right, Sophie needs to stand on her own feet.  And she and he need her to know that she can." Caleb exhaled. "And talk about what they actually want"

She sat on the other wicker chair on the deck, and shrugged.  

Caleb stared at the water, and said quietly, " With hindsight, I think that is why my father suggested a year to arrange their wedding, you know, to give them time." Clearly this cushioned wicker chair was a good counsellor's couch and the water was a perfect therapist, given he was talking while Jena listened. "Their relationship moved so fast, that they did not see it was moving fast. We know Isaac loves Sophie. And we know that Sophie loves him. But they need time to work out things, their expectations, their wishes, their contribution to the relationship." He glanced at Jena, "And you are right, Sophie is used to us fixing things for her. She assumed Isaac would take over the responsibility." Caleb smiled at her. "Sophie said you were blunt! But not judgmental."

Jena's eyes widened.  No point arguing about that point. She shuffled back, until she felt comfortable.

"Sophie said she arrived at your office, and she was a mess. But you were calm and supportive. She said you insisted that she leaves her car at your office and encouraged her to come to your home."

"Well, she was really upset. I could hardly allow her to drive away in her state."

"Sophie said you were frank. Outspoken, but kind and sincere about her and Isaac's situation. Apparently you didn't sugar-coated the issue!" He chuckled.

"You can hardly ignore it! She came to cancel the order." Jena took a sip.

Caleb sighed, "I don't think she meant to cancel it!" He took a sip.

"She could have just asked you to do it for her, or ask someone else to handle this matter. But she came." Jena said and took a sip of her wine. 

Caleb said, "She said she did not remember driving to your office, so obviously she had no plan to cancel. Just ended up in the wrong place. And engaged her mouth before her brain fired up." Caleb was starting to read Jena's mind. Or at least he could now read her expressions. "My sister was shocked, I think. But beneath that shock was a kind of relief."


Caleb watched Jena's eyes. "Yes. I think she realised that Isaac was right, she had some living to do before they get married!" And for some reasons, his mind wandered and was not surprised when his imagination conjured him beside Jena and before an altar front! Caleb stashed the conjured view in his mind and exhaled.

Jena nodded, "I agree.  But I'm not saying that getting married is not living but it's just that maybe it's not the right time for her. They are stubborn!"

  "And they love each other." He said quietly.

She gazed at the water.  "From what she said, I don't think they discussed the crucial aspects of their future life." Jena put her glass on the table between the two wicker chairs.  "And they don't have to rush headlong into getting married!"

Caleb quirked an eyebrow, "You're anti marriage? That's a bit odd for someone who makes and ices wedding cakes!" 

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