Part 39

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Jena frowned. For some reason, she expected a call from him, probably because when she rehashed the events at her home, she was pretty sure, he was flirting with her. Even her friends thought they were flirting. The day after the dinner, all her guests phoned her and they all teased her about her flirting with Caleb Harland! And told her they want details when she goes out with Caleb. But he did not phone. And he did not ask her out.

"Yes." She huffed and folded her arms. Not happy with the fact that Caleb was challenging her.

"Friends? You, Bruce, and Alice?" He questioned and quirked a brow. "But have not attended their parties? Or any social events that involved them?"

"Any reason for this inquisition?"

"Any reasons for this evasion?"

"I have not asked you for your credentials for this event!" Jena grumbled.

He quirked a brow at her sarcasm "You are making a fashion statement by flouting the dress code and are your credentials?" He wondered what Jena was doing here. All guests would have an invitation and that was necessary to get a car park space and that meant facing security. Which suggests Jena either dodged security or was making a statement for this event but not wearing the appropriate dress code. "Or flouting the dress code because they did not invite you!"

Jena rolled her eyes. She had no intention to explain her attire to him. Idiot, she muttered silently. What a shame that they met here, and today. She knew she was upset, because he did not phone her to ask her out. And she thought she had put that behind her. Clearly not true. Given her pulse was racing. Thoughts racing through her brain reminded her he did not phone her. And the fact she was cross.

The woman beside Caleb, was banking her curiosity. Very odd interaction, she thought: Caleb's sarcasm and the woman's derision. Not helped by the fact the woman was here for a wedding, but with the wrong attire.

Jena looked at the woman, then Caleb, and when he did not introduced her to his date, she held out her hand to the woman, "Hello, I'm Jena Silva."

"Giselle Kelly." She said. Giselle was Caleb's sister's cousin! Caleb's step-mother and Giselle's mother were sisters. But to explain that would take time! So Giselle smiled, because she was more interested in the behaviour between Caleb and Jena. "And obviously Caleb knows you." There was something intangible here. Unfortunately she could not identify the 'intangible'. No point asking Caleb, because she knew he would ignore her curiosity.

Jena shrugged and knew she had opened a new can of worms when she said, "Sort of." Her pulse was still racing. This was silly she admonished herself. She could not still fancy this man.

"Sort of?" Giselle's eyes went wide and her mouth went into action before her mind processed the thought. "You're Caleb's ex?" Then she bit her lip, and muttered, "Foot in mouth moment! Right? Sorry. "

Jena laughed with irony, "No. Fortunately for me, I do not meet his standards!"

Giselle's eyes went wide. She processed Jena's statement and was trying to make sense of the chemistry between Caleb and Jena. "You don't meet Caleb's standards?" That cannot be right, given the sparks and the fact the woman had no makeup on, was wearing a white shirt, jeans and flat sandals, and she still looked spectacular. "Are you sure?"

Jena laughed again without any qualms, she said honestly, "Yes. Definitely. Truly, I do not meet his standards." She tugged at her white shirt, and she nodded at Caleb and said, "He told me!" A red flag to the bull, Jena thought as her dart landed.

"Correct." Caleb said equally blunt, ignoring her red flag.

"What?" Giselle spluttered, "Really, Caleb? You told her she did not meet your standards." Giselle's bemusement registered in her eyes. This was not normal for her cousin. He was charming, very adept at getting people on side with little effort. And he was always polite. His dates were always beautiful. And the woman in front of them was beautiful. Something was askew here. Giselle thought and wondered if she should ask Sophie. Caleb's sister would know what is going on here.

Time to bat the ball to her court in this verbal tennis match, Caleb thought as he said, "Jena wanted to replace her cousin's friend in my sex life! And she invited me for coffee at her home." And he knew that she had a track of ruining relationships.

"What?" Giselle spluttered again. Blinked and looked at Jena.

Jena threw her hands in the air, "You know that is not true." She highlighted his surname, "Mr Harland, A, I was not interested in your sex life!" She glared at Caleb. " B, I would not touch you with a barge pole. C, I did not replace my cousin's fiancée in your life! And D, I did not invite you for coffee!"

Caleb's lips twitched with humour. "You said you loved my company!" He loved the sparks in her eyes.

Again, Jena threw her hands in the air. "Probably only in your imagination!"

He said cryptically, "And no wedding band on my finger." Jena frowned. "Not married."


"Don't meet your pre-requirement."

Giselle blinked. "I must have missed something." What is going on here, she wondered. Caleb and Jena's behaviour suggested chemistry. The sparks were palatable and while their conversation had sparks, it was for the wrong reasons. Giselle was equally sure that neither, Caleb or Jena, acknowledged the chemistry between them.

"No." Jena looked at her. "The only person missing something, is your date! Courtesy, for one. Your date, probably would not recognized courtesy even if it bite him on his bum!" Insincerity laced Jena's smile.

"Ouch!" Caleb grinned at her insult.

"And I have no idea what he is talking about." Jena threw her hands up.

Giselle blinked, taking the time to work her way through Jena's previous statements. "My date?"

Jena pointed at Caleb.

"Caleb isn't my date!" Giselle chuckled and then tried to explain, "Well yes, er, he is, but not, if you know what I mean!" She looked at Caleb, who she expected to back her statement, but he simply grinned at Jena.

"Really?" Sarcasm took over.


Caleb could see that his cousin was going to explain the relationship between them, so he interrupted his cousin, "Giselle, ignore Jena. She is poking her nose into our relationship. And Giselle, we do not have to explain our connection to her. And if you give her the time, she will ruin our evening!" And my life, he thought silently.

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