Part 42

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Caleb and Giselle followed an usher to their table. They threaded their way through the maze of tables. On the way to their table, they both saw the wedding cake.

Giselle paused and whispered, "Wow. She was right. That cake is stunning. Extraordinary."

"And anyone would know the cake would be spectacular, given the couple!" Caleb countered, put a hand on her back and gestured Giselle forward.

Giselle looked over her shoulder and scowled. "Obviously she was here, inside."

"Probably part of the crew setting up today." Again he gestured, "Keep moving, Giselle!"

Ah, that would explain it, Giselle thought as Jena's dress code resurfaced in Giselle's brain. Giselle glanced over her shoulder and mouthed, "Interested in your explanation?"

Caleb again gestured, and said at the same time, "Probably magic! Unless gravity is a figment." The cake was unusual.

The gap between the tables widened, so Caleb joined Giselle and together they followed their usher. "I am not talking about the cake." Giselle murmured quietly. "Your chemistry."

" What chemistry?" But he knew given the fact his pulse was still racing.

Giselle comically raised her eyebrows, "Between Jena and you." Giselle being nosy said, "I thought she must be your ex. And it might explain the chemistry I saw." She quirked a brow, and said with empathy, "Was it a recent split?"

"Arguing is not chemistry." Caleb whispered conscious of the guests who could hear their conversation. "Just poor form."

"Connection. Pure chemistry!"

"You saw a connection? Or just your imagination." But he registered their chemistry and he was not happy about that.

"Yes, I saw attraction. Sparks flew!" Giselle's brain reviewed her memory stores, "The way you both look at each other! Non-verbal communication! You needling her. Well actually you teased her! Over and over. The question is why?"

He muttered. "Giselle, Giselle, Giselle. Your imagination."

Giselle ignored Caleb's green herring, statement, "And, she was fiddling with her hair and kept licking her lips! All telling traits! Revealing interest without speech!"

Caleb snickered. "Guess this wedding has affected your heart and head! When did you pass the entrance to a degree in psychology?"

Giselle ignored his sarcasm. "You were leaning towards her! And eye contact between you and her was scorching! I mean, sizzling! As I said, pure chemistry. I do not need a degree in psychology to see that!"

"Just your creative mind working overtime!" Caleb mocked. But he knew Giselle was right.

"Palpable tension. I am telling you, cousin, definitely connection. Real, honest, genuine chemistry. Not sure why you are ignoring it." She frowned, "And normally you have manners, and are usually charming and polite. Not today."

"I was charming." He retorted and Giselle snorted. "My manners were perfect for the circumstance. I could have told security that she had plans to gate-crash the reception."

"And we both know that is not true, given she had made no effort to blend in with the guests. She was not going to gate crash this wedding. Just not sure why she was here, walking with us, towards the entrance. Any way, " Giselle sighed. "why are you ignoring this chemistry between you and her?"

"A, your brain conjured up the chemistry. Pure fiction! Like the cake, an illusion. An illusion conjured up by your romantic soul. Pure imagination." Unfortunately it was not imagination. He was not sure why, given he would never trust someone who had an affair, his heart was racing.

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