Part 76

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Caleb chuckled and then looked at her to see how she was taking his suggestion. "If it's a money thing, I can pay you to pay her."

"You are still trying to fix things for her!" Jena rolled her eyes. "In any case, that's not how it works in my business. If she works for me, I pay her."

The problem with this woman, she holds her cards close to her chest, he thought as he tried to work out the emotions that flitted through her eyes. Caleb tipped his head to the side, "Good. So will you? See it as a trial period. A few days. It would help you and would help her. Win-win." Caleb suggested, and watched her face for a reaction.

Jena thought about it quickly. She doubted she could afford to pay Andrew compassionate leave and pay Sophie a full time wage albeit on minimum wage. Their business ran to tight budget constraints. But obviously she would need someone for the front of the business, until Andrew returns. They can manage it tomorrow, but they will need someone while Andrew is on compassionate leave. Normally she would discuss it with the rest of the team, so she was not sure why she was considering Sophie. "I can take her on part time." Jena added, "If she's interested." Jena narrowed her eyes, and said, "Four, maximum five hours a day." The office is open from 10 to 4pm. They normally get calls between ten and two, and all client appointments with the staff were made between eleven and three.

Jena was tempted to rescind her offer. She was not sure that Sophie would consider this, given her diva behaviour recently.

"Ok." Caleb smiled.

Jena again wondered why she had suggested this without discussing it with her colleagues. But too late to stop this particular train. She sighed, "Pays minimum wage." She'd have to take it out of her own wage. That was feasible. It wasn't as if she had huge outgoings.

He remembered what he had called her and accepted he was wrong. He clearly misunderstood her and her nature. Caleb smiled. "Thank you." It was not just the fact that Jena took on his sister, it was the fact that she did it without real pressure. "You know, you are really altruistic." And sympathetic. Benevolent. Understanding. Selfless.

She narrowed her eyes. "Altruistic? Doesn't fit in with your previous opinion!"

"I made a mistake. And I regret my words. I was wrong about you." Though he still had reservations about her view about marriage, given her affair with a married woman.

For a few seconds, Caleb and Jena said nothing.

Eventually Caleb said, "I am sorry, Jena, please accept my apology."

Jena bit her lower lip and a few seconds later she nodded. And returned to Sophie's situation, "I can't babysit her. And the job pays minimum wage."

"I know." He said gently.

Jena pouted. "If she can't manage it, and I find myself having to hand hold, we'll have to call it quits." He could see she was trying to extricate herself from the picture she had just painted.

"Ok." Caleb nodded and smiled gently, "So will you tell her or should I?"

"Not sure I have her number." She thought she would have run this idea past her team before she offered a job to someone who had been an utter diva.

He reached for his phone. "Might be easier if you text her. She and Isaac are meeting at the moment."

"Fine. In any case, you can tell her. And explain the offer. And the fact if she resurrects her diva personality, I would throw her out without any deliberation, ok?"

"Ok, but you text her about the offer. I will ensure that she understand the position. The business relationship between you and her, will be yours. I will not get involved in it." He said, "Shake on it." and lifted a palm toward her.

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