Part 45

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The front door was open, but Caleb rapped on the door before he stepped into the front office. No doubt, in a previous life, this room was probably a lounge. He took note of the magnolia painted walls,  two sofas facing each other, a coffee table between them. And that was it. 

One lone man sat at the computer at the reception desk, he glanced up and smiled as he recognised Caleb. "Mr Harland." He got to his feet. He was surprised to see the man in the flesh. He'd spoken to him on the phone and had tried to keep his voice from showing his awe at actually talking to his sporting hero. "I'm Andrew, we spoke on the phone."

Caleb nodded and took quick stock of the room. Filing cabinets. Desk. Three chairs. Very tidy. Nothing to suggest the place was inundated with business, and yet that was exactly the case. As he'd found out, By Design was a premier cake making business with a reputation that seemed to have no boundaries. Looking at the cakes and the reviews on their website, it was hardly surprising that the firm was doing so well. "I know." Caleb smiled. He recognised that the man, like the women in the group, was pleased to him. Time to use that advantage, Caleb thought and increased the watt of his smile.

"As I explained, we can't take on another cake for that period of time." Andrew reminded Caleb with a somewhat sheepish shrug. "Sorry." 

The fact that the man thought he could stop Caleb with an insincere apology, was a misplaced thought. "Yes, you said." Caleb nodded complacently and smiled like a tiger, as he folded his arms and with his tone suggesting he was familiar with the owner, and using Jena's name, he said, "I thought I'd speak with Jena." His eyes flashed, merging his frustration and his amusement. 

"Jena?" Andrew squeaked. He was sure that Jena would tell him she knew his sporting idol! With a more normal tone, he asked without meaning to reveal his shock, "You know Jena? Sorry, that sounded like I did not believe that. Sorry about that."

"No problem." The watt of his smile increased. " I meant to mention it to you when we talked on the phone. Sorry. I forgot. Also forgot to mention this matter to her when we had coffee at her place." Not exactly a lie. They had coffee at her place, along with her other guests, when he'd returned with Melanie after that second date, and that was over two months ago. And the way he had phrased it suggested it was date between Jena and him.

A pity, at the time, he did not know he would need to talk to her about making a cake for his sister's wedding. No doubt Jena would be difficult, especially after their encounter at Alice and Bruce's wedding reception venue. She might try to make him beg! He assumed, if he showered money on Jena, she would change her mind! He would also tell her, there was no limit. She could charge whatever! He was going to ensure that Jena's business made his sister's wedding cake! Because he'd promised Sophie.

He put his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels, because his heart reminded him, things were bound to get complicated. And difficult, given their limited history. But his head reminded him, he could handle complicated and difficult. Well, at least in the past. But he also knew, in the past, he could dislodge women from his mind, and he knew that was not the case with Jena. 

Andrew looked a touch flummoxed. "Erm, right. Well, erhm, Mr Harland, unfortunately, Jena isn't in the office at the moment. But if you leave a message, I can pass it on to her. And I am sure she will return your call."

Just a small adjustment in Caleb's smile resulted in a huge adjustment in Andrew's action. "I can wait." Caleb announced brusquely. He had things to do this afternoon, but he would shift appointments if necessary. And there was a possible that Jena was actually here and that Andrew was just stalling. "Assuming you are telling me the truth." Caleb's gaze pinned Andrew. A simple tactic, with a simple narrow of Caleb's eyes, he conveyed his displeasure.

Andrew swallowed, and looked around hoping to find a reason not to provide the information. Caleb stroked his jaw, while his gaze remained on Andrew.

Andrew gulped again and said, "The thing is, she's out for lunch." Andrew found himself explaining despite not meaning to give anything away. When they'd spoken on the phone, Caleb Harland hadn't mentioned that he knew Jena personally. Andrew had seen Caleb's races, demonstrating his character: resolute, unyielding, tenacious, tireless, determined. Distinguishing traits that Andrew knew about Caleb. So of course the same would apply here. Clearly his traits had not changed since he stopped racing. If anything, Caleb Harland was more dogged: persistent and obstinate.

Andrew wondered whether to give Jena a call, but then he figured that if Caleb Harland knew her, he would call her himself. Which begs the question why he was here?

So again, Andrew squared his shoulders and met Caleb's gaze, "Jena is out for lunch." 

"Really." The wattage in Caleb's smile rattled Andrew's composure. Caleb nodded sagely, "Ok. Fine."

"Fine?" Andrew squeaked and blinked.

Caleb was pleased to see he still had it! Andrew was clearly getting increasingly concerned. Caleb announced, " I should have done this earlier." His smiled grew. Andrew's concern grew. Caleb said, "And, sorry, I should not interrupt your schedule. I'll stop by her house and leave her a note."  He watched Andrew's eyes to see his response. Andrew was definitely not happy. And worried. Caleb muttered just loudly enough to be heard, "I hoped to keep business and pleasure separate." Caleb shrugged with insouciance. Andrew gulped again. Caleb grinned, "I am sure Jena will understand my unexpected visit and no doubt we will enjoy our, er fireworks!" Andrew rubbed his fingers in concern. More loudly, and with a smile Caleb said, "Thanks Andrew, for your assistance. Sorry I wasted your time." 

"No, no problem." Andrew said automatically.

Caleb extended a hand, and automatically Andrew shook his hand. "Bye." Caleb smiled and left.

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