Part 16

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When she did not say anything, he repeated, "I think you also forgot my personality."

"No, I didn't." She replied curtly not at all happy to see the glint in his eye manifest into a downright sparkle of open amusement. Quite obviously he found her perseverance amusing. She felt like the mouse that a cat toyed with when it came within paw's distance, the claws inflicts invisible cuts that hurt. "Because I do not like your personality, or you!"

Again he put a hand to his chest. "Gutted!" He grinned. "Really gutted."

She rolled her eyes.

He said, "Fortunately, I remembered actually your comments means nothing to me, my family or my girlfriends! But it is easy to tease you, pretending I am gutted"

For several seconds they just stared at each other.

Eventually, Caleb said, "Ms Silva, if that is all, I suggest you leave my office. If you want, I can summon help. As I said, you have no rights in my personal, social or business lives. " He jammed his hands into his pockets and issued a fake smile. "If you don't mind, while you are providing good free entertainment, I have a crucial business meeting ahead...."

Jena squared her shoulders, tipped her chin up and narrowed her gaze, hoping all of those actions would force him to take her seriously. "I accept I have no right to determine who you date! I am not that stupid, Mr Harland!" His lips quirked. Jena huffed. "I am here to warn you..."

"Warn me?" He straightened up when he heard the word. His amusement vanished. "A threat, Ms Silva?" Either this woman was an ingénue or a fool. For the first time in their conversation his eyes had lost that spark of humour. He was no longer laughing at her. "A threat, Ms Silva?" He repeated his question and came closer. "I do not appreciate threats. Even if the threat is a farce."

Jena wasn't really sure that she'd call it progress: him moving from humour to anger. But at least she knew he was now taking her seriously. "I apologise, Mr Harland, for that imprudent statement." He quirked an eyebrow. She shrugged. "Just poor word choice." When that did not elicit an acknowledgement she added, "And delivered with the wrong tone. I apologise, Mr Harland. And it was not a threat."

Caleb was impressed by the fact she recognized her rash words and his anger was dispersed.

Jena continued, "Advice." Why was she tugging the tail of a tiger?

"Advice." He narrowed his eyes.

She licked her lips before saying, "Yes. Just plain advice, Mr Harland. You and I know, I can't warn you!" She sighed, and said, "But we know that Melanie is not your type!"

Again, his humour immediately vanished. "We? Or you?"

"You know she is not your type!" Jena saw his amusement, again, had left his eyes. Obviously she was not handling this situation well: she knew how to handle challenging problems; tackling meetings with maddening brides; she was used to bridezillas. But this meeting with one man was going up in fireworks.

"Not my type?" For the first time in this meeting he glowered at her. "You think you know my type? Really?" He seemed somewhat annoyed by her statement. "What is my type, Ms Silva?" He was reviewing his opinions about her.

Jena thought about issuing another apology, but thought it was best to just plough on. "You know what I meant, Mr Harland!" She said frankly, not recognising that she had lit the fuse to his fury when she added, "You'll toy with Melanie for a few weeks, then get bored with her!"

He reared back. His anger resurfaced with a vengeance. Jena saw his shock and fury. Who in their right mind, told a grown man who he could or could not date and then, just to add to the conversation also tell him that he was not being serious in his intentions.

She had chosen her path, so Jena persisted, "Toying with people's feelings is just plain wrong!" She was saying the words before she'd even thought them through.

"Toying with people feeling?" He banked his growl.

She nodded. "Who'll pick up the pieces? What happens when you break her heart?"

"What makes you think I would break her heart? Based on what experience or fact? You have the gall to suggest I would break her heart!" He roared.

She ignored his roar. And continued, "Who would pick up Tony's heart pieces when she breaks his heart?"

Caleb was surprised by her bluntness and while her bluntness squashed his anger, her accusation, that he was toying with Melanie's affections and feelings, rankled.

"I'm sure you will offer a comforting shoulder to Tony. Assuming it is really an non-official engagement and there was a real relationship between your cousin and Melanie." He had no intention of breaking Melanie's heart. He was ready to settle down. And he was looking for a loyal, kind, warm, woman. He thought Melanie could be the woman. He intended to charm her into becoming his life long partner.

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