Part 38

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After checking on Sally, and the cake that had been delivered last night, Jena took a side door and wondered whether she could wait outside to get a glimpse of the bride and groom. Both were celebrities in their own right, the groom was a rugby player and the bride is the hostess for a national T.V evening show. So catering for this particular couple was good for Jena's company. Her company provide a three-tiered cake as discussed, and Sally asked Jena to bring the extra-feathered roses, that she forgot when she went with the cake yesterday. Sally only noticed that when she checked on the cake today, three hours ago, and noticed that whoever moved the cake to the table had damaged two petals on two roses at the base of the three tiered cake. It could be fixed, she just needed to replace them, but unfortunately, the reception was over an hour away from the kitchen and office. So she phoned Jena, explained the situation and asked her to bring the replacements. 

In the meantime, Sally used the hour to carefully remove the damaged feathered roses. By the time Jena reached the wedding reception venue, the damaged roses were history, and between the two of them, they re-attached the missing feathered roses, with thirty minutes spare! Jena was very proud of the cake that she had designed while Sally made it: a beautiful, ethereal cake that ignored gravity, given the tiers hovered with a barely-seen, gossamer linking the tiers! The delicate, almost transparent, gauzy, were strewn with tiny sparkly stars. Stunning show-stopper-cake, they had both agreed when they saw it finished. It was not just gorgeous it was magically. While Jena came up with the idea, it was Sally who found a way to make it!

Sally said she would stay, until the cake was sliced, so she was dressed for the event. That was  normal practice for Jena's company. Sally knew she could merge with the guests, albeit hovering by the wall and not sitting at a table, but dressed to suit the event. Unlike Sally, Jena was not dressed for this celebrity event, so Jena knew she would have to leave. But she hoped she would get a glance at the couple. The wedding planner said the couple were on schedule.

Jena was thanking Sally for making the cake and Sally was thanking Jena for the idea. Laughing as they foisting the kudos, but their mirth was stifled when the wedding planner said she would appreciated it if Jena could leave or change her clothes as the couple's guests were about to arrive at the hall! Jena nodded. The wedding planner took her to a door that lead to a corridor and it took her to a side fire exit. As she opened the fire exit, the wedding planner, congratulated Jena about the cake but then ushered her out! The wedding planner was paged on her phone and all but pushed Jena out of the door as she answered the call and closed the door behind her. 

Jena smiled happily as she walked the alley between the venue and another building. Her mind was on the fact her company had provided a stunning cake for an 'A' celebrity couple! Might as well stay, she thought, she could see who was coming to the wedding and hopefully would see the bridal couple. She was keen to see what the bride was wearing. Jena glanced at her watch, and knew from the wedding planner that some guests were already here, and knew the couple would arrived within the next ten minutes.

Jena thought she could merge with the public beyond the cordon-off section or if she was lucky, they might let her stay on this side of the barrier. She could hover close to the front of the building, but if they ask her to move, she could join the crowd. Even this area had a barrier, guess only the guests would have access to this area, as the parking was to the right of this alley.

Jena unfurled her sleeves, re-buttoned her cuffs, not that it would make any difference to her attire, give it as just a white cotton shirt, which was fine, as it worked with her jeans and sandals. Perhaps she could put on lipstick, just in case she was photographed by the media! She chuckled. So she rummaged through tote bag but kept walking and reached the corner, and was about to give up, when she all but barrelled into a man.

He reached forward, to stop her from tumbling over as she ricocheted from their collision. His hand grabbed her arm, steadying her.

"Oops. Thanks. Sorry about that." Jena said automatically. Then she recognized her rescuer.  "Oh! Mr Harland. Sorry about that." Her heart was thumping. Just shock, she told herself.

"Jena." His smile twitched, when he saw her attempt to pull herself together. "You are here for the wedding reception?" His smile vanished, when he remembered the newspaper article. 

Jena nodded, but feltuncomfortable when she said, "Sort of." She flicked her hair off her shoulder and tugged her shirt to resume composure.

"You know Alice or Bruce? Or their family?" Caleb narrowed his eyes. He was sure if she knew the family, Caleb would have met Jena at their engagement party or any of their previous parties! Caleb and Bruce were good friends. Caleb was certain that he had never seen Jena at Bruce's parties. But then, given she had an affair with a model, Jena might move in this circle.

Of course she knew them. Met them a year ago, when they engaged her company, but only saw them twice after that. First to sign-off the concept, saw the diagrams of the potential cake, again, three weeks ago, to confirm they had not changed their mind about the concept when they discussed the cake with Sally. Surely that counts as knowing them? "erhm, kind of."

"Kind of?" He saw her fingers were crossed. "Really."

"Yes." She sounded more confident.

"You know both of them?" He tipped his head and tried to work out if she was lying or just being cagey. Before reading the newspaper article, he thought he knew here. But the article left him questioning his intuition and her morals.

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