Part 92

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Just then, across the room, Jena saw that Matt was gesture at Jena. Jena reading the deaf language signs, she replied using signs for thanks and smiled. It was good to see Matt at a social event, as he had little confidence in unknown social circles. And the fact he was smiling, suggested he was enjoying himself her.

Caleb, unfortunately misunderstood Jena's signal from his position because he thought Jena just blew a kiss to a man across the room!

"Sorry," Jena looked at the group. "Would you excuse me? Lovely meeting you Lucy and Valerie, good luck with Granger Bakers." She wished she did not have to leave this group, because she liked the fact that Caleb was flirting with her! And as far as she was concerned, the man was gorgeous!

They nodded, and said, "Thanks" in tandem.

"Good to meet you again, Giselle. "

"Me too."  But Giselle frowned, why was Jena leaving? Perhaps Jena is playing a game, or perhaps, Giselle thought, she must have misread the signals. But she was pretty sure, that Jena liked Caleb and Caleb fancied Jena.

Jena looked at Caleb and smiled, "I won't be long." and she hoped her message in her eyes would be read by him. That he made her heart race and his presence could scatter her thoughts. Then she said, "Excuse me." 

Automatically the group nodded.

Caleb tracked her as she walked to the man she had just blew a kiss. He was furious. Jealousy rode him. 

He took his time and scanned the mystery man from head to toe. A fit-looking man! Tall. Handsome. And Jena was smiling at him. Caleb narrowed his eyes and was not expected the punch to his gut. He could not believe he was jealous. Actually, calling it jealous, was tame! In his head, he swore silently. He was reviewed the last few minutes, she had definitely had flirted with him. So why was she blowing a kiss at a random man?

What is going here? Jealousy was a new emotion to him. Possessiveness swamped every single cell. He took details of his competition. But the man turned away, but left Jena facing Caleb and Giselle as Lucy and Valerie left too.

"Do you know him?" Caleb said quietly, while holding on his temper. Why was Jena arranging a date with him, while blowing kisses to a random man. Or perhaps he is not a random man. Either way, Caleb was not happy. Covetousness has consequences. He was tempted to walk over to Jena and the mystery man and announce that Jena was his. He can't ever remember this lack of self-confidence. And he could not remember the last time he was jealousy. He had dated beautiful women, and he was used to other men paying attention to his partner, that he had no issue when his partners flirted, because he had not vested his feelings and emotion in that relationship. But right now, seeing Jena flirting was rousing his Neanderthal gene. He wanted to grab the mystery man by his scruff and threw him out. Not sure his host would appreciate that behaviour. And Caleb was sure his family would not be happy with his actions if he put his hands on another man.

"Who?" Giselle frowned and glanced around. There were lots of men around. She tried to see who exactly. Her gaze took in the fact Caleb was glowering, and was watching Jena.

Caleb nodded, insecurity and jealousy laced his statement, "The man with Jena. Blue shirt." Jena was smiling in delight. And even worse, she had shared a smile like this with him. Caleb watched Jena as she put her hand on the mystery man's forearm, and then had the gall to stroke it. Obviously not a random man. 

Jealousy erupted into fury. Caleb could not believe the fact one simple action, Jena's hand on a man, resulting in fury. Caleb knew, what he felt was unreasonable given he had no claim on Jena. There was no relationship between her and him. But he thought they were about to start a relationship. There was just something about her that had instantly captivated him, when she came to his office. But at that time, he was not willing to admit it. But today, was different. Why had she flirted with him today? Again his heart reminded him, of course there was a relationship between him and Jena, just the fact that neither had acknowledged it!

Then Caleb and Giselle watched the couple, another man introduced more people to Jena. Jena shook their hands, which again alerted Caleb to the difference. She knew the stranger, and like him. She remained beside the stranger. Her hand on his arm, smiling in delight. Just a shame that it stoked Caleb's jealousy and fury.

Giselle shook her head. Again she looked at Caleb and saw that he was not happy at all. She narrowed her eyes, "She really is an ex, isn't she?" Her teasing brought him back to reality.

"No." Caleb gritted. How could she be an ex when they had not gone out, at all? He tried to pull himself together.

Asked and sounded perplexed. "So why are you scowling at her?" Giselle frowned.

"I am not scowling at her." Caleb glared. He decided he'd better take control of this conversation before his cousin really annoyed him.

She pursued her line of inquiry with a trace of impatience, "Yes, you are! Caleb, honestly you are doing my head in!" Giselle pouted. "Is she your girlfriend? Or an ex?" She was genuinely curious.

He glowered, "If I am scowling, it is because of your behaviour." His eyes returned to Jena and the mystery man. In his mind Caleb was trying to find a way to throw him without causing problems. And he  knew because his cousin looked as if she wouldn't budge unless he responded, he said, "And no, she is not my girlfriend. I have never dated her. So she is not an ex."

Giselle chuckled. Then she said, "You are lying! I bet you got this job for Sophie. Because Jena is your girlfriend. Are you conducting an illicit affair? Does Amanda and Drew know? And what is the problem, it is obviously you have chemistry."

"I wondered if I trade cousins?" He told her scathingly.

Giselle smacked his arm. "You would miss me!" She had to stifle the smile. She was getting to him. And she knew there was something here.

He snorted. Caleb turned away. He was pretty sure he would do something out of character for him, if he continued to watch Jena and this mysterious man. Caleb could not identify the emotion he felt. Until his head registered his heart. This pang of jealousy was new to him. And he did not like it.

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