Part 46

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Andrew watched Caleb reverse his car out from the car park, while the recent conversation was replayed in his mind. Caleb and Jena? Fireworks? Having reached a decision, Andrew reached for the phone. He thought he should contact Jena and warn her about her imminent visitor, and at the same time could check Mr Harland' statements! But the office phone rang before he could place the call to her mobile. Dealing with the incoming call thwart Andrew's plan. A few minutes later he put the phone back in the dock, and again wondered whether to give Jena a heads up that she was about to receive a visitor. Probably too late. No doubt Caleb would be at her house now, given Andrew knew the walk from the office to her house would only take two minutes. Then he glanced at his watch. Jena had a meeting down town and would have left her house by now. Knowing Jena, Caleb will have just missed her. Phew, he thought, he could talk to her when she returns to the office.

Unfortunately for Andrew, Jena was at home.

Caleb drove the short distance between By Design and Jena's home, and was not surprised to find his hunch had paid off. Well, her car was parked out front. He could not stop his smile. This could be interesting he thought as he pulled up behind her car. According to the pattern, the next meeting should be friendly: Their first meeting when he picked up Melanie from here was polite and, their second meeting at his office was hostile and pugnacious, their third meeting was the impromptu coffee after dinner at her home which was genial and amicable, their fourth meeting was the wedding reception which was argumentative and belligerent. So according to the pattern, all meetings at her home were friendly and all odd number meetings were confrontational!

Caleb grinned to himself and parked his car behind her car, and he wondered what sort of a reception he'd get. Obviously, given he had not done as she'd asked regarding Melanie's phantom engagement, left him starting way behind the start line in terms of persuading her to do him a favour for his sister's wedding. Not helped by his reaction when he thought she was an unwanted guest at Bruce and Alice's wedding. But he had the skill to charm the birds from the trees, so surely he could deal with Jena. He grinned.

He pressed the bell and waited. He looked around, taking more notice of her environment. Very spartan. Gravel drive. An excuse for a garden, just some plants in pots with a strip of lawn accompanying the drive. Bland front exterior wall, just off-colour white. He frowned, interesting that the woman residing here is apparently well know for her extraordinary cakes: artistic and clever. He pressed the bell again.

Jena was surprised to find Caleb at her door. She blinked then said with a huff, "Melanie doesn't live here." And she was not happy to see Caleb at her door, given she had entertained a thought that he might phone her! For days, she replayed their interaction at her house, and after each repeat she was convinced he had flirted with her. And her heart had soared while her mind questioned her sanity.  But after their recent meeting when she bumped into him at the reception, Jena had ignored any thoughts that surfaced if they included him. Today Jena was tempted to just shut the door on him, but years of restraint kicked into life.

Caleb grinned at her first statement. But it hide the fact that his pulse was racing. This was not normal for him. So much for pleasantries he thought and banked a smile. "That is a new pleasantry greeting to me! I still subscribe to the normal pleasantries, although I accept it is banal compared with your remark!" Caleb grinned and she narrowed her eyes. " Good afternoon, Jena."

"Good afternoon." She folded her arms. What was he doing here? "Why are you here, Mr Harland? " And why was her heart racing? Probably because she was in a rush, but that reason was discarded by her mind. Life is absurd she thought, why was he here? "Melanie left ages ago. Months ago." 

Caleb ran his fingers through his hair. That's what he liked about this woman, she didn't pander to his celebrity. "I know." 

"Good. So, why are you here, Mr Harland?" She asked, her eyes meeting his. She was not surprised to see the glint of amusement in his eyes. No change there, the man seemed to find her inherently funny. Pity she couldn't say the same about him. In any case, she has a busy afternoon ahead of her. She was running late. Not helped by his presence. And his presence was not good for her mental health. She knew she had spend time trying to erase him from her thoughts, the fact that she could not shift him from her thoughts or her dreams. Dreams that were risque! Featuring the two of them.

"May I come in?" Caleb took a step towards the door.

She replied automatically, "No!" 

The woman simply did not pander to his celebrity or his business status. Most of the women in his circle would have been rubbing their hands in glee, their minds would be actively engaged in thinking of ways to keep him talking to them. "O.k. We can talk here." He smiled. 

"No. We can't. Mr Harland. " She added, an attempt to be civilised, "It isn't convenient." before tacking on, "I'm sorry, Mr Harland. But I'm just on my way out. And I am late. I have an appointment..."

"Yes." Caleb put his hands in his trouser' pockets, and added, "Andrew said."


"The guy at your office."

"You spoke Andrew, at my office?" She was surprised to see that Caleb knew her colleague's first name.

"Yes. 'By Design' office." he folded his arms and tipped his head to the side, "Your company. You did not tell me it was your company. Actually, didn't tell me anything about your career."

"My career has nothing to do with you. So why did you speak to Andrew?" She narrowed her eyes. He can't be here to order a cake, unless he recently got engaged.

"You are a prickle character!" he teased

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. So why did you talk to Andrew...?"

"Because I wanted to talk to you." He announced as if it was obvious. And he knew this meeting was shoring up his memories of her.

"Why?" She folded her arms. He could have phoned her. He has her home phone number, given Melanie gave Jena's home phone number. That is why, Jena was expecting a call, after she hosted the party which he gatecrashed and where he had flirted with her. Although, after the last meeting, she thought she must have imagined the flirtation. 

He laughed. "If you let me in, we can talk about it!"

"I am sure that Andrew would have told you I am not in the office because I have appointments this afternoon, so if you..." She glanced at her watch.

He interrupted her statement, "Yes, he said that." He folded his arms. "Andrews also said you were having lunch at home before setting off for the appointment!" Not actually true.

She was going to have words with Andrew. "Mr Harland, I'm already running a tad behind schedule." Not actually true because as per normal she had factored in time between appointments on her schedule. She'd only popped home for lunch and to change. Working at the bakery she tended to dress casually. If she has an appointment she would change, and put on a suit. This afternoon, she had appointments in town. So she donned a suit and she had a meeting in town in just under-half an hour as she checked her watch on her wrist.

"Unfortunately, your presence is stopping me!" She huffed.

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