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"On the deck." Came the reply.

When Caleb reached the door, his heart, as per normal, thumped with contentment. And desire. He stood at the door and smiled, watching his wife nursing their seven-month daughter. Not the first time he thought he was blessed, with a wife who suited him.

Jena glanced over at the door and smiled, "You are back early." Then her smiled vanished, "Everything ok?" She tried to peer at her watch, but cradling her baby to her breast, meant that was impossible.

"Yes." He came forward, placed a hand on the back on her chair, kissed the top of his daughter's head and repeated that action on Jena's head, before she lifted her head. With that invitation he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her gently, and as expected, their hearts raced. Even their daughter noted it, and she disengaged, stopped nursing, lifted her head, and frowned at her parents, who grinned at her expression and then she whimpered when her lips could not find Jena's nipple by touch while her eyes remained on her father.

"She is not happy! She thinks you interrupted her feed!" Jena grinned. Then she narrowed her eyes, was expecting to see her sons. "Where are the boys?" Jena and Caleb became parents six years ago. A baptism to new parents. Parenting twins ensured that the parents worked in tandem. Not the first time she thought she was blessed, with a husband who suited her. Finding a good husband takes guts, intuition and trust. Jena looked at Caleb and could not help the sparkle in her eyes. Her husband was a good father to their three children.

"With their cousins." Caleb took the seat beside Jena and watched Jena as she helped his daughter to latch onto her nipple. Looking at his wife and daughter, he knew he was blessed. His wife, his two sons and his daughter were his precious valuables. "Isaac said he was going to collect Sophie and was going to take their kids to the cinema."

Jena chuckled, and again settled her baby at her breast, "Ah." She glanced at Caleb, and teased, "You foisted our twins on them so that you can play with your daughter without interruption." Jena knew her daughter had put a spell on her father.

He grinned, "Perhaps. But not my fault.  Isaac said that in front of Owen and Noah, so it was his fault!"


 Caleb nodded. "Owen ambushed Isaac and Noah backed his brother's request. Do you know our sons, aged just six, can negotiate a deal to suit them!" Owen and Noah were fraternal twins, and both look like their father. 

Jena laughed. "Not sure why you are surprised, Caleb." She said with irony, "They have your genes. And they are learning their trade from their father." Caleb was a father who enjoys his children. He, Noah and Owen would prepare lunch for Jena, normally salads or sandwiches, and Jena loved watching them.  At bedtime, he would read to them. During the week, he and the boys would play touch rugby in their court and at the weekend would take them to mini rugby at the local paddock. When Jena gave birth to their daughter, seven months ago, Caleb spent more time working from home.

Caleb nodded, "Anyway, thought you can sleep and I can take over baby duties!" His index finger stroked her baby daughter's cheek. Only for his daughter to lift her tiny hand and circled his index finger. Her daughter, Lili, on cue, disengaged and wriggled until she was practically upright, still holding on his finger. He watched Jena and Lili for a second, debating whether to just haul them both onto his lap. Instead, Caleb reached forward, saying, "I can burp her." Jena passed Lili to him. He took Lili leaving Jena to adjust her clothing.

"You have grown." He cooed at his daughter, before putting her at his shoulder and he tapped and rubbed her back waiting for her to burp. 

Jena chuckled. "Within two hours?" Two hours ago, Caleb left with Owen and Noah, to meet Isaac and his children at the local park, she quirked an inquiring brow, and remembered another issue, "By the way, did you see ..."

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