Part 48

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Caleb reminded her, "Your company has five stars reviews. No false vanity there." He rubbed the back of his neck. He was prepared for this. Of course she would remember their first meeting and no doubt she would dredge up his opinion. He said firmly, "I guess our first meeting has tainted our relationship. But our recent meeting was fairly cordial."

Cordial? "If I remembered, the last time we met, you all but fed me to the security guard, when you showed him your wedding invitation!" Jena nearly laughed. "And to be honest, what relationship?" Jena quirked an eyebrow. "I guess we have different concepts, or what exactly is a relationship?" Jena said with obvious sarcasm and wished she did not.

Caleb narrowed his eyes at her sarcasm. But he decided he'd better take control of thisconversation,"Look, I apologise for my comments at our first meeting."

Their eyes met. Jena's eyes were trying to ascertain if he meant his act of contrition. Caleb's eyes were trying to ascertain if she was going to accept his apology. His smile wasn't reciprocated. And she allowed him to take mental notes.

Because he looked as if he wouldn't budgeunless she responded, she felt compelled to say, "Fine." Jena heaved a sigh. Of course she wanted to stop and discuss this, but she has an appointment. "I accept your apology. Fine, Mr Harland." Startled by the direction of her dizzy thoughts as she thought they might have a decent relationship if they could put this to bed. But then her brain reminded her, he did not phone her after he flirted with her, and he was not pleasant when she bumped into him at the wedding. " Now, move your car!"

Caleb put his hands into his trousers' pockets "Why? And I wanted to talk to you about a wedding cake."

"I have a meeting, and" Jena said firmly, "my suggestion is that you to talk to my manager, Andrew is..."

Caleb cut her off. "I spoke to him. But I prefer to deal with ..."

Jena was running out of patience. It felt as if he was still just toying with her, a mighty cat just batting away a tiny mouse with a casual slap of a paw. But years of remaining calm under various trying situations had served her well in developing a steadfast manner. "What you prefer, Mr Harland, is neither here nor there." She glanced at her watch, then reached behind her and pulled the door closed. She was going to be late if she didn't get a move on. She was never late to meetings in her business life. She was not about to start now just because this man had deigned to pay a personal visit at her home. "And I am sure there are lots of good bakers in Wellington who could make your sister's cake."

"True." Caleb nodded.

"Then ask them!" Jena said firmly. There was no reason why he, and his sister, would opt for her company, given they could choose anyone. There were lots of good bakers around. And it made no sense why he, or his sister, would chose By Design, given the history between Jena and Caleb. There must be a reason for this impromptu visit. And no doubt, for the wrong reason. More trouble. More hassle.

Clearly his charm had no effect on her. "Your company is our best option." He said bluntly. Time to use logic: Explain the situation, the fact that his sister wants this particular company, and the fact he had promised to help.

"You think, my company is your best option?" Jena snorted with mirth. "Doubt it." She murmured and then glanced behind, trying to work out if she could drive past his car without causing destruction to her property or damage his car. It would be a squeeze. But probably best if he moved his car. So she looked at him and said brusquely, "Mr Harland, just move your car, or prepare."

His eyebrows rose in surprise hearing the threat in her statement. "Prepare for what?" He thought he knew how to maintain his equanimity and how to deal with rejections. Dealing with this woman was a test.

She sighed, "I will do my best to avoid your car when I reverse, but you might find scratches on your car paint! So prepare for that!" He narrowed his eyes. She ignored him and shrugged. "This is private land. My private land." Ah, he thought, definitely a threat. Jena ignored the message in his eyes, and continued, "You were not invited. And I have asked you to move your car. You, so far, have not followed my orders! So move your car or prepare for damage."

"Orders? You are threatening to damage my car?" Caleb banked his glower.

"Consider it a request. And to remind you about the consequences." She ran her tongue over her lower lip and then said. "Move your car or accept the unnecessary costs. My advice to you, Mr Harland, move your car! Now!"

He ignored her outburst and her orders. "I'll ask my PA to liaise with you to arrange a convenient meeting between you and me." He flicked at his jacket cuff, read his watch, checked the date, he knew his schedule for the next few days. "Maybe for the day after tomorrow." He stated as if it was already decided and that she obviously had the time!

The remnant of her inner calm vanished in a blink. The man seemed to think she could simply fall in with his plans. "Mr Harland, you are wasting your time. And mine!" Just because he had the day after tomorrow free did not mean that she was available. She hoped his arrogance would catch up with him soon. In the meantime she needed to get a move on.

"We'll see." He held open her car door when she'd used the remote to unlock the car. That was the problem. Jena could not remember when anyone opened a car door for her? And she was not happy that his courtesy was demolishing the barriers she had erected after his previous visit. This man was dangerous.

To buy her some time, she glanced over at the parked car and knew that he had the wherewithal to ensure she was late. All he had to do was keep his car there. "Please move your car."

He smiled at her. "Of course." He could see that she was none to pleased with the way he was simply commandeering her time. Caleb wondered, not for the first time, whether he'd been too hasty in discounting Jena as a prospective partner. Calm. Feisty. In equal measures. He remained beside her car.

She was fed up with his presence and the fact he had not moved his car. "I'm in a rush, Mr Harland! Please just move your car!" She hopped into her car, muttered a "Bye" just before she closed the door.

With a grin that she found mildly irritating, he said, "Bye." His eyes glinted with success. And his goals resurfaced. He reviewed his personal objectives and grinned. She was in his aspirations and in his life for good. The question was how could he realise his wishes given her behaviour shows she is a stubborn woman!

She watched him from her rear mirror. He strode toward his car but she could see his smile despite the fact his back faced her! Men! She thought and sighed.

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