Part 63

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"Sophie! Ms Silva has just explained that she assigned the best she had on her team, someone who has won awards, and it would appear that you declined her generous offer." Caleb looked over at Jena, "I apologise. I was under the impression you had made the decision to bail."

Jena's mood lightened. Their eyes met, her eyes sent a silent message acknowledging his apology, his eyes noted her response. Accompanying sparks that both saw, and caused internal turmoil and chaos, but was not reflected in their body language. Best to ignore the surprise feelings. Both were wary of the new butterflies flutters in their stomach and the fact their hearts were racing. Anger was submerged by this new feeling. Something that neither wanted to inspect at the moment.

Isaac's eyes flashed at Sophie when he heard Caleb's apology and his statement about the contract problem. Sophie told him earlier in the kitchen, that Jena was pulling out. Isaac narrowed his eyes.  Isaac demanded, "Who bailed out?"

"I don't see what the big deal is, Isaac." Sophie grumbled and again avoid Isaac's gaze. Trust matter to Isaac, she knew that. He would be upset, given the fact she lied to him, and implied that Jena had caused the contract problem. Sophie swallowed, she was in big trouble. Her mother was right. Sophie bit her lip, her plan backfired with unexpected consequences.

"The big deal, sweetheart," Isaac said quietly, "is that you are behaving like an illogical diva!" He draped an arm along Sophie's shoulder, and he knew he would talk to her about her lies. But not now. And not in front of company. They would talk about it, privately. Now the issue was to sort out the current problem to ensure his wedding would have a cake. Isaac looked at Sophie and quirked his eye brows, "My understanding is that you want our cake made by this company. True?"

Sophie pouted and said quietly, recognized that her brother and her fiancé were not happy with her behaviour. "Of course I do."

"Then we need to accept Ms Silva's opinion." And before Sophie could interrupt, he continued. "And you have to accept the person she has assigned to this task. She has identified the best on her team to produce our cake." Isaac said bluntly. "And apparently you knew that, because you researched her company." Isaac looked at Jena, " We accept your offer, Ms Silva's offer." Then Isaac turned his head and his eyes pinned Sophie to the post. " Isn't that right, Sophie."

"Yes." Grouched Sophie. Isaac buzzed the top of her head with his lips. But Sophie had not given up on her plan, "But as she's here now, Ms Silva might as well stay to dinner."

There were several long seconds of silence as Jena was tempted to throw her hands in the air. Jena banked her irritation. "No, thank you. I have other plans for tonight." It looked like Sophie was about to restart her campaign. "It's best that Sally takes all the information from you and Isaac. Otherwise, you, Isaac, Sally and I will end up in a case of Chinese whispers. I may mis-convey crucial things or miss details. No-one would be happy if that happens." Jena stated quickly. She was not about to get conned into this.

"We don't have to talk about the cake." Sophie issued a small smile. "Ok, all cake talk is off limits." Sophie knew that her plans to get this woman and her brother together were going up in smoke. "But as you are here now, stay to dinner. I have cooked. There is plenty." Perhaps best to be more contrite, she thought. " And I owe you an apology."

"Thank you for your apology." Jena replied as she shrugged on her coat. She had no intentions succumbing to this family's emotional blackmail shenanigans! First the brother a despot and now Sophie a bridezilla have both shown they can resurrect charm when needed. "But dinner is not necessary." Jena pasted a smile on her lips.

"It's the least I can do to make amends." Sophie said sheepishly. Her plan was a complete disaster. She should have known that she couldn't brow beat this woman, not when this woman knew how to stand up to her brother.

Jena thought about the contents of her fridge. But did not say anything. Best to just leave, without any further conversation with the bridezilla.

Sophie pouted. "Surely you could stay for dinn...."

It did not matter to Jena that she was being rude,  when Jena interrupted, to ensure there was no confusion when she left here tonight, "I am sure I, and my company, can handle the fall out, but if you want to continue, then no tantrums from now." Her tipped her chin and said bluntly, "And Sophie, if you or your brother ever try to threat me again, I will cancel the contract on the spot. I'll leave you to decide whether you want By Design to continue."

"I am really sorry. Of course Isaac and I want By Design." Sophie pouted again.

Jena ignored Sophie's sulk. "Maybe Sophie, but I do not appreciate or condone your behaviour. You have wasted Sally and my time. And if your tantrums reemerge, I will have no qualms in cancelling this contract." She stated firmly and finished buttoning up her coat. "Is that clear?"

"Yes." Sophie nodded, conceded defeat.

Jena jammed her hands in her coat pockets, "Good. Contact Sally. Do not waste her time, again. Clear?"

Sophie blinked and then nodded automatically. Caleb banked his grin as he studied his sister's stupefied reaction to Jena's blunt response. This is how he felt when he and Jena had a conversation in his office and again at her office. Although he covered his reactions at that time.

"If you'll excuse me." Jena said, glanced first at Isaac, who she noted appeared to be doing his best not to laugh, "Good night." Then she looked at Caleb, who also appeared to be holding onto his laughter. Finally she looked at Sophie, who seemed somewhat deflated. "Bye." Jena stepped toward the open door.

Caleb stated as he fell into step with Jena, "I'll see you to your car."

Of course she could have made an issue of it, but she was tired. It had been a long day.  If the man wanted to walk her to her car, let him. But that did not mean she had to tolerate any hassle either on the walk to her car or at her car.

Inside the house, Isaac looked at Sophie, "Do you want to explain that to me?"

Sophie blew out a breath. "About?" He quirked a brow. Sophie pouted.

"Sophie, either you explain why you lied to me...."

"I didn't mean to tell you lies." She whispered. Isaac's eyebrow rose. "Well," she blew out another breath. "Ok, yes, I did lie, sort of.  I am really sorry. It was just a lapse in my moral compass."

"A lapse in your moral compass?"

She sulked, "Anyway, I was going to explain things later, but she was here. I didn't think I had enough time to explain to you why I asked her to come, so I just let you believe that she was causing a problem by cancelling the contract when you told me what you witnessed, because my plan was working!"

Firmly, Isaac said, "You know that trust is important to me."

Sophie nodded and bit her lip. "I know." 

"Why spin that story? You could have simply told me you wanted her to do the baking. I could discuss it with her, with you and Sally. See if there was any chance of engaging Ms Silva personally. I would never have threatened her with court proceedings, which is apparently what you, and your brother, did. "

Sophie nodded. "I know. I am so sorry, Isaac. It was not my intention to lie. I just wanted her to come here, have dinner with us, well, Caleb in particular." She offered a smile, "It was good of you for not talking about this in front of them." His brows rose. Sophie muttered, "I made a mess of everything."

"The question is why you became the century-bridezilla?"

"Good intentions. Poor execution." She mumbled.

Isaac put his arm on her shoulder and hugged Sophie to his chest, "Ok, you explain it while we wait for Caleb." He glanced at Sophie, "I am sure, Caleb will have something to say to you!"

"I know. He is going to be so cross." 

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