Part 111

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Caleb frowned. "Deaf language? That gesture, blowing kissing, is a thank you?" He was caught between laughing at his idiocy and crying because that gesture derailed his life!

Jena rolled her eyes and wondered about his expression because his eyes showed bemusement. "Sort of. I showed you a couple gestures and signals, remember. And I think I told you how to say thanks in deaf signal language. Remember?" She was sure she had told him the signal for thanks, but it was possible she told him another gesture.

It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He could not help the chuckle. He used the deaf signal for thank you and added, "I could spin you around like Matt!"


"I can't believe I was jealous about a sign in deaf language!" 

Jealous? Jena blinked.

He glanced over at Jena, and said, as his plan gathered speed. No obstacles in his way. "Come on Jena. Let's go. We are going on this date. And it is not a platonic date! You want to drive or shall I..."

Her mind was spinning. A non-platonic date? With him. But then her delight was muted when she realised the plan was to thwart the troll. "You just want us to have coffee, right? At a local café?" She interrupted. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." He nodded calmly. He could see she was worried. Their gazes collided. A shame that neither had the guts to be honest.

 "We can walk?" She said, and wondered why she had capitulated so easily! Her heart was racing. A date. A proper date. Forget about the excuse. Treat it like a normal date, she ordered her.

"Walk?" He nodded. "Good idea." Success. He nearly whooped in delight. His tactic worked. Now to scale up this scheme. But his heart, reminded, small steps, because he did not want to scare her off. "Assume to a café locally."

"Yes. Five, ten, minutes away from here." She rubbed her hands as nerves and anticipation vied for position. In the back of her mind, she just hoped she was not jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

"Brilliant. Lets go, Jena." He grinned. Delighted to see his plan was working. He could not remember anticipating a date that was laced with so much excitement and euphoria. His eyes sparkled with jubilation. "And I assume you will let me go through your front door, not scramble over your fence." He teased.

She smirked. "Depends."


"If you behave while I change my clothes." She was trying to decide on what she would wear. Something classy, but not too flash.  Going out, with him, albeit to a local café, she thought she ought to make an effort. At least put on some makeup? 


"Why?"  Her mind still on her wardrobe. "What you mean, why?" She would have to find something to blow off his socks while not confusing her local café. Not that she would have anything that would blow off his socks. 

"Why do you need to change?" He asked. His gaze roamed over her, and as far as he was concerned, she looked beautiful.

"You want people to see you with me," She gestured at her attire, "dressed like..."

His eyes tracked from her eyes to her feet and back, "Yes."

She looked at her attire, she has worn this to her local café but she was on her own when she was there. Now she was about to go out on date with a celebrity. 

"Come on Jena, let's go! What you are wearing is great, Jena! "

"Yeah, right." She mumbled.

He smiled. "You do, what you are wearing is fine, and you look lovely,Jena." He reached for her arm, and drew her closer, their gazes flashed messages. "Beautiful."

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