Part 80

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Sophie bafflement was heard in her tone. "So Ms Silva is really going to give me a job? A job, when I haven't worked before?"

Caleb said. "She knows that."

"Why would she do that?"

"Ask her!" Caleb quirked a brow at Jena, "I am sure she will explain why she is offering you a job, despite your recent tantrum."

"If you can cook, ice or be front of house, yes, I'd employ you. Those are the skills I need in my business."

"I don't cook. I definitely cannot icing anything! Unless you want a Picasso thing! Why would you want me? I can't bake. No skills at all"

"You have skills." Paused. "You can manned the front of the house."

"Front of house.

"Yes. Answer the phones, talk to customers, filing, help when necessary, the odd jobs that do not fall under the front of house job specs. You have the skills to make them feel great about their transactions and chat with my company. We offer a level of care with no stress. No pressure.  The first impression is important. We want them to form a good impression about my company from the first exchange and you can do that. My company is small. But we have worked hard to have a good reputation and a great customer service. And given you have researched my company, you bring relevant information to the job!"

Seconds passed. Neither Caleb nor Jena said anything as they waited for Sophie's reply.

Caleb was impressed by the fact that Jena was taking her time to explain things and was phrasing things to allow Sophie some pride. Not for the first time, Caleb wished he had taken the time when they first met.

"Are you sure?" Jena could hear the excitement and concerns in Sophie's voice.

"Yes." Jena replied.  "See you at the office at 10 tomorrow." Caleb watched her, and could hear the tone in her voice, and he was impressed. No begging, no white-washing the situation. She looked at him, her eyebrows rose, "I have told your brother to have a word with you," and she waited for Caleb to confirm if he wanted to speak to her sister.  "I am sure he will explain what I expect from you." She glanced over at Caleb with a speaking look when he didn't give her any indication. "Just in case your brother forgets to tell you," Jena gave Caleb another speaking look, he quirked a brow, but could not stop his smirk. Jena rolled her eyes, and then kept her eyes on Caleb and she said bluntly, "if your diva appears tomorrow or anytime, you will be turfed out with no references! Ok?" His eyes sparkled with humour as he recognised Jena's strategy.

It again confirmed why he was interested in this woman. Feisty. Loyal. Kind.

"I understand. No diva antics!" Sophie said quietly.

"Soph, where are you?" Caleb asked, wondered if she was with Isaac or at home.

"At home with mum and dad."

"Ok, will stop on my way to my house." He smiled at Jena. "As Jena said, I can go over the job, and as Jena said, I will explain what I, and she, expects from you." He quirked a brow at Jena and said, "Ok?" And he knew Jena would understand that his question and would recognise that it was meant for Jena.

Jena rolled her eyes and turned around. The problem with dealing with Sophie meant having to deal with her brother. And Sophie's brother ruffled Jena's feathers. She knew from their previous engagements, Jena knew that when he put his mind to something, there was no way to stop him. And she was pretty sure that at this current moment, she was on his radar and he considered her a challenge. Nothing more. Just someone who failed to fall for him automatically was like waving a red flag at a bull.

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