Part 89

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While Caleb rehashed his feelings for Jena. The rest of the family continued to talk about her job and Jena.

He clicked back into the present, to hear Sophie who pouted. "All I'm saying, is that Caleb will like her. She is lovely. And I am sure  Caleb would love her." Sophie said firmly with a speaking look, " If he spent some time with her, he would like her."

He quipped, "How much time? She has fed me twice." And kissed twice.

"Twice? Really? When? That is good news." Sophie nearly pirouette with glee.

Caleb grinned at his sister, "Soph, give it up! The first time Jena and I ate together, at her kitchen she was very blunt that it was not a date just because I bought dinner."

"You bought her dinner?"

"I went to her place to pick up your car! Remember. And she offered you a job. At least I could treat her to dinner to thank her." And he did not reveal that they had shared kisses.

"Oh." Sophie pouted.

"And the second time, I went back, because you said she was paying your wage but not using their normal process, she shared her food. As she said, I was tired. Which was true, because I was on way back from a business trip to Auckland. And again, she reminded me, it was not a date. So there is no point in harbouring dreams of me hooking up with her, ok?"

"You need to make an effort, Caleb! What happened to your charm? You could charm a bird from a tree, so what happened to your legendary charm?" Sophie asked as if she was a relationship expert. "Honestly, I think you and she would be great! You would like her, if you take the time to get to know her. Just give it a go, Caleb. She is lovely. And kind. And you will like her, take her on a date, ok?"

"Ok, Sophie, you suggest it to her?" His eyes twinkled.

Sophie pouted. "You are being an idiot!" Sophie's mobile phone rang and she recognised the tone she ascribed to Isaac. She mumbled an excuse, "Sorry. That is Isaac." She got to her feet and walked out of the dining room and they heard her say, "Hi, Isaac." Pause, "I loved it." The door closed.

Amanda smiled at the two men at the table. "No doubt, asking about her job."

"He phoned me at work, to ask about her job." Caleb said.


"I told him to phone Sophie." They all smiled.

Amanda nodded, "He phoned here earlier."

Caleb snorted. "Typical."

"I told him to phone Sophie on her mobile." Amanda said.

Caleb added, "I guess he was right."


"About Sophie getting work. Standing on her feet. It suits her. She is really enjoying this."

Drew nodded. "Yes, she sounded so happy about her job."

"I imagined that it had much to do with Jena's outfit, they all sound nice." Amanda said and flashed a message at her husband. Time to resurrect the topic.

"And what about you?" Drew asked.

"Me?" Caleb frowned and was worried by the focus, as the spotlight was back on him.

"Yes, what do you think of her?" Amanda backed her husband's question. She and her husband shared a look.

"Are you joining the bandwagon for Jena's cheerleaders?"

"You appear very cagey, son!" Drew said drolly. But he knew his son was holding his cards close to his chest and knew there was more going on here.

"Cagey, dad?" He smiled, "I asked her out yesterday."

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