Part 69

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"Well, that was a bit harsh." Jena said, but in her mind she thought that Isaac would prefer it, if Sophie told him that he was more important than their wedding.

Sophie's watery smile accompanied her words, "No. He's just blunt. It's something I really like about him. He doesn't sugar coat things around me. And very kind.  And calm. He is wonderful."

Jena smiled at Sophie's statement defending her ex-fiancé. "Well, given he's known you for years, why has he suddenly decided that you need to stand on your own feet before getting married? Why didn't he tell you that ages ago or before he proposed. Why now?"

Sophie picked up her teacup. "Because I was stupid today.  I really don't care about a spectacular wedding, well, obviously I would like it to be special. But I was being silly.  A bit like the cake scenario." Sophie sighed and looked at Jena, "Do you know why I was insisting on you for the cake? And I don't think I really apologised to you. I am really sorry. I thought I was doing something for Caleb. "

Jena blinked. "Caleb?"

"I wanted to do something for Caleb, and I guess to settle a life debt with Caleb."

"Settle a debt?" Jena blinked. Clearly she had formed the wrong conclusion.

"Yes, Caleb has always helped me. He would rescue me. Took responsibility for my fiascos. The scale of the debacle doesn't faze him. And I guess, in my head and heart, I knew,  I would not be his responsibility when I am married to Isaac. The cake situation gave me an opportunity to pay him back. And settle a fraction of the debt."

"You think being a bridezilla is an opportunity?" Jena narrowed her eyes.

"No." Sophie gave a watery smile, "I am not explaining this well, at all." She bit her lower lip. "Caleb likes you! I saw the way you and he engage. He likes you." Jena blinked in bemusement. Sophie continued, "I tried to engineer a meeting between you and him! My plan, was I would tell Caleb, he arranged the original meeting and based on our interactions during my entire life, he would take the reins and he would contact you."  Sophie raised her shoulders, "But everything fell apart, just like mum predicted!" Sophie bit her lip again, she sighed, "You'd have thought I learnt from that stupid stunt. And my new bridezilla nature does not reap, given the only time I used it, I was a dismal failure. But oh, no, not me. I have to repeat the bridezilla routine and demand that Isaac do what I want! I insisted that he follows my orders!"

"He must have know you were saying that out of pique." Jena said quietly. Though she could well imagine how things had escalated. Making wedding cakes, leaves Jena with an inside track to various weddings. Some do not reflect the reality of what the couple is supposed to mark.

Sophie shrugged. "Maybe." She glanced over at Jena, "But I know he isn't the type to take stupid orders!" She closed her eyes, and did her best not to burst into tears again as she admitted loudly, "I've been so stupid."

"Maybe if you apologised."

Sophie picked up her teacup again. "I did. Over and over. I phoned him." She shook her head. "He said I needed to grow up!"

"Well that's unfair."

"He said, what happens the next time? The next time I issue ultimatums? He was not willing to living under those conditions."

"I am sure most would not accept that. Ultimatums are bad form." Jena said quietly.

"I know. I was just stupid." She looked over at Jena, "I told him that. I said ridiculous things. But he refused to accept my apology!"

"He is probably still hurting." Jena knew that feeling. She had still not accepted Caleb's apology.

"I have ruined things."

"Guys are really poor at showing their real feelings!" Jena lifted her eyes and ensured that Sophie read her message, "A wedding is not just about the décor! It also involves showing your family and friends, exactly what you mean to each other. That you share values and love, and on the same page."

"They know exactly what he means to me. I love him."

Jena sighed. "I know. Perhaps this is just a storm in a teacup." Jena crossed her fingers. She was pretty sure that if Sophie and Isaac talked they would find a way forward.

"Why do you say that?" 

Jena smiled gently, "Cause, he's assuming there will be a next time."

"What next time?"

"You said he said, 'the next time...remember, when he was ranting on!"

"Probably because he thought this was just the latest in my demands." They both sipped their drinks. Sophie admitted. "He's right. I am spoilt. Even this cake. I wanted By Design. Caleb told me there were lots of bakers around who could provide my wedding cake. But I insisted on your company.  Caleb secured By Design, but I created a mess by insisting on you." Again she raised her eyes. "At least it was for the right reasons!" When Jena did not ask for clarification, Sophie, "Caleb likes you. I thought I was helping him. That he would fix the situation, and that would mean you would spend time together." Sophie huffed, "I really stuffed up. Isaac spoke to Caleb, he told him that he can't keep sheltering me from my own foibles."

 "I said that too. Your brother said you had a good heart." Jena's lips quirked. "In any case, Isaac already knew you were a demanding character when he got engaged to you!"

Sophie giggled and snorted at the same time.

"He proposed to you!" And given how honest Sophie was about her shortcomings, Jena was inclined to agree with Caleb's assessment, that the bridezilla was a phoney. "You and Isaac probably just need to sit down and talk."

"I doubt Isaac will want to talk to me."

"You could sort this out. You just need to spell out the fact that he is more important than the scale of this wedding. As soon as possible. Before things get worse."

Sophie gulped even as she admitted albeit reluctantly, "Isaac is right." She glanced over at Jena. "I need to stand on my own two feet. Show him that I can.  I want to marry him because I love him, not because I want a new meal ticket. I could marry him, at a simple ceremony, in front of our families. No party, no reception at all, if that suits him. I want him. I really love him."

"I am sure that the arrangements and the wedding should suit the groom and bride."

"I know. But if he wants a small wedding or a reception with lots of people, we can throw an amazing party! Either way." Sophie sighed.

Jena chuckled. "I bet your family has already had lots of parties! Amazing parties. "

"True. I just want Isaac. I want to turn the clock back and fix this." She sighed again. "But he thinks I need to grow up. And I need to bring something to our relationship-table." Sophie sipped at her tea then offered a small smile. "It's really strange, talking to you about this."

Jena's lips quirked. "Cause I'm your wedding cake maker?"

Sophie smiled, "I barely know you and the two times we have met, I threw my weight around, like Isaac says, because I get my own way with my family!"

"Actually you only got your own way the once. The second time you were a dismal failure at manipulation!" Jena reminded her with a teasing grin.

"I am sorry about that. Stupid fool!" Sophie sighed. "Caleb read me the riot act that evening. I think Isaac was surprised to see Caleb take me to task." Sophie frowned in earnestly. "In fact if I remember correctly, Caleb asked Isaac if he really wanted to marry someone who always tried to get her own way?" While Jena banked Caleb's reaction, Sophie scowled "I do, don't I." Sophie cupped her teacup. "Over twenty one, and I have never done a day's work. Nothing beyond helping at charity events. I have an allowance. And I just spend it! Easily. No thoughts at all." She looked over at Jena. "Isaac's right. I'm a spoilt, useless, brat. Not exactly good wife material." She brushed at a tear.

Jena said nothing.

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