Part 7

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She was many things, but not a bully.

Jena banked her frustration and waited for his explanation. Clearly he had more to relate. What made her think, coming to his office, and ask, well, demand, that he does not go out with Melanie. At which point had she lost her mind, when she opened her eyes when she was in bed, or after her lunch break, given she came here?

Caleb watched her face. She looked bemused. And annoyed. Followed by cranky. Belligerent. Grumpy And back to bemusement. All within seconds. "Rubbish?" He repeated her word. "Just confirming your disposition!" He kept his voice calm, as if he was simply recapping a shopping list. What 'disposition', she wondered. Unfortunately for her, he had no misgivings when he added, to illustrate his point, "Your conceit!"

Jena blinked in utter shock. "My conceit?" She murmured as the word rattled around in her brain. Conceit? Unlikely. His description was definitely not true and way off. But his comments were dismantling her confidence. "Honestly, my conceit? Are you mad?"

Caleb continued just for the sake of it, "Yes, your conceit. Your arrogance. Did you not see your attitude? Your self-importance?"

She nearly snorted instead she caught her lip between her teeth. She wondered if she had skipped her universe and was in an alternative universe, because she knew his description did not match her nature. There are times in your life when you have to stand up for yourself, her heart reminded her. But she remained calm. Best to let him continue before addressing his inaccurate summary of her character.

Caleb was impressed by her control. "It would appear," He rubbed his ear. "Ms Silva, that you think you can intimidate or harass people to get what you want!"

He nearly laughed, but could tell from the instant flare in her eyes that he had just stepped way over the line, but also saw that she was holding on her composure.

Her voice matched his unruffled tone, "Intimidate? Are you serious?" About time she learn from him: How to keep your anger at bay. "If I scared you, you would not have treated this meeting as entertainment for you!" She painted a smile on her face, and said with no sign of her temper, "And, Mr Harland, you clearly do not know me at all! And I take offence at you labelling me..."

He trampled over her interruption, and interjected, again without raising his voice, "You badgered my staff." His voice did not reveal his disdain. His eyes revealed his arrogance.

Jena shook her head. Her strength of mind never wavered. "Badgered? When did I badger your staff?" Obviously attending this lessons with him, were not enough. Fury bubbled beneath her control. She snapped, "You are being ridiculous, Mr Harland." He quirked an eyebrow at her temerity. So she took a moment to recover her poise. She said quietly, "Who did I browbeat?"

He rubbed his jaw, to stop his laugh. He said, "The fact you have not registered that, highlights your disposition and temperament!" Caleb pressed his nose bridge to stem his mirth "You were not in my diary for today. But here you are."

"Yes, because...."

"You pushed your way past security,..."

"For goodness sake! I did not!"

" the lobby you badgered the receptionist ..."

"I did not!" She repeated with a huff.

"... and demanded a meeting with me."

"I did not. I asked."

"A bully."

She blinked, and shook her head and murmured quietly. "I am not bully!"

"Google for a description, if you have difficult in understanding the term."

She huffed. "I simply asked your assistant if it was convenient to see you. She said you were busy, and she would check with you, if you had time, for a brief meeting with me." That was true. His assistant confirmed he might be available and checked. She mumbled, "She said you were available, for ten minutes."

"Fine." He nodded, because that was true, Annie told him that. "How did you get past our security details? How did you navigate the receptionist?"

"I just told them I wanted to see you. That I did not have an appointment, but just needed a few minutes for a personal matter."

He snorted. "I guarantee you did not tell them your reasons for this meeting or your demands?" Looked like she was going to be petulant. Going to be petulant? She had been petulant from the start of this meeting. Albeit coated with the guise of diplomacy.

She kept her chin up and her eyes open wide, when she said, "Demands? I have not demanded anything. I explained the situation and made a simple request." She sighed. "I just pointed out the issue and I asked you to reconsider your invitation to Melanie!"

The sarcasm was overt, "You present at my office, barely engaged in social chit-chat, and within seconds you insisted that I stop pursuing Melanie!" He studied her body language and knew she was seething.

Jena acknowledged that, she did approach this with no foreplay. But she knew she had only ten minutes, and she was so nervous, so she just announced her request without any preliminary social etiquette. 

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