Part 101

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A week later, Jena opened her front door and faced Caleb. Statue could learn from them. Breath frozen as they both stood and stared. Jena could not stop her from taking a catalogue of his features and his clothes. Business suit. It suit him. But it was the fact that his eyes sparked with, anticipation, she thought. Was that good news or not, she wondered. Of course she could not avoid him for infinity, especially as his sister works at her company. But what was he doing here?

Caleb took the time to take stock of her.  Casual and chic, he thought. But it was the concern and something else in her eyes that worried him. 

Eventually, Jena said quietly, "Mr Harland." She reminded herself that she had seen him with his girlfriend previously, and she could handle his presence at her home. A man who has the capacity to stir her from the inside. But she thought she could hand it. But dealing with it in her mind was different in reality.

He poked his tongue in his cheek before he said with a smile, "Mr Harland? A week ago I was Caleb, Jena. You are looking well."

There was a stand-off. She said nothing and removed any expressions in her face. In her fanciful dreams, they would be staring in mutual admiration into each other's eyes. But her dreams and reality diverged. Remember, stay calm, stay cool, she repeated her mantra. She needed to keep her head.

Caleb said nothing but the fact his eyebrows went sky high, she could see he was not happy with her stance or the fact she had not acknowledged his compliment.  Jena didn't move an inch. Just remained at her front door.

So eventually Caleb said, "I thought you would be at your office." His eyes roamed over her face, taking notes, taking pictures to store in his mind. This was unusual for him.

Pause. Again, she said nothing. No point reviewing her store of witty one-liners, because it would reveal her mood. At least, she'd managed to stop her heart from beating its way out of her chest. The question could she maintain her composure.

"Left wine at the office." He announced as if he was just a take-away-deliver.

"Why?" She wondered if Sophie had told him about Matt pitch today, on his own, seeking a commission from a huge company. And perhaps Matt was successful, and Sophie told her brother about this prestige booking. But Jena dismissed that, as she knew, her companywould not share news, and certainly not before the contract is signed. Todaywas just the pitch. And that was done by Matt, on his own, and if he gotthe company as their new client, the company would definitely would celebrate.  

His voice remained low and measured as he said, "We arranged that, instead of a date. Remember."

She nodded. "Yes. Sorry. Thank you." She folded her arms, he could have phone or leave a message at the reception, she thought. "If you left the wine at the office, why are you here?" She asked bluntly.

This is the woman he knew, he thought, blunt, direct. But was not expecting this frostiness. He said, "This is your share."

"My share?" Almost comically, Jena blinked.

"Yes. I left cases at the office for your staff."

The words were laced with more than a hint of puzzlement, "Cases?" She blinked again. She unfolded her arms, rubbed her forehead, "My share?"

"Yes." And he pointed at the case at his feet. "And this is for you." Caleb wasn't at all surprised to see the astonishment register in her eyes. And for some reason he was delighted to see he could remove her mask and with it gone, he could see her real feelings. She was definitely shocked.

Twelve bottles. Her imagination and her silent rehearsals had left her unprepared for this scene. He was giving her twelve bottles. Just for her.

He lifted the crate, and expected her to let him in. But she did not. "Jena, ..."

He brought a crate as her share, that is too much. And he could have left it at the office. "I can't accept that." She blinked in confusion and bafflement. She backed up one step, putting a bit of space between them.

This was not what he was expecting. He needed to see her. He needed an excuse to see her, and had practically run out of ideas, but thought this would work. "Why?" Caleb scowled.

Jena started to ramble, "I told you, Matt made the lasagna and he would appreciate a bottle or alternatively, you could take him out for dinner! Not bring me a crate and leave bottles at the office. One bottle would suffice! And I am sure Matt would appreciate it. This is over the top! Honestly, I think..."

Caleb held up one hand, his palm facing her, a silent command for her to stop talking. "I brought six crates. Sophie said she would tell your staff. Of course, Matt, like you will receive a crate. But Sophie said you had not been to the office this week, hence this visit. So I brought your crate here." He just hoped his excuse for this visit would pass the muster. Even now, standing at her front door step, it gave him an opportunity to see her. And he had missed her. Dreams filled with her. But seeing her in, was so much better.

"I don't have staff. We are colleagues." Jena told Caleb flatly, her eyes sparking with exasperation.

This woman never ceased to astonish him. "Ok. Sophie will tell your colleagues." He exhaled. "Fine, I left some wine for your colleagues."
Jena frowned, "And brought another twelve bottles for me? This is over the top."

"Of course it is not over the top! One bottle would not replace a date!"

She gestured showing her confusion. "Maybe, but we agreed on one bottle! Not 72 bottles!"

"One bottle would not settle the debt." He said quietly.

She stiffened instantly. Debt? The date would have been settled a debt? He could see the sadness followed by anger, which was confirmed by her curt response, "There was no debt." And she waited for his next move.

"There was, in my opinion." Caleb nodded at her door, came to the conclusion, albeit late, that he'd gone about this whole thing the wrong way, given she left him at her front door. "Can I come in?" He flicked a look at Jena, noted not for the first time her casual attire and muttered beneath his breath, how could a woman zipped up to the neck, could snagged his attention. Even now he was imagining lowering that zip! Ludicrous given this situation: she has a boyfriend, and he reminded himself, he does not poach.

"Why?" Again she folded her arms and quirked a brow.

"While I believe you can move this crate, but thought I would demonstrate chivalry!" He added a cheeky smile. But it did not help.

She shook her head, "I cannot accept this."

"Me carrying the crate to your kitchen, or can't accept the wine?"

"I can't accept."

Caleb exhaled, "Jena, you do know you are being stubborn!"


He snorted. "Jena I can remain here."

"That is your prerogative." She said bluntly.

"Do you want to tell me what is going here?"

"Nothing. You have delivered a crate, I am refusing it!"


She said nothing. Remained at her door. Of course she knew she was being obnoxious, and rude, but dealing with rejection was

He growled. "You are really stubborn!" 

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