Part 26

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On Friday, unlike his previous visit to her house, Caleb was late. Melanie was ready well in advance of his pick-up time of 6.30 and she did not want Jena to meet him. No doubt, Jena would bring up her invitation if she sees him.

The first time the doorbell rang, Melanie dashed to the door. Only to be met by one of Jena's dinner guests. Her less than enthusiastic welcome had been greeted with raised eyebrows before Jena had materialized at the door and welcomed her friends in. Melanie pasted a smile on her face and turned around and pranced away. Jena took her friends' coats and Jena whispered to her two friends, Ali, and Steve, a message that she'd explain later when her friends quirked a brow.

Jena had just finished introducing her friends to Melanie, when Melanie received a text from Caleb, to let her know he was caught in traffic and he was running a few minutes late. Feeling somewhat aggrieved, Melanie flounced onto one the settees and pretended to listen to Jena's dinner guests. Yes, definitely boring friends, Melanie thought as she feigned attention. The next time the doorbell rung, Melanie jumped to her feet and raced to open the door. Unfortunately for Melanie it was Kels, another of Jena's dinner guests. Again, Jena took Kels coat, and made the introductions between Kels and Melanie, when Melanie just stood and pouted. Again, Jena mouthed, "will explain later." Kels and Jena watched as Melanie resumed her seat.

"Just waiting for Kevin." Jena said and placed a drink in front of Kels when the bell pealed again. "Sounds like Kevin's footsteps."

Melanie sighed and did not jump to her feet. Jena smiled and she excused herself and headed for the front door. It wasn't her fourth and final dinner guest standing there when she opened the door: it was Caleb.

"Ah, oh, Good-evening, Mr Harland." Jena said quietly and was tempted to tell him that Melanie was not available. She also kept her hand on the doorknob, to ground her as her heart raced. Obviously her racing pulse was just embarrassment after their recent meeting. She knew that was not true.

His eyes skimmed over her. "Good-evening, Ms Silva." He grinned at her. She was tempted to huff. "You look lovely." She rolled her eyes. His eyes twinkled. He looked over his shoulder, and nodded at the four cars parked in the drive way and asked, "You're having a party? And did not invite me?"

Jena blinked, contemplated reminding him that he had been invited to the party. It was rather unlikely that he'd forgotten she was having a dinner party. Which confirmed what she had thought earlier, he had not been asked by Melanie. More evidence that Melanie thought she was dealing with sucker! Although Jena was not sure whether the sucker label applied to Caleb or Jena.

"Yes, a small dinner party." She told him with a small smile. Jena had no intention of cutting Melanie any slack. Two could play at this game. "And you were invited." She shrugged as if it was of no importance

"I was?" He frowned. Unlikely, he thought, he would have remembered it. He narrowed his eyes, "You invited me when we had our..."

Throwing Melanie under the bus did not matter to Jena. Jena interrupted, "No. Not me. Melanie said she asked you." She pasted another smile to accompany her next statement. Jena decided she owed neither Melanie nor the man standing in front of her any favours. Just a shame her heart was still racing. "Guess Melanie did not think it would be your scene, Mr Harland." Clearly Melanie had a bigger fish to fry. Jena thought about leaving Caleb at the door instead she rescued her manners and said, "Do come in, Mr Harland." She held the door open wide and gestured for him to step into her small hallway.

He gave Jena another quick once over as he stepped into her hallway. She was dressed casually, a long straight red linen skirt and a white t shirt. Bare feet. It was different to the ensemble she'd worn when she'd accosted him at his office. Then she'd worn a business suit, heels, and silk stockings. Her attire suggested the dinner party was a relaxed affair, given her casual yet oddly chic ensemble. She wore her outfit with easy grace and simple sophistication screamed class and poise. That registered in his mind. And his heart. Unexpected glimmer of attraction.

Jena noted his scan of her attire and did her best not to squirm. The man was probably used to his women wearing expensive clothes, and being chic. But, a, she was not his woman and b, she was too lazy to do sophisticated! She made the effort for business or client meetings, adorning one of several suits in her wardrobe, in order to look professional. In her office, or if she was going to help Mary or Sally she dressed informally. At home that went one stage further with casual swapped for comfort, unless she has company. And while she had painted her lips with a faint shade that seemed to match the natural colour of her lips, and her eyelashes were coated with mascara, it was understated. In any case, she knew her dinner guests this evening were all close friends, and would be wearing unfussy, laidback clothes.

People she had known for well over half her life, and they met up every month. Knowing that the meal would be sumptuous, the company would be gregarious, and relaxed, were not wearing their best clothes! In contrast, the man standing in front of her was clearly dressed to impress. His clothing shouted expensive, which added panache to his natural style. No wonder Melanie did not want to spend time with Jena and her friends, not when she could spend her time with this prime specimen.

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