Part 23

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Definitely, best to be crafty, give the culprits were devious! "Yes, a compromise!" Jena wondered why she was suggesting this, given this afternoon confirmed that Caleb and Melanie had the same values and clearly have lost their moral compass. They would not fit in with her friends. Jena had arranged a small dinner party for Friday night.

It was arranged well before Jena knew that Melanie was going to be staying for a couple of weeks. But at the time, it had not seemed a big deal. And at that time, she did not know Melanie's true character. In any case, setting a place for one more was neither here nor there. Her friends were easy going and would make Melanie feel welcome.

With a false smile, Melanie murmured, "A compromise."

This time Jena's smile was sincere. "Yes, of course. It would suit us. You. Me. And of course, Mr Harland." Aka menace she said in her mind. She could see that she had rattled Melanie.

"What do you suggest?" Melanie crossed her fingers and hoped that Jena was not going to suggest a double date. Melanie wanted time with Caleb, alone. How could she work on Caleb, if they didn't have alone time to move them from the friendship zone to girlfriend zone? The man probably thought she was quiet, demure and easily managed. But Melanie knew better. That's how she'd landed Tony. In their small town he was the best catch available. But here, in Wellington, well, he was ok, but nothing close when it came to status or position held by Caleb Harland. He was practically a celebrity. And Melanie thought she could fit in with Caleb's social scene.

Without thinking about it, Jena said, "Do invite Mr Harland to dinner."

"Invite Caleb?"

"Yes, he can have dinner with us. Here."

"Here? Us? Dinner?" Melanie nearly automatically said no!

"Yes. Dinner. Here. On Friday."

"Er, well..."

"I have friends coming over for dinner. If you want, I can invite him to dinner on Friday. Or you could ask him, if you prefer?" Came the suggestion. Though in reality, the mere thought of having that man in her house was sending Jena's heart into a tailspin. What would he make of her home? He only saw the front when he picked Melanie for their first date. And the front of her house was an acquired taste! And Jena was not sure his impression of her home would get any better if he came into the building. She loved her home's ambience. The exterior proudly bears the scars of an industry building, and the interior industry charm while maintaining the history of the building, was softened by furniture, fixtures and art works.

It was hardly in the same league. His, no doubt palatial, abode given his office suite was practically the size of her bedrooms, snug and bathroom in combination would be huge. Her home was small. Boxy. Simple architecture. But neither was it something to scoff at. She loved her home. Loved what she had down with building. Loved the interior décor. Loved the new addition, a deck that ran along the back side of the building.

It was a single story dwelling that met her needs. She loved its location, sitting as it did on the waterfront. And she loved its simplicity, even if it was acquired taste given its industry history. Nothing flamboyant about her home. But was beautiful. It reflected her character and nature.

She converted an industry building to her home. It was a conversion that took advantage of glass to bring lots of light into the converted old storage building from the side facing the water. Apart from its location it did not have any other significant features. It was just a huge box: concrete on three sides and glass on the remaining side. When it was listed for sale, it was not even classed as residential. The building was on a small strip of land, wedged between her office, and factories on either side. The land and building were behind her existing unit that housed her working space and living space. So when a sale sign appeared on the road, she strolled down the metal road to the site one day. She walked around the building, and reached a decision - with a bit of care, a bit like icing her cakes, she could turn this old dilapidated square building into a small home. Her home. It did not have to be big. After all there was only her to house. Assuming she could buy it, cheap! And hoped no one trumped her offer. 

Fortunately for her, there was a long drive from the road down to the building, and the narrow strip of land had not attracted any potential developer. Area too small for any new business ventures that required a waterfront and this particular strip could only be accessed through other properties, including her business. 

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