Part 3

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Caleb rubbed his face with his palm to hid his smile as he took note of her polite response, given she had forced this meeting. For some reason, he was enjoying this interruption. Again he banked his smile. For some reason, he found her behaviour fascinating. Not sure why exactly, but he was enjoying this skirmish. In the recess of his head he lodged the fact the woman had audacity and guts, and pretty. Well, actually really beautiful, but what registered was the fact she has courage and spirit. And her behaviour was fuelled by loyalty. That was important to him.

In one movement, Jena tucked an errant hair-strand behind her ear, reached for her handbag and got to her feet. The sooner she was out of here, the better. The strand escaped her ear, a bit like her intention to leave fast. Caleb eyes tracked over her face and watched as she again flipped the same strand of her hair off her face, but kept her eyes on him, and her expressive eyes revealed she was worried. Laced with annoyance.

Just a shame she had to check the position, but she really did not want to come back and rehash the situation with him. She swallow the lump in her throat. She was pleased with her tone and she was not quaking when she said, as if she was just confirming a shopping list, when said, "To confirm, I am not on your radar and Melanie is off your radar!" She muttered quietly, " So, job done, and I can leave." She nodded as if he had confirmed her assumptions she said loudly, "Lovely to meet you, Mr Harland!"

Amazing what success can do for your confidence. At least she had weathered the storm and the problem was settled in her favour. Thank goodness for that. She beamed. And Caleb's heart raced. Jena again, she flipped the same strand of her hair off her face, and said with a smile in her voice, "Good to hear that we agreed." Her eyes registered his eyes sparked. And it derailed her thoughts, "Er, emm, er, it was, er, nice to meet you." His eye brow rose. She gulped. "er, and sorry about not arranging this meeting before turning up at your office. Sorry about that. And your PA was very kind. Please thank her for me. And like, well, thanks for everything . Anyway, have a great day. Thanks for hearing my request. Obviously you have a lot to do. So thanks again. Bye. And, er, excuse me, Mr Harland." She was rambling, she knew.

He raised both eyebrows. Caleb was somewhat surprised by the woman's audacity. Though none of that surprise was visible in his face. It was as if she believed she simply had to speak something to make it so! And people thought he was confident? This woman could give lessons on pride and self-confidence. She'd bowled in, some ten minutes ago and promptly told him not to date her friend! And she did not provide any reasons. She just expected him to follow her orders. 

"er, Good bye." She mumbled and took a step away. Her pulse was racing. Palms were sweating. But at least her tone was calm. "As I said, thanks again. Excuse me. Good bye." She knew she was repeating herself. Someone needs to write a book of parting pithy shots to allow you to retreat with composure and confidence. She was pretty sure she was leaving an impression that she was panicking. Unfortunately that was true.

Caleb folded his arms. Clearly she believed she got what she wanted.

He poked his tongue into his cheek, and banked his chuckle. Caleb made sure he spoke slowly and clearly as he said quietly, "Excuse you, Ms Silva?" He took further inventory, well-defined cheekbones, sensual-lips, darkly lashed dark eyes and her eyes showing confusion. He snorted, "Seriously?" Not a shred of cordiality in that question.

Jena blinked and gulped. Ok, obviously not a quick hasty escape as planned in her head. A shame she had outstayed her visit! Apparently she had lost her marbles earlier otherwise she would never have considered this escapade. Who would consider this? Telling a grown man he cannot date this woman, is stupid, even worse, when the grown man is a stranger to you, her brain told her. And no point rehashing that she reminded herself. She folded her arms and tipped her chin in defiance, "Yes. Obviously." Here she was, thinking she had handle the meeting well, that everything was settled, and she was on her way out. Surely?

 "Really?" His questions squashed her musing.

"Yes. Of course." She caught her lip between her teeth and did her best not to quaking with nervousness. This really was a bad plan, her mind reminded her heart. Why come here? Why tell him what he can do, in his personal life. She was not a fool, but coming here, was a bad plan.

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