Part 37

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While Melanie laboured the point about the media and the number of calls she fended, Caleb took the opportunity to search online for the article. He was shocked when the article confirmed Melanie's story. Jena had an affair with a married woman, and the husband cited her in his divorce and husband spoke to the journalist and he was quote in the article. 

Caleb was furious. From the frying pan to the fire. From Melanie to Jena. 

He rubbed his face, while listening to Melanie confirming the article about Jena's affair. 

Jena had the gall to come to his office, ordered that he stop going out with Melanie because Melanie was supposedly engaged, but she had no qualms about having an affair with a married woman. The hypocrite, he thought.

It took a few seconds to realise that Melanie was still talking to him and had asked him a question.

"Sorry?" He asked quietly. He could not believe how gullible he was when it came to Jena. Clearly he was right in his office, when he told her that she did not meet his standards, because he would not tolerate hypocrites. He took a breath to stop him from shouting in frustration. Jena was smarter than he had given her credit for, he thought. She had flirted yesterday, because it was part of her nature. He was right in his first impression of her, when he met her at his office when he suggested she was there to take over Melanie's position in his life. Obviously stealing was normal for her.

"I was just saying, Jena will probably stay in, and we, Tony and I can stay at home, if that is ok until things die out. Or we can go out with you."

Caleb took a long breath, then said calmly "Probably best that we wait. Until the news fades."  He was having real difficulty because he could not reconcile what he knew about her after seen her in her home, seeing her with her friends, and her attitude did not match the story in the newspaper.

Melanie grinned, tasting victory. Clearly her plan was working. Melanie hoped that Caleb would suggest dinner, with just her. "I assumed you would not want to be involved in the shambles. As a celebrity, no doubt someone will recognise you, and will find out you were on a date with Jena, albeit a date with us, and you know how they would spin the story. I would hate it if you were involved in the fiasco that ensue because Jena had an affair with a married woman. But perhaps when things are put to bed, we could go out to dinner."

Another long pause. Caleb said, "Makes sense." Without even a semblance of heat permeating his words, he said, "When you and Tony next visit her, we can catch up, as you said, maybe we can have dinner." Or just avoid this group, he thought.

 "Of course." Melanie mumbled.

Caleb's voice was more strident, "Sorry, I have to go. Annie, my PA has just buzzed, my next appointment is here."

Melanie sighed. "Hope to see you when I come back." Melanie's bubble burst. But that did not stop Melanie trying to recover her position, "Obviously not this week. And again, thanks for taking me out."

"No problem. Have a safe journey back. Pass on my best to Tony." And tacked on, " And of course, to Jena." 

"Will do. Bye, Caleb."

"Bye." Caleb's clicked off. And again reread the article on line. Jena Silva had an affair with a model. A married model. The celebrity couple had three kids. 

 For a few minutes, he thought it could be another Jena. But the chance of another woman with the name Jena Silva. He checked. He put her name on the search engine, there were others, but not living in Aotearoa. Caleb rubbed his forehead, he could not match the woman he met and the woman described in the article.

He again rubbed his forehead, rifled his hair, he could not imagine Jena having an affair. The article did not match what he knew about Jena. Her attitude, her values, her actions and behaviour did not gel with the story. But given the story was in the newspaper, and assuming the newspaper owners did not want to face a slander case, the article would have to be true.
Caleb closed his eyes, and expelled a breath, "Fuck!" he muttered. 

He barely knew her. He was caught in the turmoil because his mind was focused on finding a wife! Logic vanished. Emotion took over. But then, she was not predictable in any sense and she was calm, gentle, and kind, that was the problem. She was nice! Really nice. What was revealed in the conversations with her and her friends and what was revealed in her behaviour, all hinted at a woman with positive traits: Honesty, generous, courage, humour, perseverance, polite, considerate and unselfish. No wonder she reeled him in. He was a fool. New lovesick fool, his mind reminded him. He got to his feet. And paced. "Fuck" He muttered. He was a good judge of character. That's why his business had grown. He knew people. He could read them. But clearly, given he missed read Melanie, and definitely misunderstood Jena's nature, obviously his pursuit for a wife was ruining his logic and thoughts. Time to rely on his head not his heart, because clearly his heart was easily misled. He was stunned. Obviously falling in love, or approaching love, ruins your judgement and reasoning and sense.

The battle between his mind and heart meant he could not removed Jena from his thoughts. 

She seemed more than able to take him on. He wasn't being immodest. Women fawned all over him, but he was good at sorting out the chaff from the genuine. Until now. Her approach had dodged his automatic-security-check. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Fuck" He paced over to the window. Staring into the sky, he was starting to accept that the article might be telling him the truth about her. 

Caleb came to the conclusion that he had seriously underestimated Jena on so many levels. And he came to the conclusion that he had overestimated his acumen.

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