Part 113

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She tried to peer, turned her head to the side, hoping to get a better picture of the man, "What makes you think he is journalist? How would he know we are here?"

"Probably followed us?"

"What, he as tracked you? Is that normal in your life?"

"In my previous life, yes, but not since I stopped. In any case, I flew in on a private charter, which suggests he was probably watching your office!"

Her eyes went wide. "That is awful and scary. Someone is watching us?" She exhaled and rubbed her forehead. "Well, we did want attention. But not on this scale." She sighed again. "Oh well, it is why we came here for this date, to announce a phantom friendship and squash that troll! Your life must be interesting!"

He reached for her palm on the table. "Believe me, this is interesting for me, for very different reasons." His fingers laced with her fingers.

"Well, at least it worked."

"You are not going to ask me about my reasons?"

"You suggested it that we go for coffee." She frowned and she withdrew her hand from his grasp. "This is the closest café, ish. There are restaurants on the main..."

"Jena. I think you have missed my reason."

"Fine, so, what is your reason?"

"A date..."

"A date. Obviously. You suggested a date, remember. A coffee date. That is why we came here."

"A normal date for the normal reasons."

"Normal reasons?"

"Yes. I wanted to go out with you. Simple as that. I just needed to persuade you!" His eyes twinkled.

Before she could challenge him, Lily appeared at the table. Jena rolled her eyes.

Lily looked at Caleb and then at Jena, "You didn't tell me you were on a date with a handsome man..." Lily pursed her lips, "called.." She waited for Caleb to fill in the name.

"Caleb." He got to his feet and held a hand out to her.

Lily smiled. And shook his hand. "Do sit." She took more notes about this man, "Anne said you were on a date." The small rotund woman smiled at Caleb, "Sorry, Caleb, Jena didn't tell me she was on a date when she volunteered to help us."

"It isn't a real date." Jena said. Lily frowned.

"Yes, it is." Caleb corrected.

"We are only here, because someone is trying to smear my name."

"How will a date with Caleb will help you?"

"Because someone is saying I am stalking him."

"You stalking him or the opposite? He is stalking you?"

"Well, it doesn't matter, we have sorted it." Jena got to her feet.

"What are you doing?" Caleb again got to his feet.

"Going home?"

"We have not done coffee?" He reminded. A few minutes earlier he thought his plan was working. Not just in terms of the journalist, but that it worked with her. He was enjoying this skirmish, but was not happy with the fact she wanted to leave.

"You had coffee and carrot cake!" She pointed at the crumbs on the plate.

"We," he emphasised, "We have not have coffee."

Lily put her hands on her hips and nodded at Jena. "You sit. Both of you. Sit down, Jena! Anne will bring..."

Caleb grinned. Jena pouted "Lily..."

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