Part 18

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Clearly she was not used to having her interruption halted in that way. He came closer, his lips twitched as he feigned a smile, "You may well think you are a perfect substitute. A novel approach." His eyes gave her a quick once over. Jena nearly blew out a breath in utter exasperation. But she held onto her temper and kept her growing animosity to herself. He tipped his head slightly to one side, as if weighing up the options, "Apparently you believe a woman of your experience is best placed to replace Melanie in my social life." She opened her mouth to interrupt but again he held up a hand to stop her from speaking, "But let me assure you, attractive as you are, and the fact I find your antics amusing, but contradictory to your statement that you know my "type", I simply do not fancy you!" His lips quirked again and smirked.

Jena would have laughed if there wasn't so much at stake. If she wasn't his type, then Melanie was even less likely to be his type. "Thank goodness for small mercies." She murmured, not bothering to keep her voice low.

"For the last time, Mr Harland, I do not want to trade places with Melanie. Ok? And for your information, I do not fancy you!" She added more loudly. "And you definitely do not meet my high standards!"

He tipped his head before he chuckled. This woman might not meet his standards but he thought he might like her! Loyal. Courageous. Feisty. Determined. Character traits that he valued. He watched, as the woman transition from beautiful to stunning as anger tinged her cheeks, and her exasperation was reflected in her eyes.

She continued, with irritation in her tone, she declared, "For goodness sakes! Listen to me, Mr Harland!" She held up a hand, mimicking his previous action. His eyebrows quirked at her command.

Again his lips twitched. Yes, this woman has traits that he likes. And he knew his statement that he did not fancy her, was a lie. The question rattling in his head, would this chemistry manifest in a possible sexual connexion. Something he thought he should explore. But not at this moment.

Jena glared, "I do not wish to go out with you."

"Oh dear. Are you sure?"

She stamped her foot in her mind, instead she said bluntly. "You do not meet my principles or my codes of behaviour!"

"A shame." He sighed theatrically, wriggled his eyebrows and suggested, "Perhaps if we kissed..."

She rolled her eyes. "I certainly did not come to your office to take her place. Let alone, to kiss you!" As if that was possible. The man was out of her league. She knew that. Caleb said nothing. Jena took a breath, and sighed, "I'm just here, to ask you, politely, not to take Melanie out again because she is engaged," He snorted. She ignored that and continued, "to Tony, my cousin. He is a lovely, charming, kind-hearted man."

"Look forward to meet him. He sounds delightful!" He smirked.

She said brusquely, "I told you, Melanie is engaged to Tony!"


"Albeit, not public at the moment."

"Not public?" He chuckled. " I am pretty sure, that there is no engagement either public or in private. Do you even have a cousin?" He questioned bluntly.

She huffed, folded her arms, and announced, "Clearly you have an issue with hearing!" She scowled at him. "Of course I have a cousin. I told you his name. Tony. And I have told you he is kind of engaged to Melanie!"

Caleb ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. "A, Tony is a figment in your mind. B, if he really exists, I doubt he is engaged to Melanie. C, you are here, to scupper my plans with Melanie! And more crucially, D, you want to replace Melanie."

"That is rubbish."

He ignored her interruption. "The easy option is to test that."

"Test what?" She huffed.

He took a step towards here.

Jena glared, then took a moment, and tried to find her self-control. "Look, Mr Harland, I am just here to appeal to your gentlemanly side. Assuming you can resurrect your gentlemen-side!" She mumbled beneath her breath, no sure if there was any gentleman traits in the man in front her. Jena squared her shoulders and resorted to begging, "Just please do not date Melanie."


"Fine?" In shock, Jena blinked. Well, at least begging worked, she thought. What a coup. Perhaps he did have real morals and ethics. Maybe the man found his integrity gene. Perhaps he was just teasing her for the last fifteen minutes, which is possible, given the laughter in his eyes. 

"Yes. Fine. As I said there is an easy option to test that." He smiled. The smile of a wolf.

She frowned. Another trick. Really, she thought, she should have invested in angry-management! Because this man was finding routes past her control.

"Test what, exactly?" She muttered.

"That if you replace Melanie, what are the chances of a sexual connection, when neither of us fancy each other!" He stated bluntly and while his eyes flashed with amusement. This really was an interesting encounter and he was enjoying this battle.

She threw her hands in the air. "For goodness sake. Stop teasing me! I am here to help my cousin's and not to jump from the frying pan in to the fire! My request was simple. Please do not date Melanie."

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