Part 30

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Just over two hours later, it wouldn't have been a concern for Melanie, had it not been for two facts.

First, it was early! Just gone half nine, which is why, when he'd escorted her out of the restaurant Melanie imagined he had plans for the rest of the evening. And he sounded happy when he suggested he would drop her at Jena's home. Melanie was not happy to see Jena's driveway was still littered with cars. Which suggested the dinner party was still in full swing. Melanie's mind was trying to find a way to manage the situation. She wanted this date to continue, but not here!

Melanie's annoyance and Jena's bother was banked, when Caleb and Melanie returned to Jena's home later that evening when Caleb had all but invited himself in for coffee! 

Unfortunately for Melanie, Caleb asked, "Looks like the party is still on."

"It isn't a party." Melanie muttered.

"It isn't?" Caleb fished for information. "You know the people attending?" Perhaps she would revealed if Jena has a boyfriend. Perhaps the man who reversed his car earlier.

Melanie clearly this date was a fiasco. She said, "Jena said she and her friends have a monthly dinner."

"I see."

"Tonight, it is her time to host it. Nothing special. Just a catch up." Melanie muttered.

"I assume they would not mind if you invite me in for coffee?" Caleb smiled.

Melanie really didn't want to offer him coffee, given Jena and her friends were still there. But given the way he phrased his question, it would be churlish if she did not offer him coffee. In any case, she wanted him to asked her out again. And so far, he hadn't suggested another date.

With her mood rapidly deteriorating, Melanie used her key and opened the front door and with Caleb close on her heels, they stepped into the house. The uproarious laughter they heard was coming from the dining room.

Typical, Melanie thought. Obviously they were having a great time, and no sign of it about to finish, like her date.

Caleb said with a smile, "Sounds they are having a good time."

Melanie did her best to hide her frustration, and just said, "I guess. Probably drunk!" She muttered under her breath.

Caleb and Melanie both heard Jena say with a laugh in her voice, "Hold that thought. I'll just put the kettle on. I need to work this stitch out." Then Jena emerged into the hallway, clutching her side, her eyes streaming with tears of laughter. She was in the process of dashing at her cheeks when she spotted Melanie and Caleb in the hallway. Either she was imagining this, or Caleb and Melanie were back, early!  She blinked, she had not heard her front door opening. Probably because she and her friends were laughing, with no restraint at all. 

She noted who was back, in her hallway and rendered the stitch all but a memory.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't hear the door." Jena glanced apprehensively at Melanie then Caleb. Then she flicked a look at her watch, perhaps it was later than she thought. Nope, just over nine o'clock. They were back early. Was that a good sign?

Once again, Caleb found himself amused by Jena's unconcealed look to check the time. She really had no regard for diplomacy. It was rather interesting that for most of the dinner his thoughts had returned to the woman currently studying him as if he was an unexpected, and unwanted, specimen. Of course she was an attractive woman, but that in itself was nothing to unsettle him, let alone have him fixating on her. The woman was a chameleon! Two hours ago she was banking her glare and now she was banking her laugh. And he was certain both were due to his frustration! He could see it in her eyes that she was bemused by the fact he was back in her house, early.

"You did say I could invited Caleb round for coffee." Melanie stated into the silence. It was a lie. He'd all but invited himself round for coffee, and only after he'd seen the cars in the driveway. Before that, Melanie was pretty sure he was simply going to see her to the front door and then leave. Things were not going to plan. "Is that ok?"

Jena did her best not to huff and instead, she just shrugged. "Of course."

She was not interested in why Melanie and Caleb were back. She sincerely hoped their arrival was not going to ruin an otherwise perfect evening. She and her four friends had spent most of the evening laughing and rehashing anecdotes. The night had been going well. Until the piranha and cockroach had returned. "I was about to put the kettle on." Jena announced with a great deal of feigned warmth. She looked at Caleb. "Erm, I am entertaining my friends in the dining room, but we were about to relocate to the lounge. Mr Harland, coffee or tea?"

"Coffee." Caleb smiled. "Call me Caleb."

Jena ignored that order. Instead she asked, "Melanie, coffee?"

"Yes." Melanie said "I will show Caleb the way." Melanie gestured for Caleb to follow her to the lounge and without waiting to see what the others did. Jena poked her tongue into her cheek to stem her retort. If her home was a palace, or at least with more than 6 rooms, then of course Melanie could show Caleb the way. And the lounge was just in front them. Jena watched Caleb and Melanie as they took the door to the lounge and kitchen. Jena with a roll of her eyes went back to the dinning room. 

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